“The Lord is Risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!” “He is risen indeed! Alleluia, Alleluia!”
The Gospel account for Sunday’s liturgy is from the Gospel according to Luke. The passage follows the encounter between Jesus and the two disciples who were traveling to Emmaus on that “third day.” At first, they do not recognize him as they journey along. When they reach the destination, Jesus sits with them at table, takes bread, says the blessing and breaks it. It is now, at this point, that their “eyes are opened” and they recognize him, whereupon he vanishes from their sight.
Those two disciples made their way back to Jerusalem where they find the Eleven. They announce that they have seen the risen Lord. The announcement is reciprocated as he has already appeared to Peter. Now the account continues in today’s reading. Jesus, once again, appears in the locked room. He offers them the greeting “Peace be with you.” Naturally they are “terrified.”