Priyanka Chahar Choudhary celebrated her 27th birthday on August 13 with her close friends. the ‘Udariyaan actress’ found herself on the receiving end of a delightful surprise orchestrated by her friends. The videos and pictures capturing the heartwarming moment have taken the internet by storm. The ‘Bigg Boss 16’ fame has a massive fan following. She has earned a lot of fans because of her journey on the show. The actress was also loved as Tejo from ‘Udaariyaan’ and her chemistry with Ankit Gupta won hearts. It wasn't just about the midnight celebration, she also got featured on New York City's Times Square. The lovely actress shared some fond moments from the celebration expressing gratitude to her fans. As always, Priyanka made sure to put her sartorial foot forward for her birthday bash. She can be seen wearing a stunning white outfit on her big day. The thigh-slit pristine white outfit has a shimmery appearance and feather-like detailing at the helm. She can be seen posing with her brother Yogesh too in one of the pictures. We then see her sharing an adorable moment with Ankit Gupta wherein the latter has embraced her lovingly in his arms. Take a look at the same. Priyanka Chahar Choudhary shares mushy moment with Ankit Gupta during birthday celebrations Photogallery at ETimes

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