GUWAHATI: With respect to the alleged high rates of fees being charged by some private schools in Assam, the Gauhati High Court has directed Dispur to find a solution to the imbroglio by having a meeting of the State's Principal Secretary, Education Department, and other stakeholders and also to apprise the Court as to what can be done.
This direction was given by the High Court after hearing a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) on the issue filed in the Gauhati Court (PIL39/2021) by Fazluzzaman Mazumder.
The issue raised in the present PIL is that in that the present COVID-19 pandemic situation, the private schools are still charging their usual fees from the students although classes are not running in the physical form; but only on-line classes are going on. Moreover, the students are also being charged under the heads for which no service is presently being provided to them in this COVID-19 pandemic situation.