Prison guards' union warns of staff shortages
By TPN/Lusa,
in News, Politics ·
08-05-2021 18:00:00 · 0 Comments
The Prison Guard Corps Union has warned that there is a shortage of 820 of these professionals to "guarantee the security and proper functioning" of prisons, following the escape, on Sunday, 2 May, of a prisoner from the Aveiro Prison Facility (EP).
"Following the escape of a prisoner on remand from the Aveiro EP last Sunday, the SNCGP [Sindicato Nacional do Corpo da Guarda Prisional] comes, once again, to alert to [the] insufficiency of staff in the Prison Guard Corps, a reality that cannot continue to be concealed. There is currently a total of 820 guards missing to guarantee the security and proper functioning of Portuguese prisons", the SNCGP said.