Bernard Hvozdovic Jr.
The Princeton Council unanimously voted Monday night to approve the hiring of the new municipal administrator, Bernard Hvozdovic Jr.
Hvozdovic, the current administrator for South Brunswick Township, will receive $220,000 per year beginning in January of 2022. This year his annual salary will be $210,000, pro-rated to reflect his May start date. Hvozdovic will start his new job on or about May 3.
The details of the contract were left off the council agenda on Monday night and were not revealed during the meeting. Council members said members of the public who wanted them could request a copy of the letter. The resolution the council voted on referred to an attached letter outlining the contact details, but, in fact, no letter was attached. Officials said the omission was inadvertent. Planet Princeton filed a public records request after the meeting and promptly received a copy of the letter. Public contracts are considered immediate access records under the state’s Open Public Records Act.