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Three candidates who are running for two available positions on the York County Court of Common Pleas all appeared set on Tuesday to advance past the primary to appear on the ballot in November.
At 12:10 a.m. on Wednesday, with 157 out 161 precincts reporting, Steve Stambaugh, 57, of Spring Garden Township, the owner of Stambaugh Law PC, earned 28,627 votes (41.4%), while Joe Gothie, 48, of Manchester Township, the owner of Gothie Law Firm PC, received 25,695 votes (37.1%) in the Republican primary, according to unofficial election results from the York County Department of Elections and Voter Registration.
Meanwhile, Suzanne Smith, 54, of West Manchester Township, an associate at Pugh & Cutaia PLLC, got 14,862 votes (21.5%) on the Republican ballot. She was the top vote-getter, though, on the Democratic line with 16,864 votes (61.3%), unofficial election results state.