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Hello and welcome, youre watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shah ahmedi and these are top stories this hour. The United Nations has warned that israel could be using starvation as a weapon in its genocidal war against gaza by blocking the desperately needed aid into the war battered strip. The extent of israels continued restrictions on the entry of aid into gaza together with the manner in which it continues to conduct a hostilities may amount to the use of starvation as a method of war, which is a war crime. The clock is ticking, everyone, especially those with influence, must insist that israel acts to facilitate the unimpeded entry and distribution of. Humanitarian assistance to end starvation and avert all risk of famine. The human rights chief also decide the rampant hunger in looming femin in gaza. He further lamented the words inaction in the face of what he described as manmade catastrophe despite the uns repeated alerts in the past months. The warning comes a day after a unbacked report said malnutrition and food insecurity. Have probably exceeded femine levels in gazas north and hunger linked deaths rates were likely to do so so soon and the gaza strip is a realing from endless israeli bombardment with its people remaining in a state of despair and agony. The regime has carried out fresh attacks across the territory and including in it where at least 14 palestinians have lost their lives. Theres no safe area, theyre saying that this is safe area, but there are no safe areas. Theyre hitting in every direction, they dont care about people, theyre hitting. Number of others were also injured in the air strikes on rafa in central gaza, israels artillery shell, the vicinity of both nutriat and refugee camp, several neighborhoods in gaza city were also bombarded as well. Israel unleashed its genocide in gaza early october, over 31,800 palestinians have been killed so far, most of them women and children, the war rages on while gazons are observing the holy month of ramadan emid severe Food Shortages and other devastating impacts of israeli bombardment and siege. Frances ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations has called on the Security Council to take action on the dire. Situation in gaza so far, the Security Council has only been able to adopt two humanitarian resolution, which by the way, are not implemented. This councils need to do more, to do it now, and take up its responsibility. It cannot wait any longer, so this is why france requested close consultation on the situation in gaza. Today we want the members of this council to have a honest conversation on which measures can be taken by this council to stop this conflict. Well, we are. Supposed to take different steps, now the emergency is to do what i just said, immediate scisfire during ramadan, release of hostages and full humanitarian access, so this is what the Security Council should do now, not next week, im talking about the next 24 or 48 hours, there is no reason to procrastinate further, no reason also described the humanit situation in the bish palestinian territory as absolutely catastrophic, he argued that this is not a natural disaster, but a war that should stop now, and that the Security Council cannot continue to procrastinate. France has been pushing for a cease fire in israels war on gaza, however, the 15 member un body has failed to pass resolutions due to the constant us vetos since the israelis launched a genocidal war on gaza early october, washington has vetoed three draft resolutions, two of them calling for immediate ceasefire. And in our News Review Program we discussed with our guests uh the growing calls including from france for a coordinated International Action to establish immediate cease fire in gaza. Lets take a listen. Assing upside is a palestiny scientist and author who joins us from bethlehem. We also have barry grosman, International Lawyer who joins us from ball indonesia. Gentlemen, welcome. Lets say, ill first start with you. The french ambassador showing to the un showing his frustration, saying that something needs to be done, but the eu as a whole is partly also responsible for what is happening in the gaza strip. Uh so that uh claim somewhat falls on uh deaf ears so to speak because they are the ones also partly responsible, but really uh it then comes to the us role in this whole genocidal conflict um isnt the us the one that also uh should be held responsible a large scale on this genocidal war thats taking place . Uh yes indeed thank you for having this discussion because its very very important uh the world has failed gaza, it has failed human rights, the un resolutions that have been made, israel is in violation of over 35 un Security Council resolutions um, including 242 and 338, which call acquisition of territory by force, illegal, and israel is occupying gaza and the west bank since 1967. And also the goulen heights, so israel violates un Security Council resolutions that are already adopted and thats not counting the dozens and dozens of un Security Council resolutions that the us vetos, as your report indicated, the usb tod at least three resolutions and they use threat of video on several others just in the past few months since the. This genocide, latest round of genocide started, so i think france is hypocritical in many ways, you know, they support israel, they supported financially, they supported with military equipment and weapons, they supported it at the un, in numerous occasions, so they cannot claim now suddenly that they saw the light or that they are calling for sess fire, if they are calling for a c they need to stand up to who prevents the seas fire and that is their pattern in the United States and they are not willing to stand up to the United States and instead what we see is more of the same and more genocide going on every day every minute and the world is silent would you agree with what our guest there says especially uh i like to ask you about what the french un ambassador said where he said something needs to be done now within the next 24 to 48 hours, who is he addressing that part of his statement too . Absolutely, i agree with what our colleague said, and i think it doesnt take much um imagination to appreciate just how hypocritical france has been. Mean, we can give credit what credits do, but basically passing the back back to the Security Council or even the. The icc without the icj without without taking a Firm Position in opposition to the players that are making all this happening. Rings rather hollow, frankly speaking, the level of political and institutional innersia in the face of this massive crime against humanity, which includes all manner of war crimes and of course, ethnic cleansing and genocide and all the rest is, its truly astounding, anybody whos still breathing only needs to uh make themselves aware of whats taking place in gaza a daily basis and in no small part in the west bank too, to appreciate just how outrageously unlawful the occupation is conducting itself situation, and really everybody should be standing up, every nation should be standing up and demanding se fire, without simply talking about you no, ask you, its its not good enough to say that hamas should release its prisons of war, when when the occupation has something in the order of 10 th00 prisoners taken unlawfully very often without any charges or trial or right of appeal, women and children and everything else, and i think somewhere in there there has to be a way to to reach a resolution, but if theres not is high time that nations started calling out the big players, namely the united kingdom, the United States and even france itself, and of course the court, as for the un, the fact that we still have Security Council with five permanent members that enjoy an absolute power of veto is outrageous, certainly that veto power should never be allowed to be invoked in order to stop, program to resolve what ultimately is a crime against humanity. Very well, thank you so much for that. We do appreciate your comments there. Uh, thats palestinian scientist and author, and thank you very grossman, International Lawyer from balley indonesia. With that we come to an end for this news review. A qatar warns that any Israeli Attack on gazas southern city. Frafach could result in atrocities much worse than the crimes already carried out in the beast strip during the past six months. We have cotioned and we will still caution that any attack on on rafah will make the humanitarian situation considerably worse and will result in atrocities that have not been seen before in this terrible uh crisis with the number of unbelievable atrocities that have taken place. We get an agreement on it that will focus on stopping the cuttery Foreign Ministry spokesperson whose country mediates between hamas and israel said attack on rafa could derail the negotiation process, alansari said doha is cautiously optimistic about the ceasefire talks that have now resumed, adding that, it is too early to talk about any results. Last week a mos Resistance Movement proposed a sixweek truth in which israel rejected, qatar said a counter proposal from israel could soon be presented to hamas, and the palestinian Resistance Movement, hamas says the israeli recent attack on the alshafah hospital was to cover up its military failures in the gaza strip. Hamas said the israeli army has only been killing civilians during the past. Months and has not achieved any of its declared military objectives. The group said the victory imagined by israel is a mirage and a distant dream thanks to the steadfastness of the palestinian people. On monday, Israel Attacked gazas largest medical complex, claiming that hamas members were using the hospital as a command center. Dozens of palestinians were killed or wounded and many more abducted during this latest attack, according to. Health ministry, about 30,00 people are trapped inside the complex. A palestinian has a reportedly carry out carried out a shooting operation near bethlehem in the occupied west bank. The israeli regimes army says two security personal have been wounded in the attack. Our correspondent mona kendall is standing by. To give us more information, mona thats right, the Israeli Military said that a palestinian arrived near the or at the gosh. Junction, its south bethlehem, its also the entrance to the palestinian city of al khalil south, the occupied west bank, and then he opened fire from very close range at the Israeli Forces there, and he shot and wounded two Israeli Security officers, as you have said its as the Israeli Military revealed, one of them is in serious condition, the other. Was has been shot and wounded and hes suffering from moderate to light once. The Israeli Military said that Israeli Forces opened fire at the palestinian shoulder and neutralized him. Then later the israelies said that this palestinian man second to his injuries so he was shot and killed. The israelas are saying now we are receiving actually new statements, the Israeli Military is saying that this palestinian man is from the northern the occupied west back specifically from genine, so the palestinian who carried out the shooting as the israels are claiming is a palestinian who came from gen northern the occupied west bank, we have to wait until revealing the identity of course of this palestinian man, because these are statements coming from the Israeli Military, we have to mention that since this of october, this means that the Israeli Forces have killed 436 palestinians here in the occupied westbank, the majority of those were shot were shot and killed during military rates, others were killed at Israeli Military checkpoints whether during carrying out antiisraeli operations or even they had been shot and killed on your suspicions. Thank you very much, our correspondent moon candel with the latest updates from the west bank. And moving on, yemens army says it has targeted an American Ship in the red sea and fired missiles at israeli positions as it keeps up a retaliatory operations against the us and israel, the neighbor forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against the American Ship mado in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. The Missile Forces also launched a number of winked missiles at israeli targets. In the omal rashrash area in southern occupied palestine that thanks to allah have successfully hit their targets. Yahya sorry, the spokesman for yemens armed forces vowed yemen will continue operations until the genocidal onslot on gaza stops. The yemani armed forces have repeatedly attacked israeli linked ships in the waters around the country and attempt to get the regime to stop. The genocide of gazans. Recently, they also have targeted american and british ships in retaliation for the two countries aggression against yemen. The us and its allies have accused yemen of attacking global commercial shipping. The un Security Council on monday issued a statement condemning yemeny attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. Yemens Foreign Ministry reacted to that saying that the unsc move reflects the body submission. To americas interests and its support for the israeli genocide in gaza. It also blasted the council for its inaction towards the daily massacre of palestinians. And tensions remain high along lebanons southern border, as hezbollah resistance fighters are engaged in clashes with Israeli Forces. In a recent development, the Lebanese Resistance group says it has carried out fresh operations against israeli targets north of the occupied territories. For more, we are joined by our correspondent in beirot, mariam sale. Mariam. Yes, of course for hezballahs operations against Israeli Military targets continue unabated. Uh, and weve noticed that today, it was quite noticeable that hezballah was focusing more a military personnel uh today specifically, and the last of which was in the uh baracks of berkatrisha where they said they targeted a group of soldiers, they also targeted a group of soldiers and entire israeli unit actually in the barracks of branit or in the vicinity actually of the barracks of branit since hazballa has basically targeted almost all of the israeli post all along the border uh and so therefore now they are looking more for the movement of soldiers in the vicinity of those baracks uh we had the uh the barrack which is one of the biggest baracks, we noticed that hazbullah had two different operations uh in that area specifically, they said in one of their statements that they used guided. Missiles to target a military logistic vehicle, they also mentioned and they seemed to confirm that there were Israeli Soldiers inside the vehicle and surrounding that vehicle and those guided missiles seemed to have struck their targets quite precisely, which uh left scores of Israeli Soldiers either killed or wounded, that was also confirmed uh by hazballah statements, hazbolah also targeted infantry uh in the area of the. As well, in addition to another group of soldiers that was targeted near the area of mediki. Now of course israeli shelling continues and weve noticed especially recently with the fact that the israelies have lost their database, they are not going further as they did in the past, for example targeting balbak, targeting areas that are further in South Lebanon, theres a lot of shelling in areas that have already been shelled, and were looking at for example the border area. Of jabal, shab, you have certain areas that were not targeted, you have more houses that are targeted on daily basis and destroyed, but you also have places that have already been targeted like the valley for example of ofqura for instance and other areas they have been targeted once more by the israelis in addition to the natural life that continues to be uh also shelled and bombarded very heavily by the israelis we also had more attacks israely targeting in and addition to ad andal as we mentioned before, those are the bordering towns that are usually under heavy israeli shelling, and this seems to prove that the israelies are not pushing forward anymore, they are incapable of doing so, we hear that lot from hazbillahs officials stressing that the israelis are definitely deterred more than any time in the. And now with the anniversary of the 1978 invasion of lebanon, how smoothly the israelies um entered South Lebanon, despite the fact that they of course demolished and destroyed big portions of South Lebanon before entering, still the difference now is very obvious and how the israelis are almost incapable of stepping one foot and bringing in one soldier into inside lebanese territory. Thank you very much for that update, our correspondent maram saleh joining. Us live from beirot and iran is marking the 73rd anniversary of the nationalization of its oil industry, that was a turning point in the political and economic history of the iranian nation to save the National Treasure from foreigners. Fatma massumi has more details. On march 20th, 1951, members of the Iranian Parliament passed the bill introduced by the countrys democratically elected Prime Minister Muhammad Musaddiq to. Nationalize irans oil industry, the groundbreaking initiative put an end to britains fourdecade dominion over irans oil industry. The britainowned Angloiranian Oil Company enjoyed a monopolistic control over the industry and paid only meger portion of the revenues to the iranian government. Nationalization was call for independence. If you go back then the iranians, the entire public realized that this move was not about economy. It was about independence and go the the musaddiq movement was very popular within, the entire world realized that it was about gaining independence from a colonial power that controlled the economy and from, mean based on the economy control, the political spectrum within iran. When the then government of musaddiq put the nationalizing of irans oil its agenda in april 1951, acts of sabotage and conspiracy again the country were enhanced, the American British coup in august 1953 against musads government was part of the plot, basically the british were plundering iranian Natural Resources and oil was at the top of the list, iranians began to protest and there was a growing social movement in the country to nationalize iranian oil. When that ultimately happened, the british impos sanctions on the country. To what happened after the revolution in iran. After the victory of the islamic revolution, iran achieved significant milestones in the petroleum industry. These include the discovery of numerous oil and gas fields and expansion and extractable oil and condensate reserves, a rise in Oil Production and extractable gas, and the discovery of new oil and gas fields. Iran was the first country in the west asia to reclaim its oil industry. The iranian nations move proved to be of great. Importance in giving rise to the antiolonialist tendencies all over the region and set a trend for other countries. Fatih massumi, press tv, tehran. And that brings us. The end of this edition of world news on press tv. Thank you for watching, stay tuned, ill be back in half an hour with some more news. Crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the. Lily lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. Israels war of starvation against palestinians. Iran has come a long way to gain independence in the Defense Industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. Its warships, speed boats, missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal, have caught many countries in the world by surprise. But as military experts in top brasse, this is only tiny fraction of irans capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. Watch for the details in this documentary. Its a special time for britains 3 million muslims. The fasting hours along up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. Ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense in the sense that its about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. Ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and selfrestraint. But ramadan isnt just about. Selfsacrifice, its about sharing food with your family and friends, its about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims and its about showcasing the beauty of islam to the nonmuslim majority living in the uk. Being involved in a Community Helps me to understand the Muslim Community even more and to be able to share that with my Community Back in the states. The essence of iranian culture. Noruz is the single most Important National festival of the iranians inherited from ancient times. A celebration of early spring. Noruz is all about hope in the worst of time. No ruse or the new day will finally come, no matter how harsh or cold the winter is. It ushers in the loveliest season of the year with joyous festivities. التجريبه التي في فاضيه صدامه المجيده وام المعاريده. Kuwait was the main financier of saddams war against iran, but saddam is calculated. Kuwait was not like iran for the United States and the west to remain silent in the face

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