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Hello and welcome everybody, its 11 30 am here in the iranian capital tehrani, watching press tvs world news, our top story for this half hour, israels genocidal war in the gaza strip is now in its 160th day with a regime pounding the blockaded territory with more air strikes and artillery fire. Israels latest strike hit an honoral Aid Distribution Center in the Southern City of rafa leaving five palace. Palestinians dead. Israeli forces also open fire a group of palestinians waiting for eight in northern gaza, killing at least six people and injuring over 80 others. A regime areaid targeting house in jabalia refugee camp killed at least one civilian leaving several others injured in rafa, two civilians were killed and some others injured after Israeli Forces bombed their vehicle. Gaza Health Ministry says nearly 31,300 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed so far in the israeli genis. Since early october of last year, over 73,00 others have also been injured. The usisraeli campaign of killing and destruction against gaza continues, adding miseries to palestinians even during the holy month of ramadan. People eight starved gas are forced to break their fast in the rubbles of their bombed out homes. Last ramadan was great, but this year it isnt, lot of things are not there anymore, my sisters, my family, or house got destroyed, there is still people under the rubber and youre still not pulled out, this house was the childrens dream, their toys and everything is lost, there is nothing that we can offer to the children, no food or meat or anything that they need, we only eat soup and cant food, a can of beans, we are tired of cant food and we get sick because of it, my son keeps telling me that his stomach is hurting him because of can food, we have cant of meat that even cats cannot eat, there is no place that i can go to, there is no shelter, no school, there are many diseases that are spreading in schools and i was worried about my children so i said we come back here to the house where i used to live and where i had a dream and when my children also had a dream but it became a rubble. Last ramadan i had all my neighbors and loved ones over, we used to sit and spend nights together, but this year there are no neighbors or loved ones, theyre not here anymore, its only me and the children left sitting here and we dont know what will happen to us. A vessel loaded with food is gradually heading toward gaza mid growing calls to deal with dire humanitarian conditions in the besege. Palestinian stripped, the vessels sent by a spanish ngo is towing a barge with 200 tons of food aid. Its set sale from a port in cyprus on tuesday. Meanwhile, Cypriot Foreign minister said second aid ship with a bigger capacities being prepared in lanaca port. Israels bombardment and ground offensive has reduced much of gazs infrastructure to rubble the onslot continues unevated. On wednesday, the main aid agency in gaza said an israeli strike hit. One of its warehouses in the Southern City of rafa, killing at least one staff member, the dire Food Shortages causing malnutrition and dehydration in gaza have already claimed 27 lives, most of them women and children, or rather most of them being children, International Aid agencies say the current aid entry cannot address the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. We were earlier joined by journalist and activist khalid barakot with us his perspectives a gazabound humanitarian aidship, well the problem with these initiative. Is that it it comes as a replacement of ending the siege and opening the crossings, which is what the palestinians want, they want to see rafah crossing, kam abu salim and other crossing open, there are thousands and thousands of trucks full of aid and waiting to enter, but israel is refusing to do that, and at the same time the europeans, the americans and some of even ngos are complicit in this, they want to show that uh we can starve you to death, and at the same time they you know, they want to keep palestinians, you know, in need of it, and today, for example, the United Nation have met with palestinian heads of tribes in gazza and they have listened to a unanimous united palestinian positions. That people in gazza support the resistance, any air that comes to ghazza has to be in coordination with the palestinian resistance, and on the ground, i mean if the resistance doesnt want any of these vessels to inter razza, they are able to do so, but the resistance has been very careful in term of looking at these initiatives, they are being also very realistic because they understand that people are have. Reached in in in reality a starvation, i mean people are dying of starvation, and this is because of us position, United States is responsible for starving the Palestinian People in gaza. Israeli forces have carried out new raids on several cities and towns across the occupied west bank, number of palestinians were abducted from ariha where Israeli Military had blocked all entrances with heavy troop. Before rating the city and two refugee camps, earlier we were joined by our correspondent and to give us more details. Unfortunately, Israeli Forces are raising palestinian areas day and night, at this time the Israeli Forces stormed the refugee camps oftan and they arrested at least four palestinians from the from the area and up till the moment. Military is sending more soldiers to deploy at the entrances of the city of ariha. Its not clear why, because when the israel has started their genocide on the goza strap, the city of ariha and the refugee camps had been completely closed for several weeks and palestinians were not able to enter or to leave the city and its refugee camps. Its not clear why the israeli. Military is sending more soldiers to deploy at the entrances of the city, however the operation is still going on in sultan refugee camp in ariha. In colandia refugee camp, the Israeli Forces stormed the outskirts of the refugee camp and there has been reports of exchange of fire between palestinians and Israeli Forces that continued for at least two hours at midnight and the same thing happened Israeli Military sent more reinforcements around the refugee camp of palandia, we have to mention that the refugee camp of palandia is located to the south of ramala city and at the same time its adjacent to the Israeli Military checkpoint of palandia that palestinians usually use in order to enter alcuts. The leader of lebanons hasbillow Resistance Movement says. Israel is incuring significant losses in terms of military personnel in gaza and lebanon and its army is worn out and tired on all fronts israel is very tired army and let us to see that they are exhausted. Killed or wonded is huge number, and there is a unity that the numbers are much higher than what the israeli army is actually announcing, some are saying three times, some saying four times, speaking in a televised speech, that israel is covering up its military losses and is experiencing severe shortage of soldiers, he said the regime has resorted to recruiting thousands of uh people even from the Ultra Orthodox Jewish community nasa. Said in the Northern Front the regime is imposing strict censorship on information about its losses in terms of soldiers, military vehicles and other assets. The hezw leader noted that senior israeli experts and former ministers have admitted to strategic and economic losses that the regime is suffering. Naso also commented on the United States support for the regime urging washington to halt the israely aggression instead of him uh helping it. Regarding the conflict in gaza, nasola said, the regime has los the war as it has failed to achieve its declared objectives including eradication of hamos. When it comes to the israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu is somewhat the poster boy for israeli politics. His premiership, however, has been heavily criticized a variety of fronts putting him at odds, not only with the israeli population, but even israels closest allies, like the us, some of you even gone as far as saying. His policies have put israel at risk, like the us israel genocidal war. Lets see whether these points are true or not. When it comes to the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyao, hes known these days not for his successes, but rather for his failures. Hes failed at many endeavors that hes undertaken, and as a result, perhaps, like other time, israel finds itself. Not only an existential threat from the outside, but also from within as well. Going into the usisraeli genocidal war on the gaza strip, israels Prime Minister Beniamin Netanyahu was already a week footing. Hed already lost three elections forcing him into a coalition with extreme far right politicians with extreme ideas like the judicial reforms, which led to some of the biggest demonstrations israel. Has ever witnessed, and actions against palestinians, like uh, alsa mosk, descecrations and administrative detentions. Moving to what was described as the worst intelligence failure in israels history, and quite rightly so, operation alaxsa flot exposed israels weakness on many fronts. Some of those, intelligence failures included underestimating hamass capabilities and hamass intentions. Overestimating the effectiveness of israels Security Services and disregarding its own intelligence warnings. The us israeli genocidal war waged against palestinians had two goals, yet netanyahu and his Regime Forces have failed in achieving any of them. For one, the goal of eradicating hamas remains as elusive as ever. The Israeli Regime has actually lost 350 of its own forces, though. That number is believed to be lot higher. The other failure, the release of uh the captives out the 136 remaining ones, 52 were killed as a result of israels continued bombardments and as matter of fact, on hamas, a recent annual threat assessment compiling Us Intelligence has warned that israel will be challenged by hamas from many years. It said that israel probably will face lingering armed resistance. From hamas for years to come, and the Israeli Military will struggle to neutralize hamass underground infrastructure, which allows insurgents to high, regain strength and surprise Israeli Forces. Thats of course, quoting that report, the push by netanyahu to continue the genocidal war with the support for the us has eroded israels International Standing in a big way. One way that is evident is uh through the boycott campaign, which has seen many countries, and particularly muslim countries uh to boycott name brands like cocacola, starbucks and mcdonalds, leading to massive layoffs and loss of income. Another more visible move, largescale antiisrael protests, which have happened in almost all corners of the world a weekly basis in some countries, and even israels strongest backer, the us president joe biden, has said who is a fervent zinanist is realizing how the us is slowly becoming Collateral Damage to netanyahus belligerant policies. The us president has accused netanyahu of harming israel more than benefiting it due to innocent lives being lost. Warning israels Prime Minister that invasion of rafa would be a red line and to go as far as saying this could spell a u. S. Police policy shift against israel. Israels economy is also a downward spiral due to netanyahus insistance to continuing the aggression. Israels gdp has suffered negative 20 contract. With accounts so far for the loss of between 51 billion to 100 billion dollars. Credit Ratings Agency moodies has downggraded israels Credit Rating while israel is having a labor force crisis unable to fill vacancies in key sectors like construction, agriculture and of course the key tax sector. The us intel report, we mentioned earlier points to. Other failures by Prime Minister netanyahu, which may point to his time in office as being limited. The report said, the mass civilian casualties have hindered efforts for israels normalization with arab countries, like saudi arabia in particular, it said that distrust in netanyahu and protests demanding his resignation will persist well after the aggression is over, which may leave, which may rather may lead him to leaving. Office and finally israels genocidal actions against palestinians in uh this genocidal war led by Prime Minister netanyahu couldnt be more on display when it was brought before a court of justice, the International Court of justice cited israels multiple violations like genocide, occupation, settlements, Movement Restrictions and illegal detentions, it even went as far as questioning the legality. Welcome back, italys judicial authorities are considering the extradition of a palestinin man who is arrested without charges over a month ago on request of israel. Five weeks after his detention, the man is now being charged with alleged terrorism. Plans, israels extradition requests is now being examined by an italian court. Max chivyvely reports from rome. Ananyaesh is a 37yearold palestinian citizen from tulkarm in the occupied west bank and a former member of the palestinian Resistance Movements. During the second palestinian intifada in 2006, anan who was just teenager, served four year sentence in israeli jails as a political prisoner and anan holds a valid italian resident permit for special protection since 2017. Anan yes was arrested without charged by the Italian Police on january 29 on an extradition request by the Israeli Regime which Italys Justice Ministry acquisted straight away weeks following annans arrest on march 11 is now being charged with terrorism accused of being part of a terrorist cell that was allegedly planning attacks on israel civilian and military targets. Italian investigators have used elements provided by tel aviv to charge anan and two other palestinians of allegedly belonging to an operational military structure called the Rapid Response group, which they claim to be linked to the alaxa brigade. There are countries like italy that are totally subservient to the us and its allies. This results in our authorities absurdly arresting a nan for being survival to israel. Nature of torture other ill treatment of palestinians convicted or a waiting trial in israeli prisons and would risk being tortured if extradited. While Israeli Citizens are subject to israeli civil and criminal law, palestinians are subject to a military court system. Annanyaishs lawyer flavio albertini also argued that the charges against this client and the other two palestinians were politically motivated, referencing italys Prime Minister georgia melonis stonch support of the Israeli Regimely press tv. Iran, china and russia have kicked off the main phase of a joint Maritime Exercise in the iranian territorial waters located in the north of the sea of oman, and the first phase the drills, different units of Islamic Republic of iran navy, the Islamic Revolution guards core navy, along with naval forces from russia and china conduct different types of Maritime Exercises. Iran, russia and china have conducted the main phase of a joint naval drill dubbed Maritime Security belt 2024. After arriving at the northern part of the indian ocean, the vessels of the three countries practiced different operations. The joint drills took place in 17 thousand square kilometers of water in a region that is an internationally crucial hop for energy and trade traffic. The first phase of the naval drills included live firing at Designated Surface targets in the sea of oman. Various vessels and fast attack crafts from the irgc were also involved. In the exercise, the vessels were armed with the state of the art home grown advance weapons, the next phase included the photox exercise and offensive formations. The helicopters of the Islamic Republic of iran navy and the irgc monitored the region in all stages of the exercise. Irans Navy Commander hailed the exercise as successful endeavor to improve Maritime Cooperation of the contributing countries. The commander also said that iran expects the drills to expand in the future, this year, as we expected, regarding the types of vessels participating in the exercise, both china and russia have increased the variety as well as tonage of the vessels, so hopefully we expect more countries to join the drills in the future, especially regional states. Admiral iron also stated that regional nations have the capacity to confront piracy and terrorism by enhancing cooperation. The exercises are the latest in joint drills by iran, china and russia. Iran says regional countries are most welcome to take part in the drills that are going to take place in the future. The Islamic Republic has time and again stressed that regional countries are the ones that are truly in charge of establishing security in the region. Press tv, cornarak. Thats a wrap for now, but weve got plenty more to come here on press tv, stay tuned everybody, bismillah rahmanirrahim. A gaza cease fire during the holy month of ramadan appears increasingly unlikely after hamas delegates left cairo talks without an agreement accusing israel of thorting efforts put forward by mediators. Meanwhile, the scientist war cabinet deliberates the possibility for potential security. Relations across various fronts during the month of ramadan from gaza to the invasion of rafah extending to the front with lebanon. On the ground, the Israeli Occupation army has expanded its operations deep into the gaza strip, intensifying battles in the cities of hamad and khan unis as a prelude to entry into rafah as the resistance reemerges again in northern gaza. Cease fire talks falter this week on the meast stream. We want an end to all us military aid to israel. اطلع هذا مش منظر هذا بنوديه كله ل الكبار السن والاطفال هذا ايش هذا كله. In late 2023, south africa filed case at the International Court of justice, icj over the israeli apath regimes genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. South africa stated that the televive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. South africa filed the lawsit against the Israeli Regime at the end of december, noting that israels actions in gaza that started last october are general

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