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A this is press of world news, a live broadcast from tehran, with me your host najafi, welcome. Palestinians in the gaza strip see no ease in their suffering, as the israely bombardment and siege continue even during. The holy months of ramadan, here is the moment when a new air rate targeted the Southern City of rafa, the regime strucked the central city twice, killing nine people and injuring number of others, nine also lost their lives after trooper once again open fire on eight seekers in gaza city. The death toll from the general war on gaza since october 7th stands at more than 31, most of them women and children. Of people in the warrid in coastal broke their fast on the first day of ramadan on monday. The sacred month has started while gazans are grappling with severe starvation. Most of the residential buildings being reduced to rubble. Now weve spoken to our corresponsab in the central casa citylla and he says that israely war planes continue attacking residential buildings and met worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza. The israel ocubation forces are actually committed more massacers over the last night as here in balah city the israels destroyed another residental building in the eastern. Part of city, the israel ocupation forces destroyed another residental building in alkarara neighborhood located in the eastern part of khan city, at least 11 palestinian dead bodies were extracted from the robel of that destroyed houses, that destroyed house sorry, and when it comes to the other areas of gaz strip, the israel the israeli occubation forces also continued their strikes against khan city and against rafa city another residental building was destroyed in rafa city particularly in. Genena which is located in the eastern part of rafah city and even in khanuni city more palestina residental buildings and more uh houses were blown up by the israeli ecubation forces of particularly in hamas city and the surrounding area of hamas city which is located as you know in the western part of khanuni city however in gaza city the israeli incubation forces also committed another opponing massacre after targeting the in Palestinian Civilians who were gathering near al kuwait round about waiting for the humanitarian aid. Addition to that, jabalya refugee camp was subjected to heavy bombardments after the israeli warer blanes waged several air strikes against the zental areas and when it comes to the catastrophic humanitarian conditions as you know that uh these uh these these these conditions are uh unfolding more and more with ramadan as the people here are trying and are grabbling actually to have meals for iftar and for sahur and they do not have any real access to those uh to those meals as as you now that gaza city particularly and the northern part of gaza strip are still suffocated by the of israeli s on them as the israeli incubation forces are still preventing them from having a any real access to those basic humanitarian needs. Un secretary general antonioter in a message uh and the beginning of the whole month of ramadan has called for immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip to honor the spirit of the month. Today marks the start of the holy months of ramadan, a period when muslims around the world celebrate and spread the values of peace, reconciliation and solidarity, yet even through ramadan, even though ramadan has begun, the killing, bombing and bloodshed continue in gaza. My strongest appeal today is to honor the spirit of ramadan by silencing the guns and removing all obstacles to ensure the delivery of lifesaving aids at the speed and massive scale required. Atistle carrying humanitarian aid for palestinians that said sale from a port in cyprus and is now on route to the bige gaza strip. Its being sent by spanish ngo open arms. Its carrying 200 tons of food to gaza, the this is aimed at opening new sear of eight to gaza where the population is on the brink of famon due to the israels genocide and blockade. According to the world food program, the risk of famine is increasing by the day, gaza is facing the worst food crisis in recent history, and more than half Million People there are suffering from catastrophic hunger and starvation. At least 27 palestinians have already died of malnutrition and dehydration in gaza. No respit from israeli violence against palestinians whether in gaza or elsewhere. Regime troopers have taken the lives of three more palestinians in the occupied west bank. Among the dead is young woman who succumbed to the wounds. She sustained during his really raid on area near the city of janin. There were two other deadly raids north of the city of tuolkaram in one of them the Regime Forces shot a 25yearold palestinian. The other raid took place near the town of atil where under cover israelity troops killed a man. Since october 7th, the occupied territories have been. Witnessing intensified rates by the regimes forces, hundreds of palestinians have been killed, and thousands more abducted in the west bank in over 5 months. Now of course joined us earlier from ramala uh with details regarding the latest israeli rates in the west bank. Israeli forces disguised as palestinians or as arabs. Did the towns or area between the towns of allar and z northern tkaren and they succeeded, this d divan unit succeeded to murder a Palestinian Muhammad mustapha jaber 32 years old, originally from the village of arabi in jimin, the israeli litry claimed that this man muhammad was on his way to carry out and anti israeli operation inside the lands that that were occupied 1948, so jaber was inside one of the shops there when the duve divan unit, the undercover units arrived at the area, and they claimed that he had a gun and that he had opened a fire at them before he was shot and killed and of course his body was confiscated by the israeli forces, several. Hours later, another palestinian samed to his injuries. The palestinian paramedec said that a palestinian was seriously injured and was transferred to hospital also in the same area. Several hours later, the Palestinian Ministry of health revealed that tafiq hussein also from the from jin was was short wonded and then secn to his injuries. In late 2023, south africa filed case at the International Court of justice, icj over the israeli apath regimes genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. South africa stated that the televive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. South africa filed the locit against the Israeli Regime at the end of december, noting that israels actions. In gaza that cited last october are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. We have a special guest to discuss the topic today. Hes none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. Francis moloy. Thank you, mr. Ambassador for your time today. Thank you very much for inviting me. Its a pleasure to be here. Welcome back, the deputy Political Bureau chief of the Palestine Resistance Movement has held talks with the secretary general of lebanons movement in beirot, i mean this is really honest lot on gaza. Khalil al and nasralah discussed a wide range of issues, including the recent developments in gaza and the occupad west bank as well as sefire negotiations. The meeting came with both Resistance Groups have been fighting israely forces at different fronts. Since the beginning of the regimes genocidal war in october, asballah has exchanged fire with the Israeli Military in support of palestinians in gaza. The Resistance Group says it will stop at. Only if the regime stops its deadly aggression against palestinians. Meantime, the israel regime has a staged series of new air strikes on lebanon triggering retaliatory rocket attacks from hezballah against the occupied territories. According to labanese officials, is ready strikes said the eastern city of balback canas vicinity, some of the rates targeted area near the city of taraya, 20 kilometers west of balbeck, in response as well fire more than 100 rockets at israeli positions in the akubait golen heights and galili region, no emit reports of damage or casualties from hezbulahs strikes, this is the first that israel has pounded eastern lebanon since the eruption of exchanges between the regime and hisballah, the resistant movement has said it will continue attacking israely targets until the regime stops its genocidal war on gaza. The Israel Military has recently staged aerial rates even on residential areas in lebanon. We were joined earlier by our correspondent in laban. She provided some details about the latest exchange of fire. In israel and hezbolah, they do target uh, balbag and eastern lebanon, in the vicinity the cities of taraya and balbak itself, we know that there was total destruction of the buildings that were targeted, and one person has been killed, previous time, also it was more of an open area that was targeted the previous time, like agricultural lands, there was some sort of a residence there, but that also let to the killing of two hazbillah members and now with this in place, it seems that hizbullah has basically become impatient with the israel presumptuousness when it comes to how they are targeting at lebanon, the fact that theyre trying to put lot of pressure on the resistance and on lebanon itself with the fact that you do have some opposition, uh from hizballahs political foes uh when it comes to hizballahs supportive front for the resistance inside gaza and for the people of gaza and so it seemed that this is why hazballah had in retaliation launched some uh were talking about more more than 50 rockets that were um witnessed or that were reported in some areas the israelis are talking about more than 100 rockets from on two different rounds a group of rockets uh was against the galila region, another salvoy was against in the Golan Heights and it seemed that they many of them landed and struck their targets and how that will play out also is another surprise, the number of rockets that hazbullah is showing day by day seemingly increasing and targeting areas that are further off, yesterday for example uh they targeted areas in the Golan Heights uh more and more and so it seemed that for hazbullah they are basically unifying the land when it comes to how they target and what they target, the Islamic Resistance in iraq says its performed the retaliator operation on benuran airport deep inside israely occupied territories. The umbrella Resistance Group says it targeted the Strategic International airport with a drone at devolved to continue operations against what are called enemy strongholds and that in support of the people on gaza and in response to the genocide against palestinians. Since last october, Islamic Resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israeli positions in the occupied lines, its also attacked us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, retaliation for complicity and the genocide in gaza. Now Yemeni Armed Forces say they have hit yet another us ship in the red sea vowing to step up Maritime Operations in support of palestinians. The naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against the American Ship pinocchio in the red sea with number of appropriate naval missiles. Affirmed that their military operations will exclate during the month of ramadan in support of the oppressed Palestinian People in the gaza strip. Now the yemini strike has been confirmed by us central command, but it claims that yemani missiles are not impact the vessel and cause no injuries or damage. According to santcom, us forces scattered out six retalatory attacks destroying and onmand underwater vessel and 18 antiship missiles belonging to yemen. Tensions have run high. In and around the red sea over israels genocide in gaza, yemen has for number of times targeted israeli link vessels in the crucial maritime lane for trade. In response to antiisraeled operations, the us and the uk have repeatedly launched air rates against the arab country since midjanuary. The emimini Armed Forces Say that despite the aggression they will continue operations in solidarity with gaza. The islamic movement. Nigeria has held a protest against the massacer of innocent palestinaans in gaza by the Israel Military. Protesters marsh in the us embassy in the capital of buja and stage as siden. A correspondent tajum abdullah has report. On the first day of the holy month of ramadan in nigeria, the islamic Movement Held a rally through the streets of the capital abuja in a peaceful protest against the massacre of innocent civilians in the protest match took the demonstrators to the gate of the United States embassy where they sat down and submitted letter of protest condemning the israeli genocide in gaza and us involvement in the killing of innocent palestinians. America is one of the the major party in this uh killing of innocent female and children in gaza. Since october 7th, today they have killed 31 more than. At 1,0 innocent people, majorly female and children in gaza. The demonstrators blame the United States and british governments for using their influence to block a Un Resolution calling for sease fire. They said every decent government has condemned the Israeli Terror attacks on the palestinians, but the Us Government has continued to support the mass murder of innocent palestinians. They are killing. Female and children, they are, they are imposing starvation on innocent female and children, babies have been seen under robus crying inside blood, you we see lot of fathers carrying lifeless body of their children kill by israelits, anybody that has concent for humanity should come out today on the street and show his solidarity with palestinians, the demonstrators burn the us and israeli flags as the islam tel avivs regime impunity. And the silence of the international community, many muslims in nigeria believe that israels continuous killing of palestinians in gaza on the eve of the holy month of ramadan is a clear proof of the regimes disrespect for islamic sanctities, the protestants here are urging war leaders to pressure israel to end the masaka in gaza. Abdullahi, press tv, abuja. Now in our News Review Program weve discussed increase in pro palestine rallies and events across the world with youth in the spotlight. Heres what our guests had to say. Id like to welcome my guests to this news review. Our zoom alie, cofounder of Islamic Human Rights Commission out of london and master. Islamic Human Rights Commission out of london, thank you both for being with us. I like to start off with ours do, i mean your take, were continually seeing these western governments that support the Israeli Regime, but at the same time we see these growing movements among the people, especially the young people, and this particular case, were looking at more and more action taking place on some university campuses. And i think its again as always every time we see this very very positive uh sign frankly to stand up to what in austria has become a really really problematic state so just to give context um its 20 years or more that austra has shifted from being almost a model for uh muslim state relationships in europe to kind of disastrous situation which is almost as bad as germany perhaps the same perhaps worse where expressions of political identity or political activism or any kind of political thought by muslims is being cracked down on quite heavily now in that context uh sort of islamophobia has been leveled against not just muslims, but anybody supporting palestine, so for people to go and do this, its both brave and courageous, but its also a fantastic sign that people are fed up now the overpolicing of Civil Society and the complicity by state institutions or institutions like universities an ongoing genocide that we are witnessing minute by minute. Well, your thoughts, are we a transition point, because for many years we saw basically a lot of apathy um in uh lot of these western societies, but with the situation has been happening on this genocide for the last now almost five and a half months weve seen more and more people become aware not only of the Israeli Regime about the israely regime but also aware about their own governments and how they are complicit uh not only in supporting the regime but also in controlling their own citizens uh rights and right to speak out and right to protest. I mean, your your thoughts on that. Youre absolutely correct. I mean, the fact is that there is a fantastic awakening among the general public in the west, be europeans or United States and elsewhere, where people are really seeing the truth and the the bizarre sort of situation that this genocide is being. Unleashed day in day out in our Television Screens and everywhere else, we are seeing it, we are feeling it, and we are being mobilized and we are being awakened, and this is on one side, and the other side these sort of establishment and the governments and these regimes are really starting to show their true color, few years ago they. Were claiming that they are democratic, they were claiming that they are champions and flag bears of freedom of speech and the human right etc etc. Now you see between 70 to 80 of people in the west are actually calling for immediate cease fire, while the governments are supporting the genocide, they breaking their own rules, they breaking their. Own principles of freedom of speech or association or assembly, well thank you both for being with me on this news review arzumir cofounder of Islamic Human Rights Commission and masud shajure on the Islamic Human Rights Commission out of london and thank you viewers for being with us on another news review this is forest. In this weeks show well be inspecting the role of zinus spirings on Us University campuses who are using covert methods to stamp out criticism of israel and crush pro palestine student groups. Directly recruiting students on campuses to spy for hostile foreign state to pass the information back to israel so it can then be weaponized and so in particular uh people are docs their personal details are given out they try and stop the getting careers or jobs or or the to remember. Their posts in universities for example, so its its very much a um Covert Intelligence involvement in campus politics, the growth um the numbers of students from all backgrounds who are joining these movements, but this the growth in their strength and bravery and in their willingness to confront and challenge a more sophisticated way than id seen in 23 years. In this weeks episode of ewantech were checking out lapscale Nuclear Wastewater treatment system that uses activated sludge and membrane biorereactors to filter out the impurities in the Nuclear Wastewater including uranium and other. Heavy metals, dont miss it, the times are written below. We must not become part of south africas problem, we must. Remain part of their solution, we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa, damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites, i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes, more than 1,000, 1,000 innocent lives lost including at least 20. Sev americans, these guys make, they make alqaeda look pure, theyre pure, theyre pure evil, i said from the beginning, the United States, make no mistake about it, stands with israel, United States stands with. In late 2023, south africa filed the case at the International Court of justice, icj over the israeli apath regimes genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. South africa stated that the televive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. South africa filed the lossit against the Israeli Regime at the end of december, noting that israels actions in gaza that cited last october are genaus

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