Suffered from exploitation by imperialist powers. Now still on matters of technology of transfer, africa, a continent abundant in minerals holds the key to the worlds transition to a low Carbon Energy future. Now exploiting critical Green Energy Transition minerals comes with challenges and opportunities. The export of Raw Materials has left the continent poor. Now countries are working on their mineral value chain. Technical knowhow is critic. If mineral Value Addition is to take root in africa, so what are african countries doing to build local capacity for mineral Value Addition . Hello, im Mubarak Hania and this is africa today. This week we are focusing on irans academic cooperation with uganda that has seen dozens of students from these east african country obtaining scholarships to study in iran. The second part of our show is on how african countries can take advantage. The high demand for Energy Transition minerals available across the continent by implementing Value Addition initiatives. You can be part of this conversation by sending us your comments through our social media handle. Iran uganda academic cooperation. Irans president ibrahim raisi visited uganda last july as part of his threenation africa tour. During the visit president neoveri musavini called upon iran to consider investing in ugandas oil and gas sector specifically by providing assistance in the development of the countrys oil refinery. President raisi responded to the request by the president of uganda saying iran is ready to transfer its knowhow in the oil sector to uganda. Now as part of this transfer of Technology Program iran has granted scholarships to guinan students to study in iran for more on these scholarship program, we have contacted his excellency majid safar, irans ambassador to uganda. Thanks, mr. Ambassador for your time today. Thank you so much, thank you for giving me this opportunity again to talk about the bilateral relation between iran and uganda, especially regarding education. Now the Islamic Republic of iran has granted scholarships to ugandan students to study in iran as weve heard. Now this is indeed a commendable. Step now mr. Ambassador, can you first of all elaborate on the number of students involved and the fields of study . Yes, please, you know, in this round of cooperation, educational Cooperation University of the Islamic Republic of iran granted Something Like 70 scholarships to ugandan students, among the the subjects, that the these students are going to study in ahlalbad university, most of the subjects are you know engineering and that is very important and interesting, the courses are like construction engineering, megatronic engineering, computer engineering, which is which are very important for ugandan students these days, also we have uh some social sciences and Something Like international relation, political relation, laws in some subjects of the law, also women studies and and management, commerce management that are very important for ugandan students these days, and we know that the uganda students would be happy for their studies in the issue of gender parity is quite. Important both in uganda and in iran, therefore iran also pays special attention to women while awarding scholarships to foreign students. Mr. Ambassador elaborates on this. The number of students are seven. T 70 and among them around 20 to 25 of these students are among the the ladies and it is very important for a Community Like uganda and these ladies will study also among them and most of them are going to study in albed university for engineerings computer engineerings and also construction engineerings. And also megaatonic is among them and it is very interesting from this point of view. Iranian universities are ranked highly globally. Recently the Islamic World Science Citation Center released the World University rankings 2024 report which includes 69 iranian universities compared to 63 in 2022. Iranian universities are gaining popularity due to the high. Academic standards and for sure many across the world will want to study in iran. Now mr. Ambassador, iranian universities, as we know, are among the best in the region, so what criteria was used to award these scholarships . The organization which we cooperate with them to nominate the students, had advertised, they have advertised this scholarships in different medias and they receive so many applications. From different part of uganda and so many people have sent their documents, educational documents to that organization, and then among them they have selected Something Like, i think close to 200, 200 students and then they have nominate and presented their documents, educational documents to the embassy and we have, we have sent those documents to tehran to ahlul Bait University and by considering the the degrees, their qualifications and different subjects that was important for the university, they have selected Something Like as ive said 70 students and this this is very important, we didnt we didnt present these you know scholarship. To selected people and this is very important and the most important thing was the level of education. Ugandan officials have ad students awarded scholarships to live responsibly and use the opportunity to better their lives in addition to receiving education. Now mr. Ambassador, what is your advice to these ugandan students who are already in iran pursuing your studies . The program for these students to see them off while you have been going to departure from uganda to tehran, i have told them that you should try to do your best, because the universities in iran are in very high level, you will receive high level educations in different fields that you want to study in iran, therefore we are sure that you will be another person regarding the level of your education and you should be very helpful to ugandan community. And try to to help the people to to work in in the subjects that you are specialized in and to cooperate with the other for example Foreign Companies to cooperate with them and try to bring the level of your activities in in uganda while they are studied in universities, they are high level educated people in different subjects the. Before they can create job opportunity. The bilateral ties between iran and uganda are expected to expand, especially after the successful visit by irans president ibrahim raisi to uganda last year. And now our last question uh, mr. Ambassador, how will these scholarships boost iran, uganda, bilateral relations, especially in the economic sector. As you have mentioned, and referred to the visits by the president of the Islamic Republic of iran to uganda in the meetings between our two president s especially president musavini refer that we want to cooperate with iran for example in refineries we need refineries and iran is very professional in construction and installation of the refineries and there are Iranian Companies that are ready to go. Operate in uganda and to to have some sort of activities in uganda and then if we have iranian refineries installed in uganda then we have the possibility to export. Crued oil and then to produce different type of you know oil products which are necessary uganda market and they are importing now and even we can we can refine the ugandan crued oil that in near future would be explored and also the ugandan are trying to export their crued oils we can help them in these fields and refined. Refining the crude oil is also very important and Iranian Companies could be helpful in this field with uganda and not only to use it inside uganda but to cover the regional market all of this type of cooperation needs people are professional in these fields and this type of educational cooperation between iran and uganda would be much much hell for in very near future well id like to thank ambassador. Majid safar irans ambassador to uganda for his insight on the scholarships awarded to ugandan students who are already in iran pursuing their studies. And now to continue our discussion on the Academic Collaboration between and africa. We are joined by Hussein Abdullah nigerian phd student at the faculty of biology, university of tehran. Thanks lot for. Your time mr. Abdullah, now first tell us what motivated you to pursue your studies in iran . The reasons for coming to iran for study are many, but the most important is the influence of my friend who came here to study in uh Tehran University of medical science in the name of professor rogo who came here. And study, he has already explained to me a lot of things about the capability of the iranian education and its quality, and therefore i felt very, very interested to be here and and study in this very Important University of tehran. Lets now talk about academic standards, mr. Abdullah, how are the academic standards at the university of tehran and iran in general . Considering the fact that you also studied at high ranking nigerian universities. What i can say here is that of course uh the standard of education here in the university, most special in the university of tehran is very very very good. Now the quality of life and social integration is also important for foreign students in any country. Now mr. Abdullah, hows life in iran and would you recommend other students to come . And study here, the life in iran is relatively good in many, many aspects, although there are some economic sanctions that is been inflicted on the government and other individuals, but still people due to the good governance, people feel the presence of government, especially in the f of transport and food subsidy that is being provided. Okay, now our time is running. Now also our last question, mr. Abdullahi, briefly tell us what suggestions do you have for improved academic ties between iran and africa . Due to the fact that there are some similarities between iran and africa, but due to this similarities, it is very, very important for the nations of africa and to have a cooperation, educational cooperation with iran in the parts of education, because any National Development is dependent on the education or Education Development of the country, so therefore we are supposed to have very good understand education so that our nations are develop developed. Well, i would like to thank hasan abdullahi, a nigerian phd student at the faculty of biology, university of tehran, we now take a short. Before the next segment of our show on africas Strategic Minerals, stay with us. Africas Strategic Minerals, information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. They do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. Daniel hardway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin opens a window to palestine. To understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects. Do not miss a window to palestine. Africa is rich in Strategic Minerals such as lithium, graphite, boxite, manganese and cobalt, all essential. For modern technologies, however, harnessing the value these minerals requires investment in infrastructure, innovation, and Sustainable Practices and developing the local industrial fabric. These were some of the topics discussed at the African Mining indaba 2024, that was held last february in cape town. The term indaba comes from the zulu language, which means a meaning to discuss a serious topic. This year, the indaba is dedicated to the capitalization and development of mining in africa. South african president sri rama maposa addressed this Worlds Largest Mining Investment conference. He said that the vast majority of minerals that are key to the global Energy Transition lie beneath africas reach soil. The vast majority of the minerals that are key to global Energy Transition lie beneath the soil of the african continent. As you. Had my two brothers articulating earlier, these include manganese, iron or copper, cobalt, nickel, and the platinum groups metals as well. Africa has the potential to be the full crum of the global Energy Transition with mining at its core. To discuss the Mining Sector in africa, we have contacted matthew parks, the acting National Spokesperson and mentary coordinator of the congress of south african trade unions, kosatu. Africa is now at the forefront of a transformative era as the world shifts towards Sustainable Energy sources. The continents rich minerals reserves are emerging as a prerequisite for the Global Green Technology revolution. Our first question to matthew parks, do you think there is enough political realization across uh africa on the immense potential of the continent holds. In transforming the world, no, we dont think so, i think in most countries across africa there isnt enough focus on it, theres not enough focus on many Economic Developmental issues or on the r the state should play trying to grow the economy, but i think if you look at the the reports, most african countries really dont focus much on the issue of not just exporting raw minerals, which they do, but on beneficiating on investing in them locally. Finish you to export finished raw product, so most african countries really dont spend much time focusing on that if to be honest. There is no doubt that africa needs to tap on the continent Strategic Mineral wealth for development, particularly by adding value by Processing Minerals before export. Theres a need to to to to one to look at beneficiating to appreciate the importance of doing so, but also to kind of put in place the necessary investments from the state side to help facility. That to also create the partnerships between the public and the private sector to ensure that does happen as well as it does also require the states to put in place for example tax incentives or legislative requirements so it can happen, i think theres a need for the state just to take a much more proactive and much more creative approach because almost all african govern have really played little more than lip service to this issue developing countries especially in. America which posts 19 of global mineral reserves needed for evs stand to benefit from the green boom if they can process the minerals locally. Zimbabwes government banned raw lithium exports in 2022 as it seeks to get more value from the mineral. Zimbabwe president emerson m. Gagua speaks during the opening of lithium processing plan in the country. Lithium is the mineral of the present and the future. Hence. Its beneficiation and Value Addition by prospect litium zimbabwe will position our country as an image. And competitive player in the Global Lithium value chain world over. Now despite facing sanctions from western countries, zimbabwe took this historic decision to process lithium in the country. Mr. Packs, whats your take on this . No, its a positive decision, its a decision that other african countries should look at and to see how they can um emulate that that example. South africa has also made similar. Cause commitments to do so previously as well, so its a positive example, all african countries will look at it, for minor Petroleum Exports for other exports, its an example of other countries across the world to do whether its in the middle east or asia and something we should really be looking to to do, not just have it as a commitment but actually implement it as well. Speaking during the Worlds Largest Mining Investment conference, south african president ramaphosa spoke of persistent challenges impeeding mining performance. We are all accurately aware that we face strong headwinds and number of persistent challenges are impeding mining performance. Globally, Commodity Prices are volatile, high energy prices, the geopolitical tensions that continue to prevail. Around the world continue to cause enormous challenges and the global cost of living crisis is also playing a significant role in dempening the business operating environment and now next question to mr. Pax, what in your opinion are some of the challenges south africa faces in its Mining Sector . The challenge one is to actually to put in place the necessary infrastructure to beneficiate locally, to put in place Necessary Technology and the skills, the business partnerships to where the resources, the Financial Resources reduce as well, it also means to create the the export markets too, um and really its we havent done that um and i think we really need to find a way to make it profitable for business to do so, but i think also just to kind of compare them, but not only that. I think also put in place tax incentives to help make it even more attractive for them, because there will be some cost, but also to put in place the necessary tax penalties if they dont do so and also the legislative requirements for them to do so as well. A bloomberg nef study recently noted the cost of manufacturing lithium ion battery precursors is three times lower in africa than in the united states, china or poland. There is concern that multinationals are not doing enough. Have to transfer technology to african countries, i think simply because maybe they find it easier to do so in the countries where they set up operations, perhaps the view african countries is being unstable, but also find that the own countrys governments and shareholders put pressure on them as well, but again i think its just another additional reason why we should also put a bit of effort into it. Since the days of the slave trade and colonialism, we have seen frequent and successful. Attempts of hampering Economic Development in africa. Experts believe use policies on critical Raw Materials show the intent of renewing colonial cycles of exploitation and subordination by exploiting africas mineral resources. Now our last question to mr. Parks, will africa really be able to free itself from exploitation at this time when the world needs green Energy Minerals that are mostly in a. Africa, if we dont show leadership, then those patterns will continue, it really requires governance to be much more thoughtful, to be much more forward looking about the con contest development, because the content has not developed much since independence, over 60 years ago, and yes, we can blame the west, thats fine, the west is doing within the west interest, africa also needs to do whats in africas interest, and most of the african governments for many years have just not paid attention, have been happy not to do it, so i think it requires a leadership shift. African countries to take this thing much more seriously, otherwise we will continue to stumble along as poverty stricking content, and we simply need to look at the examples of many other countries china or south korea, japan or malaysia, really shown even other countries across the middle east too, to take control the resources and to use it in a way which benefits that country, longterm socio Economic Development, our resources are not unlimited, eventually run out a particular. Mineral or Petroleum Resources and i think it shows the smart governments pair for that economic transition and i think of most african countries are not doing so. So when the this commodities booms take place, they just simply go for the shortest route, often the the least profitable route, and its a really missed opportunity. Well, there you have it, only forward looking leaders will enable africa to rip the benefits presented by the global need for Strategic Minerals in the continent. And that waps it up for this weeks edition of africa today, its always great having you watch the show, you can watch this episode and all our previous shows on our website pressv. Ir. Thanks lot for watching and goodbye for now. When i first heard that in this weeks episode of erantech were going to be going into radio. Manufacturing facility, i wasnt super excited at first, but now i have to say didnt know uh the surprising amount of nuance that goes into manufacturing these radiators, so join me as i venture deep into this facility in this weeks episode. Your headlines here on press tv israely forces once again kill gozlins waiting for a trucks as regimes indiscriminate attacks claim more civilian lives across a blockated enclave. A un expert says israels launch a starvation campaign against palestinians by destroying the gazas food system. And the Islamic Resistance in iraq targets israels military barracks at rash pina airport in the north of occupied territories in support of the palestinians of gaza

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