Refuse to support the muslims, they are supporting the americans and the israelis, muslims, allah is sufficient for us. After the power outage, om ramadan went to the kitchen to figure out a way to prepare breaking the fast meal for the family, despite the severe lack of ingredients. As for abu ramadan, he was out in the market, looking for any available ingredients. I am going to the market to buy some vegetables to break the fast for the children. I hope we find it open. You know the way there, and people feel afraid of going to their farms and collecting vegetables. Most of the vegetables we have come from the south and people feel afraid of coming to the gaza city. No one went to his land because they feared to be bombed in their lands or have. The market is closed, the market is closed, there are no vegetables, i dont know what to do, you think you can manage by anything at the house, okay goodbye, im frying vegetables, im making fried potatoes and sick plants to break our fast with them, today my husband went to the market and found it closed because of the war. I am preparing food now using what i found in the house. Abu ramadan returned home to help his wife prepare the Fast Breaking meal. And other things, but what are we cooking . We are cooking potato and egg plants to break our fast, we are frying them to prepare our breakfast, we are listening to the news of our land, houses and children, we are being destroyed while arab countries are just watching us and watching series and movies. See how the water supply is, there is water in the tanks, the water supply is weak and cannot go up to the tanks. This is how abu ramadan and his wife prepare the meal in their house. As for the families that stay at the school, they only have. Have a small electric device they use for cooking, the Israeli Occupation started firing by tanks, we could not sleep that night, allah is sufficient for us, they killed our neighbors and destroyed the houses on them, what can i say, im frank potato in the school, we have high morale and our men and fighters are strong, thank god, if we have the weapons we will liberate. God willing, we will pray there, the food im preparing is fried potato and some salad, thank god for everything, what shall we do . My name is camilia cohal, my family consists of five members, my husband, three children and i. We were having breakfast when the area behind the house was hit after a while the missile hit the house itself, the kitchen, bedroom and living room. All damaged, nothing remained in the house, it was all destroyed. The tin fell on my son and he is injured now. He is in pain because of his head. I have other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless, i hope there will be a cease fire or something. I have no place to stay at and nobody is helping us. The entire arab world is just watching us. Camilia lost her entire house and settled with her children in a sheltering school. As for abu ramadan and his family, they have their own twostory. Ground floor and another upper floor. The house got hit by Israeli Occupation drones which caused huge damage in the upper floor, making it unlivable. I was breaking the face with my wife and after we were done eating she took away the leftovers and went to wash the dishes. She came back here while i was watching tv. I was watching the news about what was going on in our country and what happened to people. I was standing near the window when the missile hit the house. With the explosion i fell on the floor and could not see my daughter or my husband. I did not think i was home, but i thought i was at school and the stones were falling on us. We flew off the mattresses and i was moved from here to there. My daughter fell here, something. Like fire entered the house and exploded. It was a missile. I got up looking for my wife and daughter and found them here. My daughter was hidden injured and bleeding. We all became wounded. The ambulance took us. My daughter and i were injured and shrapnell hit my husband in his back. Look at this, how could we become like this . We should leave this life. So this is the kitchen, look at the destruction and at the bedroom, look at the furniture, heres my bedroom, look at it, look at the shrap now. See how the missile hit the neighbors house and destroyed their glass and their kids, this is unacceptable, this is my bedroom hit and bombed, we had breakfast and said the evening prayers, then wanted to have some rest in our room, the missile hit the place and look at the glass, and our clothes and our condition. The closets and the beds are damaged too, if we had remained here for more 10 minutes, we would have been killed, we would have been torn of glass and of the rocket and its fragments, is that a part of any religion . What do you do . Is that because we demand our rights or demand our homeland or we defend our dignity . What was the crime we committed . Why did they come to our land . Why . Look at this destruction, the guest room. The decoration of the ceiling fell down. I was going to have a shower and thank god that i didnt have one. Look at the bathroom, look how it was destroyed and even the door. There is nothing good in the house, how would we live here . See how the door was broken. Allah is sufficient for us, while we were with abu ramadans family in the house, we heard explosions everywhere every now and then. There was another explosion. Sometimes planes hit us and sometimes tanks. What did we do to them . Can you see the fire a neighborhood . They killed the people and burned the houses. Allah is sufficient for us against the Israeli Occupation. Look at the sky, it is black because of the fire and of what they fire on us. They are cowards and. Not go out of their tanks, their chiefs tell them to kill themselves, but not surrender to the palestinians. They tell them that they should not be imprisoned. Kill yourselves, but do not turn yourselves in. They and their army are cowards. They fire missiles and kill innocent people, and hit hospitals and masks. They destroyed every mask. Abu ramadan and his family did not want to stay any longer inside the house, so they decided to leave before. Something disastrous happened, lets go out as they may bomb the house, lets go to the school, planes are firing missiles all day and night, listen to the sounds of the planes and tanks. Because of the continuous heavy shelling and the fear of becoming a target, all family members rushed to the sheltering school thinking that their whole house would be bombed any moment, because garzans know the drone missiles are guided missiles of the f16 fighters. Which could destroy the house, were afraid that they bomb it and destroy it, we do not belong to hamas or to, but may allah protect them, we support everybody, all the muslims are our children, my son and his wife were in the apartment during that, what shall we do . They targeted the mask while the prayers were inside. Mosks and churches did not survive the bombings. They destroyed everything and no one is safe. Why is that . Is it because we have what is their right or because we want to live dignified on our land and in our homelands like other nations. The right of this land is ours, and they took it. Where is our land that they took . Inside the sheltering school, which houses tens of the expelled families from alshajah and alzaitu neighborhoods, people are living moments of waiting and fear, some are watching the plains in the sky, while others are following the smoke coming out because of the continuous shelling in the gaza strip. Others could not enter the classes, they prefer to stay out in the corridors or the School Square, because the classes are crowded with women and children. Four families live in one classroom, our family, alghazali family, aldahsan family and arafat family. There is no enough room in the refugee schools, but we should support each other. My husband and i have three children, we are now in the streets, my husband and i sleep on one mattress in this class there are about. This is what the image looks like inside. School, the displaced families from the eastern borders of the strip live inside the school, when the sunset is close, people start to make movements, everyone is busy preparing the requirements to break their fast, gathering some food and drinks, the same as for abu ramadan and his family. To the sounds of explosions, the fasting people break their ramadan fast, some of them have their meals inside the classrooms, while others eat in the corridors because there is not enough space. They have started balming now, they will continue this the whole night, we could not sleep last night. And im still awake till now, we took refuge at the anrwa schools because they provide protection in wartime, were not supposed to be bombed there, however we may be hit in this unra school, they fire random missiles and dont care what theyre hitting. There is bombing every second. I was once going to the bathroom when a missile shrap fell next to me. My children have urinary incontinence because of fear. After breaking their fast, the men gathered in a circle in the corridor, they started discussing what happened in the country, they are killing children, women and innocent people, they killed children from shuhaiber family while they were playing on the roof, yes i know them, two girls and a boy, they targeted them and they killed. People who were filling from almansura. What did they do . What was their fault . 70 people were killed today, but there is nothing to justify that. They were children. What was their fault . We want to live like other nations, like the rest of the world. Every two or three years comes a new war and they kill young men. They creatively kill children and cut trees. They destroy buildings too. Are they humans even . The whole world is silent. if they want to be creative, they should send their soldiers man to man in the battlefield. It is not by using planes to kill children, women and the old people. What is the fault of those . What is the fault of the children . Do children fire rockets . They say that children fire rockets, so drone rockets cut the childrens necks off their bodies because these children fire rockets. Yesterday in shajay they bombed many houses. What was the people . During the discussion they heard the elisha call prayer in gaza along with the sounds of the israeli armys f16 planes. Coming everywhere, despite their fear and horror, the men gathered in the School Square to perform the isha prayers, asking allah to protect them. Say, i seek refuge in the lord of mankind, the king of mankind, the god of mankind, from the evil of sneaking whisperer, who whispers evil into the hearts of mankind, from among the gin, and evil men. God is great, god listens to the one who praises him. Oh allah, we ask you to make the mujdins shots true. Oh allah, we ask you to bring their planes down to destroy their tanks and put fear in the hearts of their soldiers. Oh allah, we ask you to paralyze their attack, peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. God is great. After finishing the prayers, sounds of firecrackers and takbir were heard over the school. Everybody was smiling and was delighted in spite of the killing and destruction. Obviously there was good news that spread. After 450 martters and more than 3,00 injuries up until that day were the. Result of the ongoing war by the Israeli Occupation of the gazas rip, the palestinians captured an israeli soldier, i hope they capture another one tonight, this is victory for us, we will free all our prisoners and get all our demands with the soldier, we did not want to imprison the soldier, but they themselves. Made us kidnap him, we did not want that from the beginning, but they made us do so. After the celebration, there were more explosions and raids, but everyone went to sleep in the school. At dawn, abu ramadan woke up to start a new day with unknown surprises. There is boring and destruction every day. They have been being al neighborhood the whole and everybody left it. There are many marters, houses were destroyed and men, children. New morning comes to the gaza strip while the war of destroying houses its residents continues. I believe that uh working together we can. To make history. This is my land and my country, it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. I am not ready to let go of a centimeter. Israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. Thats why they separate the land, i was at the babel shams protest last week and i myself had a my head banged against a bus by a soldier illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us. This is historical palestine, how designists come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret army . Hagana, how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians . How did they build and expand their illegal settlements . Israels former Prime Minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. Your headlines on press tv, millions of iranians have cast their ballots to elect the members of the countrys parliament and the assembly of experts, the number of palestinian life last to the israeli onslaught on the gaza strip has topped 30,200 as deadly bombings continue unabated and the World Health Organization says almost all the lifelines in gaza have been cut and the Health System in the beseest territory is more than on his knees

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