Hello and welcome everybody, its 1 30 p. M. Here on the iranian capital tehrani, youre watching press tvs world news, our top story for this half hour uh the scenes of horrific killing of palestinians have become common ever since the Israeli Regime launched its genocidal war on the gaza strip, the regimes for. Have massacred scores of more gazans who were waiting for humanitarian aid in gaza city. According to the Palestinian Health ministry, 77 people were killed after israeli sniper shot directly at a crowd waiting for aid in the early morning. Hundreds more sustained injuries, the dead and wounded have been taken to alshifa and kamalad one hospitals. The Palestinian Foreign ministry has condemned the attack saying it was a cold blooded massacre. Palestinian Resistance Movement tamas and islamic gihad have also said. The massacre, afghazans, palestinians are already struggling with shortages of food as the Israeli Regime is using starvation as of a weapon against them. Shortages have caused a surge in malnutrition among children with un warning of a looming famon, the israeli genocide has so far killed over 30,000 gazons. Us managed israeli genocidal war of continues to take innocent lives and leave a trail of destruction in the gaza strip. Israels bombing and shelling campaign since october the 7th has turned a large part of gaza into rubble. The spokesman for the Gaza Health Ministry gives details about the catastrophic situation in the besieg territory. The estimated casualties of the Israeli Aggression stand that approximately 3000 martters and over 70,000 500 injuries, this points to a systematic policy with Israeli Occupation of committing genocide in the gaza strip. Further more, this allines with reports indicating the disappearance of 10,000 individuals. 70 of these marters are children and women, in addition to nearly 10 of of the marters being elderly. Therefore, the Israeli Occupation is carrying out a clear process of executing families. There are thousands of families that have been completely annihilated. They are 30,00 marters, i dont know what the israelis want from us and why they killed this number. It is a genocide, a genocide of the palestinian people. This is what i see, a genocide. Who bombs a tower on civilian residents including women and children. Weve never witnessed such number before. Im 52 years old and ive lived through many wars, including the 82 war which we heard about when we were young as well as the first and second interfaza. The number of 3000 murders has never been reached in such a short period, four months, five months, the intefaza lasted for years, yet this number wasnt riched nor was the number of injuries. The goal here is killing, not just displacement, but murder and extermination. This has become a genocide unlike anything weve ever seen, everyone is suffering inside these towns, were doing slowly in addition to high cost of living and the people enduring pain, we are suffering greatly. We have been this place about 100 times. Palestinian fighters keep putting stiff resistance to Israeli Forces in gaza as fighting on the ground rages on. The military wing of the lost Resistance Movement says it is targeted a group of Israeli Soldiers in. Has a city with more tars, the khassam brigade says it also shelled Israeli Armored vehicles there, meanwile fighting continued in the Southern City of khanes where the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement says its fighters hit and israeli meerkava tank as well as a military bulldozer, israel has so far confirmed the killing of 243 of its troopers since the regime launched a Ground Invasion of gaza in late october. Palestinian groups say the regime is intentionally hiding the real number of casualties among its forces to avoid the israeli public anger. Israels relentless bombings of the gas. Strip and the obstacle to aid delivery of left palestinians without food and other essentials. The un has also warned that a quarter of gazas population is just one step away from famon. The lack of food has forced a displaced family eat cactus leaves to survive. Lets take a listen to their horing narratives. Today we are living in famon. We have exhausted everything. There is nothing left eat. We used to eat a plant called mallow. It no longer. Exists, there used to be carrot and that is gone, there is nothing left in the markets, so we resorted to the last option, the cactus, we eat cactus even with it sorns, we even feed the Young Children cactus, a little girl is eating cactus instead of milk, instead of meat instead of eggs, today we can still find cactus, in a week the cactus will no longer be available and we will leave on nothing, we will become did i in approximately one month and i have a photo have lost some 30 kilograms this month, one month, i have lost 30 kilograms, why . Because there is no food, this is our food now in the northern casa strip, there is nothing else, everything is gone, there is nothing left, there is nothing, i have newborn babies, what should i feed them . They have become anemic, they have contracted. Due to lack of food and nutrition, so now we are eating cactus, i also ate from it, i ate cactus, i had cactus for lunch, we thank god there is nothing left for us eat, um, well in the 1981 Hunger Strike there was initially there was only four people ever going to be on it, that beg with b and frank and pots and remmon and um and then one of them day that there would be be replaced so theres ever only ever going to be four on at one time, but in june it was decided to increase the numbers on it, so each monday someone you joined it, not because someone had died but because we were bring up the numbers, so i joined on the which was the last one out of that four and to join on the 29th of june, um but that time um four people had already had already died. Welcome back, youre on his launch yet another home grown satellite, as the country aims to bridge the gap with other nations in the race for space dominance. The new satellite pars one aboard soyu launch vehicle was blasted off from a Russian Space basen successfully put into orbit 500 kilometers above earth, the imaging and Research Satellite will provide set of Remote Sensing data that can be used in various fields and including land, forest, water monitoring, and mining and Energy Transmission lines of domestically made satellite ways, 150 kilograms and is capable of capturing images of 95 of iranian territory. This is the second foreign launch of an iranian satellite. Last year iran launched ham satellite from a space launching pad in kazakhstan. Iran is among the worlds top 10 countries capable of developing and launching satellites. Our correspondent farzan ashuriun who was present at Iran Space Research Institute during the satellite launch from a russian base told us more about the countrys achievements in this field. Actually this uh satellite is called parswan. Its an imaging satellite, its a research one and uh actually. Its a Research Measurement satellite and which is designed and constructed as i mentioned by the young scientists and iranian scientists and this launch was announced. Uh by uh irans communication minister zarapur yesterday uh noting that uh this actually launch is in order to develop International Interactions and to develop the uh International Relations between the two countries between iran and uh russia and we know that this launch is uh happening uh despite the unilateral western sanctions and we know that this is not the actually first time that iran uh has uh done such thing and has launched a satellite uh more than 11 times this uh actually uh proud moment has happened and last month what i can tell about uh the history of these kind of activities that iran has last month iran successfully put into orbit three homegown satellites with a minimum altitude of 450 clock. Meters and maximum of 1,100 km above the earths uh surface and as i can see uh people are still here and watching this uh proud moment and uh were all proud. Podcaster and journalistna swami joined us earlier from st. Petersburg with her take on iranian satellite launch from russian base. Ive been. Seeing what western papers have been saying and they are saying that it expresses like concerns over irans ties with moscow etc. So they are definitely concerned about this because they want to have space hegemony or or be one of the only people who are capable of doing this and when other countries do this insights fear, but for iran what it does is that because iran is victim of. So much terrorism and sabotage, it can help them monitor this and put an end to lot these um issues where pipelines get sabotaged or get um blown up due to acts of terroris, so for iran it is vital for their National Security interests and so i think that it is overall something iran needs um in order to confront the real threats to their nation. It says that iran is able to um defend itself very capably, top of that, i think these sanctions forced iran into creating a selfsufficiency because they couldnt import parts that other nations could, and because of it they have to manufacture everything at home, and so i think it helped create a selfsufficiency that made iran ironically stronger if it werent for the stranctions. Were watching press tvs news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories the day on this segment of the program in iran, candidates vying for seats in parliament and the assembly of experts have wrapped up their election campaigns. Millions of iranians will be heading to the polls on friday to cast their ballots for the 209. 90 Member Parliament and the 88 Seat Assembly of experts. Irans interior Ministry Says over 15,00 candidates are competing in the parliamentary elections this year, record since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The iranian legislative body called the majulis is elected for fouryear term. Hundreds of candidates are also in the frey for the assembly of experts, deliberative body elected for eight years. In his recent speech, the leader of the Islamic Revolution ayatollah. He called for massive voter turnout for elections, which he described as the main pillar of the Islamic Republic. Joining us on this edition of the news review, we have uh press tvs very own gisumi sham, he was joining us from the iranian capital tehran, also we have journalist author and producer sakina datu joining us from the british capital, london. Welcome to the program, to the both of you, lets start off with gisuin. So youve been following the elections very closely, talked us about the mood and the atmosphere uh leading into fridays elections and if you can also uh explain the election process for us enter viewers as well uh well basically i have to tell you that today uh 8 oclock local time uh campaigning stopped all campaigning activities actually according to law was supposed to stop uh the candidates did have until this morning enough time to uh present their political views or their programs in case theyre elected into the Iranian Parliament and uh as of now until the next 24 hours any kind of campaigning activity would be considered illegal according to irans election law. Now uh, it is quite interesting to see so many candidates taking part in the elections, this time around, more than 15,000 candidates and 12 of them are women uh bad deal, which is again another very significant uh number of of the women taking part in uh these elections also make the elections this time around very interesting to watch, so uh, at the same time simultaneously, we do know that the assembly of experts is also um holding its elections at the same time, and the assembly of experts itself is very Important Institution in the Islamic Republic of iran, you know that they are task with choosing the leader of the Islamic Republic of iran and. Also uh they oversee the actions of the leader as well, so thats a very important uh Democratic Institution as well, aside from the parliament with all the power that the Iranian Parliament has as Democratic Institution again as well. Now as far as the political factions and political views taking part, i have to note that uh for our viewers if theyre not already familiar that in iran uh its not basically political. Parties taking part, its people uh affiliated to Political Parties, so uh now we have a large number of lists and different provinces around the country and also some lists in tehran more than dozen lists in tehran of Political Parties that have introduced and presented their views and introduced the candidates that they are supporting uh so over the next 24 hours iranians will be making the. Final decisions by up to go to the polls and pick uh the parliamentarians for the next round. Thanks lets bring in uh our guest in london sakina dtu, mtu talk uh give us your views uh about the Upcoming Elections and uh whats it stake at the ballot box on friday . So i one the things i think that find very interesting is the amount of candidates uh that are buying 15,000 uh looking on from here, this is a sign of a space, a public space that is open to everybody, and unlike what you know the western media here or the western politicians will make us believe that iran is a theocracy, it does not have democracy, but watching these elections it is very obvious that there is an open space for everyone, and this is really a sign of a thriving, a progressive country, theres also lot of you talk around here about about trying to instigate, for example, iranians not to turn out in large numbers, to reduce the voter turnout, because this would signif that people are not happy with whats going on, and i just think that this is message, for for iranians to be very cautious internally, to understand that there are different forces working towards destabilizing lot of things, now water, i think water turnout is very very important. In this context, it is message to the world out there about internal affairs of iran being contained within the country, people turning out and if there are any grievances, they should be addressed internally within the right channels, but i think you know like the Supreme Leader mentioned, i think its really important that iranians turn out in large numbers, yeah thats exactly where were going next, please continue no, mean i just think you know there are. So many things that you know internally people can be unhappy about, in every country this is the case, um, when you look from outside, youd see a different picture from watching it from inside, mean i was just watching this report of yours about all right, i believe weve lost our guests in london, lets redirect that question uh to uh gisu whos uh with us in tehran gisu, guess in london was just alluding to the comments of uh leader of irans Islamic Revolution ali khamenei who called for a massive voter turnout uh for the elections which he described as the main pillar of the Islamic Republic. Walks through those comments please. Youre absolutely right, the comments of irans leader ali khamenei were a great significance uh because just as he mentioned this is the main color of the democracy and all right, were experiencing some faulty connections today, mostly because of the bad weather, but lets go back to our guest. Uh in london mist too, would you like to pick up where you left off with regards to the comments of uh, he said, as we mentioned earlier, and you also pointed out, he called for massive voter turn out for the elections, which you described as a main pillar of the Islamic Republic, break that down and unpack that for us, please think islamic values are very much based, much as we would have the westerners tell us that islam is not compatible with democracy, that is not correct. I think we have seen from the time the prophet, the engagement of the people is given lot of credence. It is very, very important, and therefore i think it is the islamic duty like the the leader has mentioned, because if you are not involved in the process, then that takes you away from having any kind of reaction to it, if youre not happy with something, how can you criticize if you were for example not involved in the pro. In the Decision Making process of putting, it is, i think a very important duty to ensure that whoever you think is best placed to lead the country, you cast your vote for that, so i just think that there are so many maybe issues that we see you know here in the western press being presented and it looks like there are small things are being made to feel big, but i just want to say that there are problems in every nations, Economic Issues are not limit. To iran, they are a global problem at the moment, the uk for example, i mean we are talking about our economy really suffering at the moment, so does that mean for example that you know we shouldnt turn up and we should have issues with with our elections, these are the issues to be addressed internally, but voter turnout is the first point and iran has shown great leadership in this, i know every election comes in there is context of you know trying to ensure that the water turn out wasnt good and therefore the legitimacy. Is not there, but iran is consistently shown that the voter turner, people are engaged, the fact that so many people are vying for positions, you know the Experts Assembly elections shows us the democracy that is there, and i think internally iranian should remember that there is huge leadership that iran shows around the world in in issues of palestine, on morality, on moral Politics Around the world, in science with the launch. Of for example the satellite in in many aspects the dedollarization the so many aspects where iran is the leader and therefore they should not get into this instigations that you because of some problems that exist internally people should be disenfranchised and should not come out and vote. I think its very important for iranians to ensure that they turn out in massive numbers for the vote. Okay, lets leave it there. Thanks to gisumisham how to your correspondent joining us. Uh from the iranian capital tehran and thanks to journalist author and producer sakina datu joining us from the british capital london, with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around theres plenty more to come, youre on press tv. Iraq is moving forward to end the Usa International Coalition Mission and country, the growing antius sentiment in the nation has led the government to push the coalition for a timetable for the withdraw of its troops from iraq. Muslim salim has this report from baghdad. As a result of a broad consensus in iraq to end the presence of us led International Coalition forces from the country, both the iraqi nation and government made it Crystal Clear that these military forces are no longer needed. Iraqi National Security advisor khasim alaraji stated that all political factions in the country. Have agreed on the need to end the presence of us Led Military Coalition proportedly formed to fight daesh terrorist group. Today were witnessing the negotiation with the International Coalition forces and honestly what makes us the iraqi people exasperated is the insistance by the us to keep its troops on our land to have an intervention in the military scene of iraq and neighboring syria. Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Sudani stated that the western alliance mission. Will end at the baghdad governments official request. He also said that the government is setting a date for the start of Bilateral Committee talks, which includes representatives of the military coalition to put arrangements to end the presence of International Coalition forces in iraq permanently. We have collected more than 100 signatures and prepared the legal draft to end the International Coalition mission in iraq, and we pledge before god to our people that we will enact the law to expel the foreign for. From our land, the demands to and us military presence in iraq are not new after washingtons assassination of top iraqi and iranian antiterror commanders, general Qasim Sulaymani and abu mahdi. Mon this four years ago, Iraqi Parliament voted to expel Foreign Forces who can endanger security and stability in iraq and deprodized civil peace. Following the recent attacks on antiterror forces and the continued violations on the countrys sovereignty, the iraqi nation and government are now determined to end the presence of Foreign Military forces to prevent any further escalations that can endanger the stability and security of iraq. Muslim sadam press tv. Baghdad, thats a wrap for now, but stick around, theres plenty more to come here on press tv. Bye everybody. Looking at some depressed will cover of this destination of passam now entering its fourth day were this week on expo. Jose western broadcast media inactively assert that zionist wall claines targeted hizbullah weapons depots in southern lebanon, whereas they actually struck residential areas. Zinist Mainstream Media misleadingly report that iran warned hisbollah against provoking a fullscale war with zinus israel, whereas the truth is, us media openly disclosed that a widespread israeli entity campaign against hisbullah is currently undesirable for the us, and a recent survey indicated that 90 of lebanese citizens squarely placed the blame on the United States of america for signist israels ongoing assaults on lebanon and the gaza strip. Expose, the truth is just a revelation away. How did zyinists come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation . How do they form their secret army, hagana . How do they grab lands belonging to palestinians . How did they build and expand their illegal settlements . Israels former Prime Minister golden. Premerier answers these and more questions in this documentary. Palestine has risen from the ashes. The nation has gone a long way in its struggle against the occupation regime of israel from throwing stone to flying drone. But who can deny irans decades long support in this arduous journey. En migrantes hacia el uno de abajo tambien. Hello, im sean murray, and this is the conversation where we take an alternative look at political events and Current Affairs through anaries lens. In this show we hope to pick, probe, investigate and uncover the stories that you want to hear. We go where mainstream wont go. This week we look at the 1981 Hunger Strikes and the legacy of the 10 men who died, how did this seismic event change the direction of the conflict and what have we come to understand about its impact for generations to come . My next guest is a

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