Course, this was not the first time that the of United States held itself accountable for israel. Jimmy carter was not the. Only one had this sense of responsibility in us government. The first and perhaps most responsible us present on the palestinian issue was harry as truman. The most important place to express the sense of responsibility was in the United NationsGeneral Assembly to divide palestine into two independent states, arab and jewish. It was possible to create nation with the vote of majority and give them land in the same place. Those are in favor will say yes, those are. The situation was not good at all so the Prime Minister of israel was sent to the United States so that he might be able to change the stronghold United States secretary of states opinion recognition of the state of israel. But George Marshall did not agree at all. Marshall went to the white house talk to harry s truwman and he realized that the president did not agree with him and had different ideas about israel. Clark cleared the White House Council was also presenting. Of then marshall started out. The present listend attentively and then said that. I would like now to hear from clark, but as i spoke, i saw a marshalls face being read, George Marshall realized the trueman supported israel for two reasons, zionist money and votes in the Upcoming Elections and truman mentioned point explicitly. However, marshall tried to make truman aware of the consequences of his decision. We are in the midst of very critical situation, we should. Therefore carefully avoid approaching International Problems on an emotional basis. Finally, marshall said that if truman recognized israeli interim government, he would not support his candidacy in the Upcoming Elections, but two days later, on may 14th 1948, the leaders of the Jewish National council went to this building, the tel avive museum to proclaim the establishment of an independent jewish state. The next ab israeli disp. Was over waterway built in 1869 in egypt. This canal connected port said on the mediterranean coast to the gulf of sweez in the red sea. This waterway later became known as the sweez canal. The canal was built so that ships traveling from the west to the ports of the east of the world would not have to go around the african continent. Forces are ready for war, the gulf belong to egypt, there is no way that we will allow israeli ships to pass through, the jews of are threatening war, we tell hello and welcome, we are ready for war, but there is no way we will give up our rights to the gulf, the chief of staff the israeli army general jack rabin called on foreign minister aba evan to find a diplomatic solution to the issue because israel was not ready for war as it should be. On may 25th, 1967, eben went to the United States to know the u. S. Opinion about the new problem. Ive been asked by my government to explore what these governments intended to do in order to reopen this International Waterway to a situation. Well, i come here really to find out what the United States intens to do. The johnson and president of the United States told even that he did not want israel to start a war. During this meeting, johnson read part of the seat document even. The document stated israel will not be alone unless it decides to go. The soviet union said the same words to egypt and urged them not to start a war. In practice, however, egypt did start the war by closing the straight of tiran to israel. The commanders in the egyptian war room warned that if they wanted to wait for the attack, the first attack would be crippling for egypt, and the chief of staff commented that if they allowed israelis to carry out the first attack, they only fight israel, but if egyptians started the attack, in addition to israel, they must also fight the United States. In the same days, hossain bin talal, king of jordan visited abdan nasir and assured him that he was still disgusted with israel and ready for a possible war and would help egypt in the war against israel. Hossain and nasir signed a bilateral Defense Agreement and hussein practically ordered his army at the behest of egypt. The situation became difficult for israel, egypt from the south, jordan from the east and. Syria from the north were ready to israel. Levivykel was in crisis and wanted to know whether or not the United States had any plans to open the trade of tiran, but United States was trapped in the purgatory of vietnam war and had no patience for new troubles in the middle east. Ashkal was disappointed with the us support, in consultation with his new defense minister, general moshed chose june 5th to. Egypt, at 7 00 in the morning, 180 israeli fighters of towards egypt and only 12 them remain to defend the israeli air space. 45 minutes later, the runways of the Egyptian Military airports were bombed and all the egyptian fighters were targeted by israeli rockets on the ground without even having a chance to start their engines. The Egyptian Air Force was completely destroyed. The syrian and Jordanian Air forces were also hit by these surprise attacks. The sin egyptian tanks were three times more than israeli tanks, but there was no air cover for the egyptian ground horses. The egyptians had no choice to withdraw, egypts defense minister jep armer ordered the withdrawal of their forces from the site. Desert, but there was no plan to retreat, as a consequence, Egyptian Forces went towards this canal without any specific plan. Israeli fighters also took advantage of this opportunity and destroy the Egyptian Forces, this unplanned retreat damaged the egyptian army, the israelis have told jordanians that they would not be in danger if they did not interven in this war. At 10 30, jerusalems was hit by jordanian art. Three shells. The jordanian attack was unsuccessful and the resistance of king hossains forces in the old city of jerusalems did not last more than 10 hours. Jordan had the control of the old city of jerusalem alds and west bank but after the war lost the control to israel. It was serious turn after jordan and egypt. Israeli binoculars had control pipes bordering israel. And syria. After 12 hours of intense fighting, israel captured the golan highs. The soviet union had already started a war with the false news. When the soviet union witnessed israel attacking its communist allies syria. It gave an ultimatum to israels supporter, the United States, announcing. It was seeking military support for syria. This was not just the blood. Kranian jet fighters were ready by the order the soviet union. The soviet cold war tension reached one of its most complicated moments. Linda lee johnson and his colleagues had a meeting at the white house to find answer to the soviet ultimatum. Hero to brinlin that he would use every opportunity to stop the israeli war machine, but in practice, instead of call. Israeli Prime Minister in a volal action, he told the us representative to the un to talk to the israeli representative. The us envoy saw the israeli representative at the lobby and gave him the message ambassador asked me to come out into the lobby and to send to me, you Must Immediately immediately announce that the fighting is over, but this was not within the power of the israeli asser to the un. The israeli representative talked israel foreign minister about even about the issue even immediately called ash tell him that the international pr had incurred and he had to stop the war as soon as possible at the request of the us, but eschkel was watching the beauties of the gold heights with his commanders at the time. His wife gave hims important message. Listen, even wants you to stop the war, he cant take the pressure. He said, i cant hear you, mean you cant hear me, im telling you. He has, i cant hear you, i cant hear you, its a bad line, its a bad line. But the Prime Minister did not consider the message and continued his work. Evan realized that ashkal needed more time to advance on syrian territory. It exactly happened, they reached all their goals in syria. The israeli ambassador to the un received the text of the agreement. He had to read it aloud to the un Security Council. This was the end. The war israel accept any proposal made by general bull for the implementation of Security Council resolution and the arrangements for the supervision of the seas fire. Israel volunteer through this because it had large to exchange. The Golan Heights from syria, old city of jerusalems, the west bank from jordan, as well as the sin desert and gaza from egypt. The israelis were ready to return the Golan Heights to syria and the sai. Desert to egypt, but they had an important condition for peace, and that was acceptance and recognition of the independent state of israel by the arabs. Even went to United States to discuss israels offer with the americans, recognizing israel was not something that gamal and the reter wanted. The hero of the egyptian people who could neither make peace with israel nor had the power to stop machine, had no choice but to resign. لقد قررت ان اتنحى تماما ونهائيا عن اي منصب رسمي واي دور سياسي وان اعود الى صفوف الجماهير اؤدي واجبي معها كاي مواطن اخر. President , but did not comply with the soviet u. S. Peace agreement. In september of 1967, arab leaders gathered at the chhartom summit and said, no peace with israel, no negotiations with israel, no recognition of israel. Of course, the arab did not have other alternatives, israel did not return the occupied territories to them. The 28th, 1970, after the end of the emergency meeting of the air summit, gamalasar felt a pain in his chest, he died same night in front of anwar sadat. So the Vice President became the president of egypt and many thoughts were running through his mind. Six years had passed since the Israeli Occupation of sina and egypts third president dreamed of reaging a peace land that had fallen to the zionists war. Sada continued nasar strategy, so new war was the horizon. Saada started with the soviet union. U. S. Supported israel and egypt needed the support of the. His pole, the soviet union played its trump card shifting balance of hour in favor of egypt. Soviet union prepared some advanced missiles, missiles that could challenge the security of israel fighters. Everything was ready for new war. Egyptan some missiles were ready to target any israeli element within 15 miles of the sues canal. Anwar. Asada was not alone in this war and syrian present Hafez Al Asad was with him. The attack had to take place in complete surprise. The pr was chosen in the allied front and syria from the east and egypt from the west started attacking israel and the targets were again the golan hights and sini. Yum kipora means day of atonement in hebru. This day is one of the most important. Days in the jew calendar. Jews attend synagog four times on yomipor and pray. Egypt was aware of this. On october the 6th, 1973, as designs waking up to prepare for the festival, they were hit by surprise attacks on two fronts of sina and the golahides, the same areas occupied by israel in the sixth day war. In 1967, the first decision of the israeli war room was to let the jet fighters counter the aggression, and the permission was in the hands of one person, israels orth Prime Minister, the mayor, but she did not give the permission. Mayer believed that if israel wanted to attract International Attention after the sixth day of war, it had to be recognized as of. Sim of keeper aggression, the war had begon, the egyptian commandoes cross the us canal under their own heavy artillery fire and entered a sini desert. At 4 p. M. The first israeli fighters were allowed to fly, but as as they approached canal, they were destroyed by some missiles. Inevitably the israeli tanks started attacking, but the egyptians have thought about that too. The sager antitank missile made seni a graveyard for israeli tanks, sager antitank guide missiles were again the result of egyptian friendship with the soviet union. حتى يغيروا ما بنفسهم المسلمين في كل العالم وانفون من الظالمين يجب ان نعرف اولا this is mylan. And my country, it is not only the 1948 or 1967 bords from the sea to the river. Im not ready to let go of sent. Israel is here like any for by the support, by the support United States. Thats why i was at the shams protest last week and uh my head bangedst by a soldier. Illegally illegal people in land and they are arresting us this is historical palestine, were segregated in the ghettos. No one would imagine that decades later they do the same exact thing to another part of the world by putting up tall walls to segregate palestinian. One could also imagine that palestinas would be the ones paying the price for crimes the nature germans and the west committed against the jews. They blurred the lines and passed zianos off his jews to push forward their insidious agenda. This documentary shows a clear picture of whats going on behind the ghetto walls. My years of research in literally and historical tests let me بلن ادوارد سعيد هو مؤسس ما يمكن عليه بدراسات ما بعد الكون لي. Heard it said that we were the ones who were trying to drive the jews into the sea, and here before the worlds eyes, could be seen the spectacle of palestinians being sent out into the sea, further away from the land that they came from. I realize that the west not only has our problems with israel, but also loves israel. Your headlines for this hour day 21 of the israeli war on goza goes on with incessant bombardment of the beleger strip cousing off communication lines in retaliation for the israel of palestin in gaza, hamas volley of rockets at targets in tel aviv, and the sign the division amongst uk officials, londons mayor course for troop