Legality of it as to how it is within their right to have to resist against what israel has done . Oh youre absolutely right, its protected by one part, i cant remember the precise part of the fourth geneva convention, the occupied people of course have a right to resist, be that kenya, vietnam or or any other part of the world, but you know those those laws that emerged after 1945 were. Never really supposed to apply to africa and asia and and and south america, they were really just the europeans and and and and thats been clear because very soon after the end of world war ii we had million algerians killed when they resisted um french french colonization uh and 3 million vietnamese killed when they resisted the American Invasion so i mean theres all sorts of double speak and your other correspond its absolutely right. Talk about the use of language, but the use of language is carefully studied in some of our best universities to obscure the truth, because you know the the the refusal to use the word genocide for example is very important, because once you recognize that something happening is genocidal, then all sorts of of International Law comes into place, so when when when europeans bought and sold black people . They understood it was wrong not to buy and sell human beings, they kind of denied that they were human beings in order to carry on the trade, when when when europe when europe wants to sease a part of the world as they did with much of africa and and big chunks of asia, they know its wrong, but they they rationalize it as bringing civilization. Now sometimes the civilization means extermination, but they they justify this as bringing civilization to. And so necessarily colonialism and settle colonialism on steroids produces the most intense racism, and thats why by any objective measure, and many measures have been conducted, israel is the most racist society on the face of the earth, where palestinies are routinely dehumanized. We have a big problem with racism in britain, but we dont have universities that discuss the demographic problem of black people or brown people or Something Like that. We have nasty racist politicians, but they dont go as far as that. In israel, its routine, right . So yes, this genocide has been been carried on for very long time, the Palestinian Resistance to it has been going on from for for almost a century, and what can i say, the european governments know exactly whats going on and they have no hesitation in supporting what israel is doing, because they see israel as attack. Dog in the region as a as a as as as Nuclear Armed power which can terrorize the entire neighborhood and i would just end by saying in that sense the palestinians are defending with their blood not just palestine but the rest of the middle eastern peoples because zionism will inevitably mean war as long as that ideology has its own state uh taking a look at the world. Wide movement on the streets era uh modri when it comes to the support that uh people are showing across the world uh which is great really uh but but its multimensional at this point because as the death toll mounts the anger is rising and more people uh are not only um coming out but theyre showing their anger towards uh their officials now what happens here is that uh theres a lot of uh Collateral Damage unfortunately for israel um my first question to you is uh, how badly is the israeli image tainted, not that it was not before and impacted, where it has reached a point of no return, which many say it has reached that point. I definitely think it has, i think this all started around three years ago when you know our media started becoming um or or at least people started realizing how much propaganda and atrocity propaganda our media was pushing out, and ever since i believe that people have started looking for alternative uh areas where they can find their information and their news, um, and they are seeing very clearly, and we know this for fact that the media consistently. Under reports numbers at protests, or they just simply dont report uh any protests happening at all, um, so i think that three years ago, with the pandemic, it kind of jump started this, this movement where people started looking for their news and their media elsewhere, and uh, they dont, the trust for media and trust in journalists is truly at an old time low right now, so i i think that um this is a. Good development for the world that people are starting to question what they are observing on their news um and yeah i think it it will render israel theyve lost their victim card essentially um so at this point i truly believe that um people are truly realizing whats happening in palestine and theyre understanding the Historical Context which is as earlier said so often conveniently left out of the equation. Were seeing numbers uh, you know, in the hundreds of thousands in london the other day, im here in barcelona, absolutely huge protest here just few days ago, 70,00 plus people, and and people are realizing uh that this is outright genocide, that you know theres absolutely no attempt made to spare civilian lives, to spare children, to spare women, and and we see this because there are journalists on the ground in gaza reporting every second. Now what i like to tell people to explain this best is that israel is telling you what is happening and and were not getting verified sources, but palestine is showing you what is happening, and so i really just hope that people start questioning uh the this information a little bit more and start understanding the huge role that a. Propaganda plays and i think that um for the first time people are heading to social media platforms such as x uh to look for their news and to and to to find real palestinians that they can speak to that can tell them whats happening so i think it um it removes this uh this this this veil that we have between the people and the media and it connects people for the first time so they can talk each other and of being in between the vested interests of mainstream media. Um nick napier, i understand that people are also zooming in on this military supplies that is being provided by countries such as the uk, not to mention the us, um, there reaches point where uh, this uh Worldwide Movement uh against the government uh can have repercussions for the government themselves, um, what kind of impact . You think would have or is this just a way for people to come out showing the support and it will end there, what do we see in terms of the impact that this will have . I think it all depends on how the the the movement becomes, we we were pretty determined, we marched by the million against the lies that preceded the invasion of iraq, um, tony blair had his Resignation Letter written out was afraid of the numbers of people coming to london, it was gigantic, but he didnt sign it because we marched and then we went home, and and and half million or more iraqis were killed as a result of our failure to prevent that aggressive war. You mentioned International Law earlier, um, but un International Law, aggressive war is the greatest of all crimes, because it contains within it every other crime that flows from it, but we were unable to prevent our governments devastating iraq, joining in the devastation of libya, which has reduced it to hell hole today, weve just been unable to do it, so but i remember we were able to win against american militarism with the International Struggle against the vietnam war. America, the pentagon was defeated by an alliance of vietnameses and americans and british and people all over the world uh opposed to that particular. But that was because our governments became afraid of us, they were afraid of losing all control in america, and something similar happened in britain as well, so we have to develop that militancy. We have to develop that determination to to disrupt the system and not allow normal functioning of this system as long as its supporting genecide and i can see from the demonstrations in glasgow and across scotland over the last two weeks there is an appetite for that but we have to channel it and we have to build it and we have to intensify it um because otherwise we are not just fighting for the palestinians here theres something monstrous looking around london and in brussels and washington and theyre our enemies. Live in one of the richest societies in the world, we have million children living utter destitution, more than half the schools in england and wales give out food to their children, um, and and and and so on and so on and so, its a terrible, its all, its a war of the government against the people here, and and we we have to bring those two things together in order to stop the crimes, of supporting genocide, but that will involve a considerable struggle, but i think there is an appetite for it, we need to we can win here. All right, very well, i guess i have one last question. Looking at uh some of the statements that are coming through, um, regarding the plans that they have for palestinians, it still seems to be uh one where they want palestinians to leave their land, basically displacing them, maybe forcibly, we dont know yet, and for example, um, locate them into the uh, or forcibly locate them into the sani, for example, thats one of the things that has been. Thrown out there, um, what are they, what do they think they can achieve by that, thats not only is that something that palestinians have rejected, many regional countries have rejected that, but why are they moving forward with uh that planet, even their approach and thinking that they can displace palestinians that way, from the gaza strip, that is, do you have my voice . Yeah, i think unfortunately we dont have you, so we do apologize for that, um, let me thank you, however, mick nap here, cofounder the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, for your contribution to this uh extended coverage of the israeli war in gaza, ayara modari, thank you very much, journalist and podcaster who spoke to us from barcelona. With that we come to an end for our extended coverage, do stay with Us International news is coming up at half past the hour, its bye bye for now, مشاهد الوداع تتوالى تباعا هنا والان سارصد لكم صرخه ام فلسطينيه على ابنائها وطفل فلسطيني يرفض ان يفارغ جثمان والده ولا يريد ان يدفننه يريد ان يبقى بجواره هذه قصه من بين مئات الالاف من القصص التي تحدث الان. وين العالم صور صور صور انا لله وانا اليه راجعون يا قلبي راح قلبي راح 40 نفر ضربه راحوا. خلي العلم كله تشوفه وين الععلم هؤلاء الاطفال جاؤوا يودعوا والدهم اللان هذه زوجته مشاهد الوداعه ابن شهر يا معايا معايا معايا معايا معايا هذا الطفل يابى ان يفارق جثمان والده هذا الطفل يابى نثمان والده. معايا يا عم معايا معي. يحاولون اقنعه ان يفارغثمان والده ولا يريدهم انت بطل انت بطل. انت بطل انت بطل كويس انك انت عايش لاخواتك ولماما في ناس راح كل العائله راحت يا حبيبي عم جهاد روحوا كمان وجهاد روح عند ابوه باسل يا ريت انا اروح عند ابوي كمان يا حبيبي الله سننه هذه الرساله اين هذا المشهد المشهد الذي يتكرر كل يوم، كل ساعه، كل دقيقه مشهد وداع الاطفال لاهاليهم ومشهد وداع الاباء لابنائهم. المشهد يتكرر كل يوم. هذا الطفل حتى اللحظه لا يريد ان يفارق جثمان والده، لا يريد ان يسرك والده هذه اللحطه ويمنعهم من دفنه. بهذا نختم هذه الرساله، كنت معكم اسراء البحيسي لقناه العالم. من قطاع غزه. From the river to the sea polis time will be free from the river to the sea polis time will be free. خلاص خلص. شغل المسرعه. والقواعد امريكيه شعب لافضل التطريح سعديه شاعد عربيه عربيه عربيه عربيه سيري سيري يا حماس اقتل المدفع واحنا نصاص اقتل مدفع واحنا نصاص follow من تحت الرادم وش نشرح لها ما تعرف غير المحبه بس وين اهلها ويا ربي من عالي السما نزلنا حللها ملينا من هاي الدنيا وجيناك البباب يا ربي الارباب لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله الله الحال حالنا كحال المواطنين هنا نحن نبكي ولكن نبكي على الخذلان وليس على ما يفعل الاحتلال الاحتلال نعرف ان هذا هو ديدنه وهذا هو فعله منذ عقود من الزمن ولكن نبكي على خذلان من حولنا قبل قليل ام هنا اتت وصراخت سرخت امام كل عدسات الاعلام تسال اين العرب اعتقد هذا سؤال تجاوزناه منذ اليوم الاول ولكن لازال لدينا امل هنا لازال لدينا امل في الشعوب العربيه في الشعوب الاسلاميه ان تحرك الانظمه دا سوداركم هذا دار ولا محلات هذا محل ليش قاعد هنا ا طيب ايش قاعد بتعمل انت هنا انا قاعد هنا طيب بينفع يا عمي تقعد هنا خطر عليك صح الله يا رب ان شاء الله يعني هذا حال هذا الطفل الذي لا يريد مغادره منزلهم الذي قصف او عفوا يعني هذا المحل الذي قصفه وانا خايفه اموت بدي اموت بدي اظن عشر حياتي ما في شيء اعملها يا انا لسه عمري عشر سنين ايش اعمل يعني بيجيوا يبصكو ليش يعني اسرائيل كثير عصبت علينا يعني مش عارفه ايش اعمل يعني كل مكان بروحه لازم الاقي قصف حمله جواز بريطاني جوازي انا جايه على غسته افرح مش جايه على غصتي اشوف احتر حرب لحظه اموت يا ابري ايش اعمل خايفه اموت مش عارفه اكل الاكل قليله و مقطوع الميه ولا نت ولا كهرباء ولا شيء اذا يعني يعني كيف بدنا نعيش كده يعني ما فيشي ولا ميه كيفنا مش عارفه ايش اعمل برده كل مكان بنخلي فيه برده فيها قصف مش عارفه وين اروح في قصف ويمكن اموت يعني. אבל אנחנו צריכים להיכנס לא כמו קודם, להרוס ולהתקדם, להרוס ולהתקדם, עם תותחים, עם הפתצות, להרוס בית ולהיכנס הלא, להרוס עוד בית ולהיכנס, תפתיע אותם, שלא ידעו מאיפה בא הפגז או מאיפה באה הפצצה, על מה שהוללים לנו, עכשיו הולכת להתחולל, עכשיו הולכים להיות דברים שלא חלמנו עליהם, כן, שיפלו עליהם פצצות שישמיו אותם, כל מה שהנביאים נבעו הולך על אחרית ימים מתרחש עכשיו. My mom is saying that they they were very friendly towards them and they took care of them, they were given medicine and they were treated, one of the men with them um had a badly injured from from motorbike accident on the way and the paramedic was looking after his whom. It was given uh um medicine and antibiotics uh that the people were friendly that they kept the place very clean, they were very concerned about them. Um, my mom is, my mom is talking about the conditions and being, my mom is speaking about the time there, she is telling us about. Um sharing food with the people that the people when she first arrived when they told them that they are muslims and they not gonna hurt them um and that uh they share they ate the same food that their um the the hamamas was eating crisis devastating wars terrorism. The israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, israel blood bath in gaza. Make sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv. First of the headlines leader says the us is definitely accomplice in israeli crimes against palestinians in gaza. Palestinian officials in gaza say that israel has dropped more than 12,00 tons of explosives on the besieg territory. The deathpil tops 6500, and propalestine rallies go on across the globe with protesters condemning israels brutal aggression against gaza

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