Might say this is constructive mysterious stance, call it whatever you like, we do not have the responsibility to tell anyone what we want to do, what our vision is for the future, this is something that has to do with our understanding of the battlefield and how the battlefield will go on, of course we will give advice, and even if advices to israel and those behind them, you were defeated very heavily in the flood of a. Let this be enough for you, stop until so that you dont have a bigger defeat through the follow up of the resistance which you will continue to follow up, you have no hope in victory, our intelligence tells us that the preparations and the surprises that are found in gaza, by hamas itself and the resistance fighters there, make an ground incursion and Israeli Ground incursion a graveyard for those units, for those soldiers that enter. Let it be clear, we have nothing for us as a resistance throughout the resistance, throughout the region, especially in palestin, we have nothing but victory, we have no choice but victory and you have no choice but defeat, we are always working on two choices first, marterdom or victory . And here we see that theres victory, but for you, you only have the choice of defeat or maybe lower defeat, a smaller defeat, why . Because justice is on our side, land is ours, the sanctity is our side, and dignity is ours, and god gives victory to his worshippers, but israel is an aggressor, it is an oppressor, it is an aggression force, it is an occupying force, it does not have any sort of respect. For any sanctities or holy sason, so therefore they are the losers, they will be defeated in any case, and here we send a salute to all the murders that have given their life in the flood of alaqsa, all the wounded and all the palestinians who are also suffering inside gaza, this people that is a struggling people, these heroic people. We tell you, be sure, the people of palestine, you are the symbol of dignity in our region and in the world, not only now, in this phase, but for the future, all the salute to our marters, we recall the head of alquds force, the martyr, qasim sulaimani, who was capable of allowing this link in the entire region and the marters, person uh basically he came out saluting the people, the marters that is of uh lebanon and the marters overall, we are here, we exist, we will see the punishment, he said our victory will come against those who are the aggressors, theyre killing people and forcing displacement, he said thats a criminal act, what the british did, then the us, those commit crimes will face punishment, he said the resistance has been created to stop this, all forms of resistance, or legitimate right in face of Israeli Occupation forces will prevail, theres no such thing as twostate solution. He said israel and the us are working a genocide and of the image of the us and the west have fallen, they cannot be the leaders of the world. Im wondering what uh reason he had to come out in the first place to make this. Speech as in the capacity of the spokesperson that he has, whether thats a sign of either israel trying to widen the um engagement with hezbollah and the Resistance Forces or that hezbollah might be um going in more or getting more uh involved militarily, im not too sure, the scottland of the ghaza strip there shows that israel is continuing with its bombings, at the same time we do mention that that the khassam brigades for example are also busy long their rockets against uh, in this case in point tel aviv, something where years ago, maybe it would have been uh something unusual that they were doing, but now uh, thats a common occurrence for the capabilities as displayed to the casan brigades and the launching of their rockets, which in this case a barage of them have been uh fired against tel aviv. And with that we come to an end for our live coverage for you, do stay with us, um, well be back at half past the hour with uh more news and extended coverage of uh the war which has entered its 15th day, for now its goodbye. Now entering its uh fourth day, were looking at whats going on everyone, here back with a brand new episode of iran tech and tehran is once again home to the Biggest Railway and transportation expo in the entire west asia region, so we came to terons in International Exhibition center where hundreds of companies in this field have gathered to showcase their latest achievements in the field and uh link up with potential clients and what were going to do is check out some of these technologies and learn a thing or two about what goes on in the industry of railway and transportation. Stay tuned. Were starting off a high note, were here at the fps Group Checking out an engine block that is almost complete and im here with mehdi piruzi the Vice President of fps group and hes going to tell me about why this uh engine block, this v16 beast of an engine block is so exclusive to uh countries that you can actually count with the fingers in one hand and and whats so special about making of this that not very many countries are able to make it, so please, thank you so much for the time, actually we are the First Company that do the maintenance of the locomotives in iranian railway, since 10 years ago we start the major overhall of the engines in our factory in pare and industrial zone, right . Uh, after some years we face to a problem that we have a problem with engine blocks, this is the main parts of the engines that we have right, so we are going to start to how to manufacture these engine block in our country, before that they are importing these engine blocks from foreign countries, and because of the sheer size and weight, this is five ton beast uh, its going to be pretty expensive to import, really unmanable, its unbelievable, thats its because its uh something that um under emborgo. And its very hard to find the uh countries, yeah, right manufacturer to import, forget about this, we are doing the um drying, make drawing, this is specially kind of engine blocks in all over the world, because what makes this special . All the engine blocks in the normal or general types of engines are casting, but this is fabricated engine blocks, mean we have the separate part. The engines and we do the assemble of these parts together so you dont cast these different parts . No, there is no casting parts in all the uh engine block, yeah, these are forged and these parts separately forged and then assembled together. So how does forging work and how is it different from casting and what kind of properties does it have that casting parts dont . Forging is um different from casting. Casting you have mold and you put the melt uh melted metal into the mold and after cooling the process you have the final uh parts but in in uh forging you have to do the you dont have the melt right so metal its goes the temperature to higher it almost melts almost melt yeah its not quite melt and after that you put the pressure its under the. Um press device so its like you have mold but instead of pouring metal in it you put the pressure from both sides or like from whichever direction into this and then you pressed it into the mold because of that the characteristy of the final parts its different how is it different and why is it better to use forging instead of casting . Most of the time the hardness is very important for us, the toughness is very important to us and whats the difference between hardness and toughness . Hardness is something that its shows the uh when you put pressure or impact it doesnt go in, yeah, but in toffness you you have the bending, its how brittle it is, and how much pressure you can on the different s until it break, okay, so this is tougher and harder, harder, yeah, in forged parts we have the hardness and toughness increased increased, yes, okay, after we do the assembling all the. Parts the engine block, after that we should go to the other parts, mean we put the crank shaft right, the liners, power packs, head cylinder and all together, thats the those are the power packs, yeah, these are the power packs. This is the v type engines, its not the line one, the v type engines eight cylinders on one side, the other yeah, we have both sides uh, we have power back, whats the advantage of v type engines compared to the uh the space, its much smaller than the other lines one and the power of these engines are increased and we have 16 cylinder in this space if you have one to lines once the uh five meters or so yeah f okay so when can we expect to actually see this being uh finished and then installed onto an actual train. This is the final parts, we do the test of these uh engine blocks. Hope in three months we have the final uh engine blocks and then assemble the other parts uh because we do the maintenance of the major overhall of the engines before for imported engines for imported. Engine blocks, no, the engine, the engines are working over the locomotives and when the time is ready, we have to do the major or we have the test device for doing the test and we can measure, we can measure some parameters for the what we do in the measure, because of that i hope in three months we have the complete engine. Okay, heres hoping well be able to see the first train with domestically made engine block and engine as a whole uh sooner rather than later. Thank you very much for the information moving right along, not all cables are built the same and so were here at the yahoot Cable Manufacturing Company where theyve where they make uh cables that. Meant for heavy industries and in particular rail and Transportation Industry when it comes to uh subway trains that are powered by electricity uh so different cables obviously have Different Levels of resistance to heat when you think of cables you probably think of the charging cable of your phone or your laptop or other uh Home Appliances the thing with those cables is that they they are based off of thermoplastic substances uh and uh those thermoplastic substances are based on on oil, so they have little to no resistance to heat, and when currents uh even flow into these cables, heat is generated and the live and neutral wires within the cable uh can actually melt, the shielding can melt, and the theyre all based on oil, so they can melt and the cable itself can melt, and uh, the the orking that will happen, because of the live and neutral wires coming into contact with each other, can actually create a sport. And actually uh you know put the whole thing up in flames, that is very unsafe kind of cabling that can run through lot of apartments and houses, so the solution is to switch to Something Like this, or other cables that are based on silicium, the the mineral silicium, so these are not thermoplastic based uh substances, they are thermo sets which have much higher resistance to heat, lets take a look at the. Substance itself in the paste form, so this is what a silicium paste or silicon looks like, and out of these we get these heavy duty cables, which are actually used in railway and transportation, so this red bit is made of silicium, and theres another layer of insulation that is made up of fiberglass, so the silicium layer has a resistance of up to 200 degrees celsius and the fiberglass insullation adds another 600 degrees of resistance up to 800 degrees, so uh stuff like this that you can actually see here, Something Like it, this flame has actually been running for the past two or three days since the beginning of this exhibition and you can see that uh this uh thermal thermoset material once it is uh coming into contact with heat and flame it actually turns into ceramic and creates another better layer of insulation than silicium itself, so it becomes a. More insulating material and you can actually see here that the temperature is at around 800 degrees, so there are different tests that need to be run uh to get the certificates for these cables uh to be able to use them in railway and the power trains uh within the subway system uh so this is a pretty good uh demonstration of how resist how resilient these cables are and this lamp has been on for this entire time uh the circuits the the flow of electricity has not been cut for this whole time. Lets talk about another subject that is outside of a train but still. In the confines of uh railway and transportation uh we have the laser profile meter and to explain more about it i have ali salehpur the ceo of uh kahroba fanari to tell me about how it works and how it applies to the Railway Industry hello uh this device is used laser for measurement the z area and move in x and y and then we have point clot and in here we can show the point clothe so it shows us map of whatever 3d object that is underneath it yeah yeah yeah we can scan everywhere for example we can scan centimeter to centimeter for example this one is 10 millimeter into 4 mm whats the smallest diameter that we can actually scan in the in z one micrometer in x and y 30 micromer 30 m so how do we analyze this data and where do we use it uh and after we take a point cload we use the software for show the topography and then uh we can put for example we can put the line like this and see the profile and see the roughness average so how much the so this is the profile so this is the scan itself the the black lineah and we can measure how much this line diverges from the wave that is the average of this uh this this profile and uh that will give us the roughness number so uh the the smaller this range is we can understand that the smoother the surface is correct . This this uh green line . Yes and independ on the product you wants to scan, some product is less than micro micrometer and some products is more and we choose the laser and choose the device for how to scan how to a small scan of the area so this green line is the difference between the the red which is the average and the name is roughness yeah right so and uh the roughness so how do we use it in the railway . Industry, whats the application, for example, we wants to scan the rail and understand whats the damage on the rail, we can put this device for example on the train and train moving on the rail and scan the rail and after the scan we can understand which area def everything and another using and we can using on the wheel when we wil using on the train they have deformation and we can scan the wheel and understand what the roughness and whats the damage on it uh thats going to be it for this particular product uh, onto some closing thoughts. In the 10th railway and transportation expo, i got to see firsthand just how thorough and diverse this industry is in iran. I saw Companies Making everything from train cars, wheels, engine blocks and power inverters and lot of things in between with very few missing links so. Heres hoping in the 11th, 12th for 13th version of this expo, i see less missing links and less of a way between us and making a uh a train from start to finish all by ourselves, heres hoping that happens sooner rather than later. I hope youve all enjoyed it and uh i will see you in the next week. Yesterday as i was uh covering the news here from shifa hospital, weve learned that my neighborhood was targeted by israeli f16 fighter jets, i dont know how to describe this uh. All of sudden after heard the news and i was i was sure that the building is gone, i start telling my colleagues uh yesterday had a home and now im homeless. ما تعرف غير المحبه بزوينا هلها ويا ربي من عالي السماء نزلنا حلها ملينا من هاي الدنيا وجيناك للبابباب يا ربي الاربا لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله لا اله الا الله الله the headlines this hour israels indiscriminate bombing of the gaza trip entered his 15th day, at least 53 more palestinians are killed, and the latest israeli strikes across the besieg territory. Egypt opens the ruffa Border Crossing with gaza to allow trucks carrying lifesaving supplies into the besieged. A strip and fresh palestine protest take place worldwide as antiisrael sentiments are growing over the regimes war in gaza