6 30 p. M. At erans capital tanland, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. Hundreds more palestinians have been killed and yet another israeli air strike this time a hospital on the besieg gaza strip, pushing the total death doll from the ongoing war to nearly 3500. This really air rate hit al ah. And central gaza on tuesday night. The Palestinian Health Ministry Says at least 500 people were killed and many more wounded. Thats the highest single day in gaza since israel launched this war on october the 7th. The hospital was packed with people who had fled from northern gaza following an israeli order to evacuate their homes. Israel has attributed the strike to a misfired rocket launched by the Palestinian Islamic jihad Resistance Movement, but the group along with another Resistance Movement, hamas, has denied the israel. Soon after the strike on the hospital in gaza, an advisor to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted in a social media post that the regimes air force was responsible for the attack. In his post on x, Hananya Naftali claimed that Israeli Air Force had struck a hamas base inside the hospital. He said multiple members of the Resistance Movement were killed as a result. Hours later, however he deleted the. Post, although screenshots of it went to viral on social media platforms. Ism hany a Political Bureau chief of the palestinian Resistance Movement hamas calls on the International Community to condemn and to take action in response to israels deadly bombing of hospital in gaza. Americans take responsibility for giving. Committed cover to this enemy to commit these massacres, war crimes and genocide. Those who gave israelis the cover in the Un Security Council and refused to condemn this occupation and aggression. I call all the free people, the United Nations, the Security Council and United Nations general assembly, legal institutions, i call the arab league and the organization of islamic cooperation of for a clear condemnation of this bad. For mass murder of our blood, our women, children a and elderly, this silence must stop, the palestinian authorities president has condemned the deadly hospital strike as a quote hideous war massacre that cannot be tolerated. Abbas said that israel has cross all lines, he said it is unacceptable to talk about anything other than stopping the israeli war on gaza. The Palestinian Ambassador to the un also denounced israel for carrying out the carnage in gaza. In this outrageous, illegal crime committed by the Israeli Forces against our people in the ghaza strip. We condemned this uh action in the strongest possible terms and we hold israel responsible for this massacre, this crime. And those responsible for this crime should face justice and should face accountability and should be you know punishment rising to the level of this crime committed against our people to be faced by them. We as an arab group demand was speaking a press Conference Held by the arab group of the un. He urged the Un Security Council to live up to responsibilities and to urgently interven to stop his war on gaza. Mean palestinians have staged a strike in ramala and solidarity with the people in gaza. Israeli forces have attacked palestinians taking part in progaza protest in the occupied west bank, killing at least two people and entering dozens of others. Palestinians took to the streets and several parts of the occupied territories, including ramala, alkalil, bethlehem and tulkaram to condemn israels deadly attack a hospital in gaza. They also urged the International Community to stop israels aggression on the besieg trip, which is in his 12th day. Casualties took place as the israely troops used live ammunition. Sound bombs and teer gas against the protesters. Clashes were also reported between the protesters and the palestinian authorities forces. Meanwile palestinians in the west bank have also staged a general strike to condem gaza hospital attack. Since the start of the aggression on gaza, israeli troops have also intensified their attacks in the west bank, killing more than 60 and injuring 1300 others. The leaders. جنایت نسل کشیشی رژیم قاسبه این همه دنیا دارن مشاهده می کنن. مسئولین بعضی از کشورها که با مسئولین کشور ما صحبت کردن در دفاع از رژیم قاصب صهیونیستی اعتراضشون این بوده که چرا فلسطینی ها غیر نظامی ها رو کشتن اولاً این حرف خلاف واقعه یعنی اصلاً اینایی که تو شهرکها و اینها هستن غیر نظامی نیستن همشون مسلحن. حالا گیرم غیر نظامی چه تعداد غیر نظامی کشته شدن؟ ۱۰۰ برابر اون ها الان داره این رژیم قاصب از زن و بچه و پیر و جوان می کشه غیر نظامی که تو این سااختمان های غزه نظامیا که ساکن نیستن نظامیا جاهای خودشون هستن می دونن هم اونا. Lets bring in asad durani, the former pakistani senior diplomat and retired army general who joins us from islamabad. Durani, welcome to the program, were looking a day where theres rage that has been uh exercised by people around the world against israel for the massacre of palestinians, um, especially when we take a look at. How um irans leader has said that these muslim nations are not going to sit idly by and youre going to see countries of which is citizens are rising up uh perhaps like other time when it comes to the palestinian cause im sure there have also been protest propalestine protests and solidarity in pakistan. What are your thoughts about how large numbers of people are coming out on this occasion . The sympathy the people is doubt question that has been there for a long long time. Problem right now is that the state, the government is not taking the whole thing in a spirit in which the people wanted, its not only you know that one does not give very strong statement, but also a few other things have to be done, i a formal soldier and i know that these only retorics, promises of diplomatic support, morning and growning and the history etc do not. What is it, the war is on, what is it that right now we can do . Can we send some humanitarian aid . My answer would be, yes, whatever happens there, that is a different thing, can we also send them the type of support that is usually expected from a country like pakistan, some people on ground, some people trained, some people you know in a position to contribute substantially to the jihad, jihad with arms now these are the things that people want or expect the government to do, if it has done something you know behind the scenes very discretely then i would not know and i would be very grateful if theyve done it, but i all indication it seems that we have not so far responded the way a country like pakistan is expected. I get the feeling from what you said in terms of what needs to be done. That matches reality uh that would help the palestinians, one of the things that you indicated for people, if i understood you correctly to go and fight against the israeli regime, when you say that, if again i understood you correctly. Does that mean that this is a regime that theres no point in terms of any type of discussions that its a regime that needs to be dealt with in a form and manner that it has done against palestinians and therefore um in your capacity as a former soldier that the the might of the fist so to speak is what it can understand which would ultimately lead to its demise . Only couple of days ago i wrote the whole thing because you know one is also in the business of writing. And this is exactly the point that i have tried to convey to everyone, my also received the copy and that is there were good days when we stood up for our causes, we did send help to people, regardless of how the rest of the world reacted sometime, you know the indians were unhappy or the americans were unhappy, but we were doing that, those were the days when people probably had a little more spine, the leadership, for the last few years this that i have seen, sometimes we dont even send an envoy to kolalpur where a kashmir conference is being held, another time we didnt send someone to moscow, although the conference was for us, it was post american b when these things happen the people like me, the old timers who have seen butter days will get upset, and right now all that i can say is that today is only yesterday we had very big conference here in islamabad all Political Parties were represented and mostly on such occasion people do go for rhetorics, but a couple of us did say, this is the time, and the conference agree, this is the time, not for you verbage, go ahead, tell the people that what you can do, and lets see what will happen, i cannot also understand that the state cannot act, you know, indiscriminatory, people have to be very wise, clever. And that is where my question also position the, i have no idea why hamas carried out this at this particular time, whether it was of frustration, whether it was to scuttle the abraham record, but it seems to have propared very well, couple of feels you must have taken, that is why the question is that if you do section like that, you absolutely know what will be the implication. Israelis will hit back and react, are you ready for that . If you have not been prepared adequately for that, and if you are going to this time going to get either caught by surprise or on the wrong foot, then im not going to be impressed by those people over planning it. I have so far, i thought this was action which was very well done, like do not get surprised with some of the other. States in the region act or react or how america and his allies, those are those things that have stopped surprising me, i do not moan and grown, i ask a very simple question, this is a question, if this is action that you have planned and you take a long time, what all have you thought through, some of it i will not, and that would be you know very good, i should not know if the. Have no coordinated their actions with iran, with his bullah, with russia, with china, i should not, if they have done it, i can be, i can relax it back, i can of course be very unhappy with all the casualties, because after all we are human beings and with the oppressed people, and that was my point, with the oppressed people, sympathizing was the main mission when pakistan was created, it was not because islam, if we are not doing it, we are failing in our duty, but right now my question is more about, how has amas and is corporate, is the amas people cooperated or aited, how have they worked out the battle to follow, it had to follow, and that is why i say as a military man, i have learned that you have to think through, you may not be certain about 100 person, but you think through and you lion yourself for the inevitable fall out. The path forward, as you mentioned in your article is the fact that there needs to be an International Intervention in order to end what you call this israel palestinian conflicts, adding that you said progress towards peace can materialize without condemnation. Dont you think were a little bit beyond condemnation when it comes to this, and when you talk about International Intervention, that needs to come from from where im guessing maybe youre referencing to perhaps the regional countries that maybe if theyre all on one page on this, which appears to be that that is the case, that then they can maybe move forward in the definition that youre saying that youre saying is an International Intervention . I would be very happy and i prepared to be presently surprised, but my counting would be based on whatever experience one has had, not only the middle east but the rest of the world, also in our part, 20 years of afghanistan and so on, the west has acted or reacted in a very predicted. This is how it was going to be, there is no need for saying, well this is you know a disaster and humanitarian things and the law, they have the countries in the region like egypt, saudi arabia, jordan, i didnt expect anything, i should, if they as i said, if they were to do something better, ill be very surprised, happily surprised, but the. I do not know how turkey is positioning itself, because they show always some sort of support, but the main thing is in this game, its a very big game and in which if one side you have the United States and european, on the other side we are banking on support from chinese and russians and of course iran and turkey they carry out a coordinator or. Are they doing it for the last seven days . Have done something . Do not know. What about the the fact that when you really take a look at the situation as its unfolding, um, there there i think in some sense can fall into two categories, one is the military um approach towards this and one is uh the rise of the palestinians with the support of world countries in particular in the region. In terms of the military aspect of it, the ones that have used. That are the palestinian factions, resistance factions, such as hamas, the islamic jihad, and then you have the ones that are standing and waiting and uh looking at the situation, to see where the red line may be crossed, that they might get engaged in there, immediately we can talk about hisbollah, the palestinian factions in there in lebanon, along with syria, along with iraq, and along with yemen, and then we can talk also about iran, um, just the fact that if they were all involved would mean the defeat of israel, doesnt shouldnt that go into the calculation, militarily speaking of israel and the us, i absolutely, you ultimately one can describe the situation the way one wants to, but yes it is on ground, if there is an effect that can be made, then that is the direction in which prepares, that means a mass is carried out direction, reaction at some stage, if it was planned, if it is expected, if they had agreed on, then by all means, let them do it, it will have implications, no doubt about that, its not going to go either, responsible either be from israel or from the others, some other countries, if that also is taken into account, any other country that is prepared at this time, despite all the. No reaction from the other worlds like iran would go and say at this time this is now the time that we are not going to be thinking about how they will act and how misal will come we will give them but that also has to be thought through and coordinated because military action now said i was a one usually what i expect an certain in this given situation is plenty of assets on ground placed in various places. Call them sleeper cells if you like to, but they are the ones who at the right time, then they start acting, so instead of saying that we are going to you know make israel react to fronts, the third front, the internal is the most important, would that be activated, are there people who are going to be there, people well trained, hiding, sympathy of the local palestinian or something, now again this is part of. That plan and i said it has not been done you know because seems to have worked on this plan which was very well made, excellently executed for about two years i believe so in that case all these things also have been taken the military part is to be done very very carefully discretely it has implications its not a dal wars in which you know only israel and iran are taking part, ultimately it will drag very many other countries and whatever one has known about other countries they get very upset, they get very disturbed because they do not want very big war usually, but if you are confronted, if you they are confronted with a situation like you know do and die etc. Then i think some people maybe some countries may decide or their people will force them to take the right decision. All right, lets bring in johnpott, International Human rights lawyer joins us from montreal. John philpot, welcome to the program, just talking to guest to. Um has indicated that time for talks is over in so many words and he said lets start just with one thing when uh he mentioned the humanitarian aspect of this in terms of assistance were looking at day 12 uh why do you think theres a um not a mechanism which is already in enshrined into the law of the un but for something or some country or somehow to get that assistance in when were looking at 16 uh, i guess people are dying every hour, average a day, 100 are people are dying, and there are many who are under the rubble, and im sure you know the situation of the hospitals, why cant the world come together even on that aspect of it, whats preventing that from happening, do you think . Well, this is major issue of course, because the Security Council um refused on monday to adopt call for a ceasefire, and um, so we noticed that the us, all of europe blocked it as did some other countries, unfortunately, including brazil, so theres a freeze at the Security Council, however, if you notice whats happening in beijing right now, at the forum on on the silk, silk road, there is an extreme level of diplomacy being exercised. And i noted that yesterday mr. Putin spoke with the president of egypt, um, spoke with netanyahu, spoke with mr. Raisi from your country, i think he spoke to rashad, and so there is an high level of diplomacy being exercised by responsible states like china and russia, and other countries including of course iran, iraq, jordan, even jordan has has, which has been a bit weak, has refused to meet joe biden, so the standoff, the political standoff is extremely intense, and people are aware of what is happening, and this recent horrible event of bombing the hospital and killing some 500 to 800 people, its so shocking to think that theyre actually blaming the palestinians for that, and we remember that israel said we are going to, the palestinians are animals, thats what they, thats what they said in the germans said about jews, theyre animal, theyre subhuman, the palestins are animals, theyve said all civilians are responsible for this, including children, otherwise, including hospital. Workers, sick people, so theyve almost promised to do so, and so its shocking to think that the western media, and i mean, i live in canada, the media here, dont call israel out on this, and those of us who know, and i mean everybody know knows about international law, really, when you try and exterminate or destroy or displace intilalation. Thats genocide, and its planned and carry, its planned, organized, declared, public statements, i was a lawyer at the International Criminal tribunal for rwanda, and we know what about the law is, i dont agree with the judgments at the International Criminal tribunal prowanda, but we know that law, and this is things that Everybody Knows from school, we were taught in school, never again, because of course the holocaust was horrible, and so were its a political problem right now and we have the military issue of course which i dont fatherm it completely, in other words, i cannot say, oh, iran should bomb israel, i cant say that, i have no idea, i cant say hezballah should attack israel, i cant evaluate that, because these are issues which are adopted by your country, by hezbollah, by syria, maybe. But there is a military aspect to this, and what weve noted is that israel and the us are inferior. They have big bombs to destroy from above, they cannot fight, and the world is changing, missiles render aircraft characters, aircraft carriers, almost obsolete, i understand, someone can correct me, so we have to support the palestinians in this struggle, theres also a huge media problem because we heard about palestinians on the seventh murdering young people a rave well theres been contradictory information coming out about this and israeli woman said no they treated us well they didnt kill us and the israeli we were killed in crossfire by the israels im not saying that they didnt shoot any civilians, but i dont think the story of shooting civilians is clear, and the idea of palestinian pograms against jews is absurd, because it certainly wasnt planned, it certainly wasnt organized, and it hasnt, and look whats happening now, almost no israelis are being killed except in military actions, which is are legitimate, military actions are legitimate, fighting back is legitimate, bombing, the airport in in israel is legitimate, bombing tel aviv is is legitimate, but theres no civilians being targeted, but israel is systematically targeting civilians and they said theyre going to do it, its not like oh accident, no, its their policy, so the politics of this are extremely clear, the legal issues are extremely clear, um and to a certain extent, this this clarity will create, hopefully a dynamic for a political resolution of this conflict. A political resolution is the appropriate solution, because a regional war could cause immeasurable problems. To your country, for example, to syria, to lebanon, to israel, to the israeli civilians who will suffer, we dont want them to be killed, to lebanon, and ultimately, it could go farther than that, we know that, so um, and id be well to very pleased to answer more questions, definitely, well, you, im listening to you, and im wondering, some of the things that you put forward here to me is very unclear uh one of them is the fact that when you say um its up to the relative of countries uh uh like iran like uh others um who if they want to carry out a military uh strategy and execute that against the israelis uh and you mentioned at the same time that israel is bombing palestinians well if they continue to bomb and palestinians are getting killed. Uh where where where should thats shouldnt there be reaction somewhere . I mean, um, are we talking about, are we talking about purely numbers here . I mean, were talking about 3,000, were talking about, i think about thousand or more, maybe under the rubbles. These numbers could be lot higher, and of course 1000 to have been injured with hospitals that may run out of fuel any day. I think i think you understand my question here, where where does the line needs to be drawn where israel should be stopped, because if you say theres no political solution. Which is the other side of the question that that that i want to ask you, um, then uh, there should be a stop to the war until uh some solution maybe is reached, which thats a whole another discussion here, but im talking just purely in terms of the death toll here, uh, shouldnt there be a reaction somewhere to stop that . Well, of course i believe that, i believe that there should be a military intervention of some kind, and what i said is, as a. As a as what i said as as a canadian lawyer, i cant evaluate, but for example, weve read about the possible humanitarian intervention by turkey and russia to break the siege and take food and water by ship into gaza, that would be interesting. I think that um hezbollah can attack israel and

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