They are living under occupation here in the west bank and in alquds and in the lands occupied in 1948 and keeps reminding the people of the ghaza strip that they are besseged that israel will continue to be as a state above the law that its backed and supported by the United States and many of the countries around the world and it knows very well that their crimes and their mass suckers the genocides being committed against the people of the gaza strip is a selfdefense at the end of the day unfortunately. Okay ryan dotson um so where to now in terms of what has happened uh were seeing a Mass Mobilization across the world in a matter of speaking and certain countries more so than others um in your part of the world i believe japan actually had some protest that happened yesterday in solidarity with the palestanians. Im not too sure where this is going to go when you when when people do come out. I mean its great to see the people. Out in support of the palestinians, but in terms of action on the ground, were not really seeing anything, supposedly theres some kind of ceasefire that may have been worked out, but we have yet to see that happen where hamas has not confirmed and is of not aware of one, so what what what can be done here um, in terms of not not officials, but uh outside of the realm of their world uh in order to uh at the end try to prevent the the massacker thats happening. Yes, there were rallies in soul, also in south korea, and japan and south korea have already are planning to send ade to gaza for reconstruction when this is over, but they do not have the political weight to end this conflict, really only three players have enough clout to to step and and get the israelis to knock it off, thats the americans, and possibly the russia and china combined, uh, they are had a ceasefire, temporary ceasefire today, the exact same time that american citizens are being evacuated out of israel, it really will come down the United States, its good to see solidarity from across the globe and rallies and propalestine and london, paris and so on, but its the American People have the most say in this, they have to really have to lobby and go to congress, not, its not the feel good yelling at buildings and running around with signs, that is a. Effective emotionally and it shows some but if youre in dc, there is no reason to be outside yelling a bullhorn when you could go inside and talk to the people who actually make the rules, they have to know their consequences for this endless support to israel, there are some in the United States that arent going against israel persay, but theyre badmouthy netan yahoos, how he let this happen in his decisions, so that might be path, but but unfortunately its going to take more deaths and more time before enough people, this always happens, it happened in 2014, its cyclical castled, pillar of god, all these attacks on gaza, after enough people are blown up and its shown people cant stomach it anymore, and theyll step in and create a ceasefire, and the ceasefire is all about getting israel to knock it off, buse theyre of the ones that decided, but even if that happened. There will still be an occupation, there will be still still going to be annexation of the west bank, maybe this time its so bad that it wont go back to the status quo, but thats a very difficult solution, and i think this time russia in particular, china in particular, have a chance for a dialogue, at least for the future of twostate solution. Start and i it will not happen tomorrow, it will not happen next month, but step one has to be stop bombing apartments, there need to be economic consequences for israel, for its behavior, the United States has bleed itself on ukraine, it doesnt have the position it usually has to save israel, and lot of American People are sick of their money going abroad for conflicts or pressure, but the people who have the most. Power are american citizens, the only people who can stop america are americans, they will not listen to anybody from the outside, so i would implore you if you live there, you have to be active, but your activism has to be effective, you have to lobby, stop yelling at buildings, stop making signs and waving flags, go talk to congress, um, there are a couple things id like to ask you, one is about this. Evacuation order that im seeing here close to the northern border where its has said that residence in 28 villages up to 2 kilometers from the border uh its border in the north with lebanon has been ordered evacuations uh to take place uh this sounds like that um military uh area that maybe israel had designated where wants the evacuation to take place do you have any information on that well lets say that sirens continued to sound in several areas in the northern asiaal the borders between israel and lebanon and rockets had been fired from the lebanese area into the Israeli Occupied territories in the north, israel said yesterday that five israelis had been wonded and one of them had second his injuries was a soldier uh he he was killed because of the rockets that had been fired from lebanon. Also the the Israeli Military asked the residence of the uh of the settlements and the towns in northern israel on the borders with lebanon to remain in shelters because they think that lets say rockets would continue to be fired from lebanon and at the same time israel would continue to shell these areas in south lebanon, so like the south borders with gaza ship, the israelies are demanding the residence of israel in the north to remain in shelters, anyways, rockets fired by the Palestinian Resistance groups from the gazt had also reached tel aviv as well as bengorian for the second time yesterday, it was reported that rockets had been fired to the vicinity. Of bengorian, the streets in tel aviv literally are empty, according to israeli media coming from there, the streets of of alquds as well, the israelies are afraid to freely move from an area to another mainly the in the areas where were close to the to the Northern Borders with lebanon, but speaking about the settlements and the towns and the cities in the south, there are already has been. Evacuated by the israel, its almost 22 settlements had been evacuated from its israeli residence in the in the south of course sedaroth alone this largest israeli town on the borders between gaza ship and israel, 30,000 israelies live in sedarot alone and till yesterday the Israeli Military was working on evacuating the remaining residencets the could be moved to to to tel aviv and to stay in in hottles of al quds and ilat and according to the israeli Media Private donations is funding the hotels injel to shelter the settle the the setter evacueries in tel aviv al quds and ilad also south asqalam is also included in the cabinet wider evacuation plan. And we have to mention something that today, us secretary of state, anthony blincon is supposed to return back to israel and he will be meeting with netanyahu and his minister of military affairs at noon 12, blincon himself uh revealed that the rafah crossing would be open following his visit to egypt. And in the conclude the after the in the conclusion he told reporters that the rafa crussing would be opened today up till the moment there is no israel official declaration that seas fire had been reached and that the rafah crossing would be opened so we have to wait in order to get an official comment from the Israel Cabinet to say that the crossing would be opened or not now yes from netanyahus office to the press, a statement sent to the press saying that theres a had no seas fire had been reached between israel and other parties that would allow the opening of rafah crossing and will allow the entry of at least 100 sharks and luries these aids humanitarian aids into the goza strip and there had been demands also from the israelies as well as the American Administration that if the crossing is opened all those f in the gauza ship and people working with the International Committee of the red cros and the United Nations with their families must leave the gazaship. All right, thank you for that. I actually have some questions on that. Ryan dowson, if youre still with us, id like to ask you about the role that the us plays here, on the one hand, it seems like they uh, the anthony blincon is uh, has traveled to some regional countries uh trying to see what it can do. To come up with solution, but im not too sure if that is indeed the role that the us is playing here. Um, there is um, you know, lots of speculation, of course, we dont know, but uh, that the us is providing israel with all the military support that it can in terms of hardware, theres even a shocking news that came out from uh this investigative journalist seem hursh, i dont know if you heard about that, where uh, there is there are plans of this upgraded version of the uh these bombs uh that have warheads called j jdams i guess where it can penetrate deep enough underground 30 to 50 meters and uh it can kill within one half mile our corresponent talked about bunker busting bombs being used that he did not witness witness in the past four wars to bring buildings down um does the us believe really that there it seems like action speak louder than words that there is a military solution to this conflict . They gave him thermoberric bunker buster bombs and mk77 which is a upgraded and yes the israelits use both and anthony blincon is not a serious person, he is sold all the war propaganda about for nato for ukraine when they were invading danpas, which was not from two years ago, that started in 2014, um, and hes gone to israel cuuse the american citizens are being evacuated and theyre giving them more arms and seeing what else they could do for israel, theyre not there to create. Fire, america could create sease fire in two seconds if it wanted to, it could cut aid to israel, it has all leverage on israel, it wont, why do you think that they still want to pursue this in the way that they do, you had the us president in a 60minute interview that said that uh israel, he thinks that its not a good idea for israel to occupy uh, im not too sure if he used the word occupy, but for israel to take over the ghaza strip, um, he sounds like you, even hes he, well in that interview. Said that they shouldnt move in that way uh, what do you make of that statement, first of all . Well, they shouldnt move in that way cuz it will be their little big horn, um, you have been attacking and bombing these people for 9 days and you want to move into urban warfare with tanks with no mine sweepers and the air cover wont matter, theyll set some tires on fire and blacken the sky, you wont be able to see down there, itll theyll get torn up like the russians in chechnia, and so its not that oh, they shouldnt go in there because theyll kill so many civilians, you shouldnt go in there because youre going to lose your army. Many have said that about hamas, that uh, for israel to go in there would be a Suicide Mission because theyre not going to be able to deal with uh, with the fighters, you know, theyre going to be a turf that theyre not familiar with. Uh, so why is israel pursuing that . Mean, they some have concluded that its mainly because they want northern part the ghaza strip to, guess be free. Of palestinians, which some have described as a form of ethnic cleansing really, um, but yet they, i dont think they are, i think theyve surrounded the perimeter to keep them from coming out, and they will continue to hit it with their air force, they know, theyll poster about it, but if they go in there with with armored divisions and infantry, it will get wiped out, the Israeli Military is not designed for urban warfare, they hit from a far with cruise missiles and and their ships can also. And they can hit their air force very effectively, but on the ground, as you saw, even with guys with nothing but machine guns, grenades and commercial drones were taking over israeli bases and settlements easily. They cant fight face to face, its a conscript army, urban warfare is nasty for anyone, they have a 10 to one ratio, but lot these are green, and it wont just be hamas, it will be everyone, all two Million People hate their guts, because just ask any parent, like what would you do is someone murdered your kid, and then listen to the what comes out of their mouth, like that now two million of those, okay, they will never come out of their alive, hamasas plan, if you see how well hamass plan was, im breaking. Through the wall, taking out their communication systems, taking over their bases with minimal gear, the the point is that is to sucker them in to, yes, please come into urban warfare, because thats the only place where they can defeat them, and it will be, there will be like custer trying to attack the lakota, the too many indians, youre going to be against everybody, and the landmines will take out the armor, the air will not be able, they wont be able to call an air support without hitting their own guys, infantry will be completely lost, they dont know where the tunnels are, every window flanks from every side and every angle, it is almost impenat, and i dont think theyre dumb enough to go in, but they might be hugorous enough, and i dont want this to happen, i dont want an army disappear, and i dont want, and we know how many civilians will die in this too, but uh, theyre willing to die, theyre fighting for their existence, lot of these conscrips were forced into the military and they dont want to be there. As soon as theres a firecracker, half of them run, uh, they dont want to go inside, they will be humiliated if they do, indeed, okay, mona, uh, to you, have you had a chance to communicate with palestinians and get an idea in the west bank and get an idea, from them, what they think about these solidarity rallies uh that have happened around the world and uh get uh feedback from them. Palestinians here in occupied west bank know very well that even if some countries are not supporting the palestinian cause, however their people, many them know very well whats going on here, its not like in the previous years, the they know that palestinians are still being occupied, the ghaza strip is being bombarded, children are being killed in in a very difficult and ugly way. These massacres are being committed there, so palestinians know very well that the least that the people to do around the world is to organize these protests and rallys and they had been even urging the the the international community, they had been es and even arab and muslim countries to allow their people to protest to demonstrate, to rally in support of the gazans and to demand an end to this israeli massacre, israeli war being committed against the people of gashta, they say that they know if the borders were open then we will find people from all around the world from several arab countries, algeria, tunis, iran from every word, from every. All people will come uh to the ghaza stuff in order to fight with the ghazas, because at at the end of the day those are the real owners of the land, palestinians are defending themselves and defending the their lands, so the least to do is to take part in the demonstrations and the radies in support of the people of the gazation and also to continue speaking about these crimes, to continue telling. Other word countries that palestinians are being slaughtered in the ghaza ship. Now the social media is becoming very strong, however some countries are even preventing the the the reports and videos to reach their their people, however palestinians here are doing their utmost, everyone have friends around the world, countries around the world they. Or sending the videos translated in many languages, not only in english, not only in arabic subtitled and translated to many of the world countries, and hoping that these videos going whats really going on in the gaship could reach the majority of the countries around the world, so yes palestinians here are saying that at the time being the. Only thing that can be done as people of the world is to protest, is to rally, is to say that the Israeli Occupation is going on for so long is to say that. Israel is committing massacres and the genocide against the people of the ghaza shif. Yeah, before i turn to you ryan, mona, just few minutes ago, israel has said that uh they are not aware of any type of ceasefire to have taken place in order to allow entrance of veid to gaza, denying the reports that it has agreed to halt fire in Southern Gaza to all the rafa Border Crossing to open, so uh, either anthony blincon has not related that information or communicated that. With israel yet or uh there is nothing in the works to have been confirmed . What do you make of that . Two minutes ago i said everything they they lie, they want people to think theyre safe so then they can get them, there theres nothing thats going to come out of this regime that will be true, they dropped leaflets and told people to go south gaza and then they bomb the roads they were on instantly. 70 people, yeah, youre talking about that convoy, right . Ryan, yes, yeah, thats you, i wouldnt believe them on the ceasefire either, it it may be a shorter time than it was, i mean anytime they can get you vulnerable, thats an advantage in the war, gile is part, um, yeah, these are the types of news that that doesnt really make it out there, although that particular um, instance uh, it it did go viral uh. Was lots of reporting on it, but it it does show as you indicated ryan, how um, in your to use your words that israel is lying, um, do you think that they have uh increased the drive or the motivation, if i can even say this to uh kill as many palestinians as possible in this particular uh war that theyre waiting on them. They have always wanted to kill as many palestinians as possible, they have always been genocidal, theyre trying to figure out. How to get away with it in the World Community, how they can get away with the maximum amount of child slaughtering before the world makes them knock it off, and what theyre doing is playing the victim and making up dead baby stories and stuff and saying, see we have to, we have to, we have blood lible, they did it to us, we have to do it to them, lot of these people want have always wanted to wipe them all out, kids and everything, but they know that they cant voice that openly, yet some of them cant help themselves now. And they know that the World Community would never stomach that, so what theyre trying to figure out is how they can do it, what, how, how can they max, they got a short window before the world says stop, how can they get the most people, and they love killing the youth and kill, as they say, they they want to starve them, they want to destroy their hospitals, so all those thousands of woonded end up being thousands of dead, they have to destroyed their agricultural centers, they will put them a calorie diet. This is genocide, they cant just flatten it, unless they use the nuke, because its not physically possible, they are flattening it as fast as they can with conventional weapons, that is as much as they can blow up, they are doing, the mere fact that that you have this Ground Invasion which we talked about still being. Put out there um has lead many to believe uh that uh if and when this takes place if it takes place uh that its going to uh have the assistance of the us to make sure what Anthony Blinkin has said uh and thats to raise uh raise a ghaza strip to the ground he was using that terminology when he was speaking to some of the countries and their officials uh purchasing off countries uh uh that their officials, blincon wants to take in palestinians for them to be distributed from the ghaza strip um that that that just sounds like a farfetched idea, but yet its something that according to some reports uh the secretary of state is promoting, what do you think of the fact that they want to um basically uproot palestinians again and send them out of the ghaza strip . Yeah, its another nakba and they will never be allowed to return once theyre out they will not be allowed to come back. Israel wants to that territory and they want it only for select category of people, they believe its a jewish state and they want to get rid of palestinians and so if they can kill them or they can force them out of the country with no means no ability ever return that they get to annex the more they would love to take another piece of ghaza strip off take the whole northern chunk make it part of the of israel or occupied palestine theyd love to do that and but they want them to divided, if some of them will leave, the fewer they have to fight and put up with, it doesnt matter what they leave or not, theyll never be able to return, and whoever does stay, if they go in the ground, israel plans on killing them. Its not going to work out that way though, if israel goes in in the ground, they are going to get inniholated, and that would probably trigger a war in the north, because other factions have promised, if you invade gaza in the ground with armor, we will hit you in the north has in particular, stay with us, we have miriam sall joining us from southern lebanon to find out whats going on there in that border area, uh, mariam, good morning, what do you have for us . Well, whats definite is that the weather has completely changed, were coming now closer to what stormy weather, well at the same time, what were looking at in the southern border is still somewhat uh the same um daily routine like if you may um tit for tat, response for response, operation for operation, it is did escalate somewhat yesterday with hizballah, increasing perhaps the uh the number of operations that they launched yesterday, since every time there is an israeli shelling then the hazballah resistance would claim that they had um targeted one of the base or two sometimes four three bases or five bases at the same time, last night the israelis had said that they are they there always lot of suspicions for them at the border, they suspected that there was a um a drone for hazbullah and so therefore they shelled one of the areas where there is Lebanese Army post in the area in the village of ramia in south lebanon, that did not lead to any casualties for the Lebanese Army, fortunately um they hit a checkpoint but the headquarters or the post where they were staying uh was a bit further off, but other than that it seems to be contain in a certain time, you dont have lot of uh around the clock um shelling for the israelis now we dont theres somewhat calm uh it is contained of course not just to give you an idea about how hizbullah is of course being very much mysterious when it comes to how they are going to deal with this issue but at the same time they are hitting specific targets and every time they do they launch uh they issue a statement specifying exactly what they hit just yesterday uh the israelis supposedly lost two tanks and an armored vehicle. Um and if those they they contained soldiers now they are not of course very much open on how their casualties, but we do know that at least five soldiers were either killed or wounded during that operation alone and that was yesterday um that was against um five different posts and what hazballah is doing is basically spreading it out theyre doing that for example the western side of the coast and the northern