W welcome to our studios in the capital tehran. This is press tv news. Thanks for joining us. The Israeli Regime keeps pounding the densely populated gaza striple lengthlessly for the eighth day in a row, killing civilians and reducing buildings of the besieg palestinian te territory to ruble. In one of the latest fites, the regime killed 27 palestinians in jibalia north of the gazas prep, over 2300 palestinians have been killed and nearly 10,000. Did, over 700 children are among the dead, at least 15 hospitals have been damaged by israeli shelting and air rates. The Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas says at least 21 israelis and foreigners held by the group were also killed in the air strikes. The attacks began last saturday. More than 42000 gazans have been displaced since then. More than 1 million palestinians in northern gaza face an israeli deadline on saturday to flee south. The territory remains under israels. Fleet sie with no access to electricity, water, food and medicines. Themas chief, ismal haniah has accused this rill of committing war crimes and preventing humanitarian aid from entering gaza. As part of its operation alaxa flood against israel, hamas has been firing thousands of missiles into the occupied territories. The palestinian Business Movement has now carried out the furthest launch since his military Campaign Began on saturday. Palestinian. Say the iyash 250 was fired at israels Northern Command base in the city of safed. Israel media claimed that it was intercepted by the regimes missile systems. Sirens were sounded all the way from settlements close to the ghaza strip to cities such as hifa. The missile has range of 250 kilometers. Hamas had previously stated that it can target anywhere in the Israeli Occupied territories. So far, over 1500 israels have been killed and 3400 injured and operation alasa flood by the resistance group. Amas says it launched the military campaign in response to repeated israeli desecration of alasa mosques and the of regimes crimes and aggression throughout the decades. Saras in israeli setlement close to the ghaza strip has been one of the places where fighters from the Resistance Movement hamas could infiltrate last week during their alaxa flood operation. Alalam press core has toured the settlements following the mass lightning operation. Which has been subjected of to heavy israeli strikes. Now of course many of the settlers have left this area after it was targeted by barage of rockets. You can see lots of material damage here, including to cars and buildings and it happened a time when there were lot of settlers here. Astrord was hit by lots of rockets and missiles and resistant fighters were present here when they started their alaxa flot operation. After heavy fighting the israeli army took back the control of this area. You see the damage inflicted to houses. A settlement that was once housing many settlers has now turned into a deserted town. Thanks to the rockets fired by resistant forces. There are now only military forces here, still rockets and missiles are being fired toward this area, rockets that are in response to the. Regimes crimes against gaza, this place is located in the socalled gaza envelope which has been declared as a closed military zone by the israeli army, huge numbers of forces and Armored Vehicles have been dispatched to this area by the regime which has called up more than 300,000 of its reservists. The gaza envelope is a still being targeted by rockets and missiles fired by resistant forces. There has also been a spratic fighting in the area which demonstrates that the regime still does not have full control over all places in the gaza envelope. The israeli army is trying to once again. And bring it back under its full control while regime Intelligence Forces have declared it dangerous zone. Head of Hamas Political Bureau esmahana says Palestinian People will never leave their land despite the recent israri bloodched in the besieg gaza strep. Hania said palestinians have a country and their country is palestine. The himas officials said the people of palestine will not emigrate from their land despite the Israeli Regimes barbaric. Crimes to eliminate the roots of Palestinian People. Hannah said the return of Palestinian People to their ancestral land is close, given that the regimes plan, which is assisted by the us is doomed to fail. He praised the military wing of hamas, the al qassam brigades for carrying out the operation against the Israeli Regime. The scenes out of the gaza strip are nothing short that massacre. The hospital there is on his last breath like the patients. Meanwile the Israeli Military has ordered the evacuation of more than 1 Million People from northern gaza to quote temporarily move south to mitigate civilian harm. The un has condemned this move warning against devastating humanitarian consequences, warning that the evacuation was simply not possible. Moving more than 1 Million People across a densely populated war zone to a place with no food, water or accommodation, when the entire territory is under siege is extremely dangerous and in some cases simply not possible. Had harsher words urging the un chief to stop israels crimes against humanity, stop this of civilians, israels un ambassador meanwile criticized the un response to israels warning, the un should be praising israel for these precautionary actions, he said, for years the un has put his head in the sand in the face of hamass terror built up in gaza. This coming from a regime that has never heated any un resolutions or International Law for that matter, and has been called a child killer. The stats. Here speak for themselves. More than 150,000 Palestinian Civilians have been killed or injured in gaza and the west bank since 2008. 33,000 of those were children. This is what israel has in mind. The creation of two evacuation rous to the south of barricay, which israel has said will not be the target of israeli attacks. Hamas has rejected that outright. Their fears that israel is trying to bring people to the streets with the aim of creating gatherings and then taking casualties, something it has done in previous wars. Meanwhile behind the scenes, it is reported that the u. S. Secretary of state, anthony blincon is negotiating with persian gulf arab countries to convince them to accept the residence of the gaza strap. He has said that it is because the israeli army is getting ready to raise gaza to the ground. The expression to raise to the ground. Is one that blincon used exactly. The plan is to transfer one million citizens to egypt and then distribute them to saudi arabia, jordan, qatar, and the united arab emirates. The israelling bombardment of gaza would not have been possible without washingtons all out support. Bombs dropping on gaza have been provided by the us. Washington is as guilty of not more in enabling israel to carry out his Bombing Campaign there. The possibility that the u. S. Geral ford will assist israel in, as what the us secretary of state anthony blincon said, raise gaza to the ground. What israel has in mind is to prepare for a block by block warfare in gaza. Israel has already stated that the goal is to destroy hamas, disregarding the human cause, which may includes the ones in captivity, and that includes Israeli Soldiers alives as well. The resistance fighters can use their Tunnel Network to get in behind the attack or to. Attack in all directions, to make it very difficult for israel to effectively have an advantage. At the end, the u. S. And a us supported coalition will help israel demolish the gaza strip, which the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated. The us would do that through his aircraft carrier, the gerald ford along with the uk surveillance aircraft, but not so fast. Hamas itself has plenty of firepower left in his arsenal from drones to missiles and his fighters. And there are other players in this battle as well who are willing and even more able to defeat the enemy forces. Hezbulah and the squadron of fighters for one. Who was said that it would act when deemed necessary. رؤيتنا وخطتنا نتابع خطوات العدو ولدينا جهوزيه كامله ومتتى يحين وقت اي عمل سنقوم به عن بعد من خلال الطائرات والقذائف واحتل الصهاينه الارض بالقتل وال israels ultimate goal is a greater israel, one needs to look at where the American Forces are located from the west of iraq on the euphrates border and east of the euphrades of syria, but if it comes down to that, there is one Formidable Force standing in their way, the islamic. هم از لحاظ نظامی هم از لحاظ اطلاعاتی یک شکست غیر قابل ترمیم خورده. Irans Prime Minister warns that the situation in the region will not remain the same if the Israeli Regimes crimes against palestinians continue. Wasan amyan said that tehran will continue its efforts to stop the israeli war crimes and will never fall short of his principles in supporting palestine. He made the remarks during a meeting with hamas leader in qatar. Ismahaniah for his part saperation alasaflood delt a strategic blow to Israeli Regime and their war crime. In gaza showed their confusion. Earlier Amir Abdullahyan met with his khattari counterpart and reiterated the need for ending the siege the gaza strip, and withholding food, water and electricity. He is engaged on diplomatic tour of west asian countries, focus on the israeli strikes on the gaza strap. He has already visited iraq, lebanon and syria and has met with high ranking officials there. Israel is expanding his campaign of air strikes this time targeting airport. In syria. The Syrian Defense Ministry Said the attack, which was carried out from the mediterranean sea, put the airport out of service. The airport just got back to service after simultaneous missile attacks by Israeli Forces on the airports in damascus and in aleppo. Damas airport is still out of service. Meanwile the israely military says that is shelled syria after air rate sirens were sounded in the occupied golden heights. This said the shutting was in response to two rocket launches from syria. In recent years israel has conducted hundreds of air strikes on the syrian territory, targeting the army positions and other areas. Israels recent air strikes come in the wake of the regimes incessent bombardment to the besieg gaza strip. Rallies have been held in various parts of the world and solidarity with palestinians as the Israeli Regime continues with this brutal aggression against the beside ghaza strip. In london tens of thousands of people rallie to the british capital. To express support for palestinians, they held signs and chanted slogans as they marched from the bbc headquarters to downing strate. Demonstrates called for an end to the israeli bloodshed in gaza. In upsall of sweden, protesters called on the International Community to take action and to stop israels crimes. In the iraqi city of nineva, people gathered to condemn israel and its allies for killing palestinians. They hailed the operation alloss the flood launched by hamas Resistance Movements. Similar rallies were held in the french. Capital paris, italian city of milan, and the turkish city of istanbul. Huge numbers of propalestine demonstrators marched on downing street saturday amid the uk governments outpooring of support for israels regime. Prime minister rishi sunnak has spearheaded a controversial british response. To the latest violence in gaza, a reaction which many have condemned as reckless and criminal. These protesters are furious, and not just at the horrific images and videos coming out of palestine right now, but also at the british authorities who are throwing accusations at protesters like this, as somehow being antisemitic or sympathizing with terrorism, simply for coming out and supporting the palestinian cause. Reports have already surfaced. That a palestine activist in manchester was arrested for wearing a palestine flag. This comes after home secretary soela braverman warns that waving a palestine flag could be classed as criminal in some cases. First and foremost is very clear there is double standards. If the if a government is supporting ukraine and ukraine are resisting the occupation then we have to say why is there a double standard for the people in palestine when we know without a shader of doubt 70 years. Have gone by they are under occupation, so holding a flag, it doesnt make sense for people to come under attack only simply because they are showing solidarity for the people who are the muzlum and the people who are oppressed. I feel disgusted and i feel unsurprised. At the end of the day, palestinians, majority of us are muslim, we are colored, we are not european, so im unsurprised and im disgusted from the racism thats been going on, im im absolutely disgusted and im unsurprised but now of the palestinian diplomatic representatives in response to britains eagerness to support israel amid the violence, conservative party mprispin blunt issued a warning that the uk could face legal action if it does not do more to restrain israel amid war crimes accusations. Im not entirely sure that my colleagues have quite grased the legal peril that they are in or fully understand uh the International Law in this area. Um cant uh encourage uh powers to commit war crimes. On lookers watch in fear as israel goes ahead with his bloodshed in the besieged gaza strip. Israel has already targeted gaza with intense air strikes, the brutal aggression has so far claimed the lives of more than 2,0 people and injured many others. Hundreds of thousands have also been internally displaced as a result of the regimes bombardment of the bloccaded territory. Robert carter press tv, london. Hundreds hit the streets of istanbul to show solidarity with Palestinian People. The demonstrators condemned israeli atrocities against Palestinian Civilians and the siege imposed on the gaza strip. People chanted the slogans against the United States, European Union and israel, accusing them of committing the crimes by depriving palestinian citizens. In gaza from electricity, water and medical supplies. They also condemned israels bombardment of the bloccaded territory, which has so far resulted in the death of more than 200 civilians. Katlediyorlar ve su anda this state was built on bloodshed and forced migration. They continue to commit the worst inhuman crimes and the whole world is watching. They are doing it with the help of the western imperial countries. We are here to call our government and muslim countries to unit their efforts to end this occupation. The propalestinian protest comes amed western countries unwavering support for israel. This is while countries supporting the Palestinian Resistance are very few. Protesters voice their anger at their governments who did not take serious moves to stop the bombing of gaza. We came here today to say that gaza and the mosk that they are. Not alone, even if our governments did not move finger to stand with palestines, we as people will always stand with the palestine cause, for it is a humanitarian cause before all, we are here to voice our. Support to the palestine resistance who are defending themselves and their people against zinus crimes. People from all walks of life, the elderly, women and the children attended the demonstration to pledge that the palestinian cause is not political, but rather a humanitarian cause. They called the whole muslim nation to stand up for palestine. Bugun benim olan, izzetim. We are here to defend our first kible, our brothers and sisters in palestine. No matter how much the yes and west right, palestine will be free and justice shall prevail, this is gods promise. Saturdays rally is the second such a protest in istanbul, it comes as turkish officials are in touch with egyptian authorities to facilitate the transfer of basic necessities including food. And medical supplies to the People Living in the gaza strip. People here called the government to take concrete steps to end the israeli sejong gaza and put an end to the regimes atrocities against innocent civilians. Rashan saglam, press tv, istanbul. As hundreds of palestinian space death in gaza outrage echoes from the United States capital. Theyre hungry, the. Dying, theyre suffering and shame, shame and a big shame. Constant bombardment and indiscriminate strikes of gaza by israels military has led to massacre of palestinians, including hundreds of innocent women and children. Absolutely a genocide, the whole world is watching, gas is being destroyed and kids and babies and all people is being killed and nobody doing anything about it. Thats exactly what it is. Israeli officials warned the entire population of northern gaza to evacuate south. Forcing more than one Million People from their homes. For many protesters here, the expectations for the safety of their family members is grim. Humanitarian reports out of gaza frequently reported are saying that the humanitarian crisis there is worsening. Hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled their homes with nowhere to go. Where is it to go if youre bombing everyones homes and their and their uh towns and and uh denying them access even leave the the the space you know like its an open air prison in ghaza theres no food no jobs um they deny access to everything protests have been ongoing throughout the year in washington dc, however this demonstration is one of the largest, its intensity just as extraordinary as its size, they should Pay Attention because people are dying, nobodys left, theyre killing every last one of them, the child, old men, old women, that they can killing babies, similar protest took place in other cities around the world, it is still undetermined when the assault on gaza will stop as the death toll there rises. Colin cambell, press tv, washington. The 6. 3 magnitude earthquake has rocked western afghanistan, it struck 33 km from the city of harat, the capital of a province with the same name. A 5. 5 magnitude after shock also hit the area minutes later. Early this month, the magnitude. To 6. 3 quake and eight powerful after shocks jolted the same part of her rot, top playing large parts of rural homes, killing over 1,000 and injuring hundreds more. Days later as thousands of residents were left without shelter and volunteers dug for survivors, another tremor with the same intensity killed one person and injured 130 others. That does for this additional world news. Thanks for being with us, a recap of the top stories coming up and just. Minutes time at the top the hour, its byebye for now, im calling on fords Chicago Assembly plant to stand up. Up and go on strike, the union has made it clear that one of its key demands is to end the two tier, this state is very expensive, i love rom, i love my. Community, i love to be a part of this community, however, the going rate of a one bedroom is 2,200. Im hoping that everyone will come on board with us and stand against this. The israel regime keeps pounding the gaza strip relentlessly, killing civilians and reducing the besseged palestinian territory to rubble. Israely warplanes once again hit gaza city on saturday. Regime attacks 750 targets on friday. Alone nearly 1900 palestinians have been killed since these strikes began last saturday. At of Political Bureau smalheniia says Palestinian People will never leave their land despite the recents israeli bloodched in the sige gazap. He said the beturn of palestinians to their ancestral land is close given that the regimes plan which is assisted by the us is doomed to fail

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