Visited riad on september 19 in the first public visit to the kingdom by an official at this level, and these visits in both directions after the quick translation of what the saudi prince had announced about continued progres in the normalization talks with this entity which are taking place within a trapertite framework. After the news, a visit made by the zinest regime minister of tourism to the kingdom of saudi arabia, saudi social media users widely criticized the trip with several hashtags including. Accept normalization, no to normalization, and normalization is treason. Of where does palestine fit in all of this . Well, Mahmoud Abbas seemingly believes in the necessity of benefiting from the expect normalization, that was evident with the secretary of the executive committee of the ploin sheikh headed a delegation that visited riyad on the 5th of last month where he met with saudi officials to inform them that the Palestinian Authority, despite its adherence to the peace initiative, will not stand in the way of the agreement. And will not oppose to saudi position if it had significant Financial Resources to prevent the pas collapse. Took about a Good Business deal, huh . Anyways, not a word about establishing a palestinian state, and why would there be since Benjamin Netan yahoo just a week ago announced his complete opposition to the establishment of a palestinian state in exchange for normalization with saudi arabia. All recent events are clear evidence that riyad is interested in tel aviv and not palestine or. Goods as it claims. Saudi arabia already has relations with the Israeli Occupation marked by israeli entity Companies Operating in the kingdom, including those responsible for security during the hashpage in mecca. The kingdom is now keen on establishing official relations with the israeli entity in order to obtain usmade weapon supplies and attain its own facility for uranium enrichment, which zionist leaders will find 101 ways to prevent from happening. Welcome to the mediast stream, im. Osman. The arab world is on the verge of new phase that paves the way for the integration of the zionist entity into the region of the Arabian Peninsula and the abolition of Palestinian National rights. Accordingly, the palestinian cause has become to certain ameres just. An obstacle that must be removed, but is it really a historic agreement between a country like saudi arabia and the israeli entity that is going to be easy matter . To discuss this issue with us from beirot is dr. Ad, political commentator and head of the Media Committee at the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance. Its a pleasure having you with us dr. Um now zidi normalization is supposedly done deal, and now since saudi arabia believe. Believes that benefits do come from the zionist entity, killing palestinians, raiding their homes, desecrating their religion, especially the religious places, it is clear that saudis do not really care about the palestinian cause or the palestinians for that matter, so whats the point behind all the saudi shared of the two states solution . It seems to be a public attempt to justify the step of getting involved in the normalization process, any same person who follows. The arab israeli entity conflict, especially during the past couple of years in the west bank and palestine, understands that there is no hope for the possibility of twostate solution, and that zinis israel never commits to any of the promises made in the agreements it usually signs, exactly like what happened with the oslo accord, the Israeli Regime transformed into the hegemmani by the most extreme Zionist Group and other extremists who rule and manage it, and carry out amendments in the foundation of the zionist regime. In addition to the socalled judicial revolution within the Israeli Occupation, it is then impossible to provide any conditions for settlement. Just as the lebanese proverb says, it is like going to haj pilgrimage. In the offseason, now it has become a known fact that normalization is treason and that ties with the zionist israel are always for free without any benefits for the signatories besides the Israeli Regime and that all other signatories will come out of these agreements as losers minhasrin. Well doctoral, we know firsthand right here in lebanon that zinis israel will be present anywhere it wants or it can get to, for that matter including the corridors of. The saudi yama palace if it has to, have the saudies not yet understood that israel, or the israeli entity has never made any concessions any regional issue, have they not understood that the designism demands the establishment of a greater israel, have they not even known that the usurping illegal entity is constantly expanding and that uh that is why it has never declared its own borders as an entity, do they not know that they are next on that list . If they actually go to announce normalization, establish diplomatic relations, raise the israeli entity flag in riyadh and establish normal relations then they have lost at all. It is not normalization as much as it is an exchange as normalization is usually between two natural entities, but the zionist entity is a temporary usurping replacement entity that has no chance of survival and continuity. Therefore, if the saudi leadership were to legislate, normalization and it official and diplomatic, then the saudi arabia would have committed a grave mistake against itself, against saudi arabias regional role and against sacred religious sights, and in practice it would have become one of those who do not learn from the experience nor the experience of others. These people are usually described as fools in the world of politics, so if they normalized they will acquire this description. Yes, the israeli entity does not make concessions to anyone, does not adhere to pledges and does not reassure others even within the. Own countries, this is what we witnessed, for example in the United Arab Emirates when it agreed to normalization, and this is what happened and is happening in jordan, even though normalization is called there, and this is what happened and is happening with egypt. The most notable evidence of this is how the israeli entity dealt with the Palestinian Authority, as the agreements that were signed were for the benefit of the occupying entity only. Zinists took recognition from the plo, held the authority captive to members of forces and transformed it. Into merely a managing committee of prisons inside the west bank. This is what the Palestinian People have discovered, the same people who are revolting today and snatching up weapons and resistance in a revolution that has only one path, which is liberation from the river to the sea. If the saudi officials do not know this, do not study this and do not conclude or feel this, then they will have placed themselves in a dangerous dilemma. Well, since mentioned the Palestinian Authority, we all know that. The Palestinian Authority, according to experience here, does not work for the palestinians, it just exists to protect israel, and thats not me saying it, this is actually the evident in the, it was evident in the uh past years when the zionist aggression against the winst bank in specific was accelerating year after year, so muhammad bin salman just throws some cash the Palestinian Authority as some sort of hush money to complete the normalization process without any noise, however is he really defened, does he not listen and hear the . The Palestinian Resistance operations, especially in the occupied palestinian territories, i mean these operations make it impossible for the zionistts to lose more Palestinian Land and heritage by the minute, it makes them nearly impossible for them to live in peace while looting palestinians. Certainly, if he goes to normalization, it will be in addition to committing foolishness and it will. The foolishness of the century, given saudi arabia status and platform in the arab world and as a religious position for the majority of muslims. If he goes towards normalization in this circumstance, he will go against all trends. Not only will he be accused of not knowing what is happening around him, and that he is not king on saudi arabia, and that he does not understand the heated upheavals, but he will be the most prominent conspirator against the palestinian cause and the Palestinian People. And a time when the occupation entity itself is facing an existential and structural crisis. The Palestinian People, 30 years after the oslow accords tested the nature of this entity and became convinced that there is no way to achieve rights except through the option of resistance, which was tested in lebanon and gave its result in complete liberation and was also tested in gaza in 2005 without restrictions or conditions. This means that the post oslo generation is the one leading the resistance and its capabilities. And circumstances, which is expanding to include more palestinian cities and governance, which are beginning to look more like liberated areas just like genine, this unique model began to spread nablus and in many regions. And in hebron, al khalil is also preparing to enter the liberation battle, and when it does, there will be developments of a different nature towards comprehensive and complete liberation, for muhammad bin salman to finance the Palestinian Authority, which today is known to be nothing more than Security Apparatus in the hands of the israeli entity to stab the entifather and the Palestinian People in the side and back, then he will have presented himself and saudi arabia on the altar of the ultimate battle, and we have joined the ranks of the losing forces. Definitely, well just leave it in the hands of the resistance and it will take care of it, thats what i believe in, and millions of uh muslims and free people of the world do, i want to thank you very much mr. Political commentator for joining us to discuss the imminent saudi israeli entity normalization, now ladies and gentless, please stay tuned, because next we will talk about how the resistance in gaza is snatching its rights from the mouth of the zionists. Now after long discussions conducted by mediators between the Hamas Resistance Movement in the gaza strip and the israeli entity, the latter yielded to the palestinian demands regarding nonescalation in the alaqsa mosk and a return to previous socalled understandings regarding the Economic Conditions in the gaza strip in exchange for stopping the border activities led by the resistance in hamas. More details in the following report. Intensive talks have taken place recently among the israeli entity, the hamas movement, the united nations, egypt and qatar an attempt to calm the escalation along the occupied Palestinian Border with the gaza strip. For two weeks, palestinians have held massive protest at the border fence every evening, facing up with Israeli Occupation soldiers. Protests had broken out after hamas demanded and to the pressure exerted by the occupation on the gaza strip, after dinis regime to the bloccade measures which affected the hamas governments work in the strip, its ability to provide services to citizens and to pay the salaries of its employees. The. Palestinian demands included doubling the number of workers allowed to work inside the occupied territories, but the egyptian mediators declared that the zinest regime will increase the number of workers to 20,000 after it was 17,500 workers, provided the number will reach 30,00 workers over the next year, under the condition that calm prevails in the strip linking the publics livelihood in gaza to the resistance subordination. Also, hamas demanded increase in the value of the qatari grant to cover new number. Numbers of poor citizens in light of data about the increase in the poverty rate within the gaza strip to more than 70 of citizens, according to official and international statistics. Egyptians and qataris inform the movement that design occupation has no objection to increasing the value of the qatari grant to include more than 100,000 citizens. However, the return to protests will depend on the implementation of the pledges made by the occupation to the mediators, according to hamas informed the egyptians, noting that. The sessation of demonstrations will be temporary, hinting that the rebellious youth on the gaza border will escalate their steps if there is attack in the city of alquds during the jewish holiday period, which continues until the seventh of next month, and also in the event that the current understandings are not fulfilled. As a result, the Occupation Forces announced the opening of the beit hanon crossing last week to palestinian workers from the gaza strip after a closure that lasted 12 consecutive days, which came as a form of punishment after. The escalation of the activities of the gaza rebel youth on the borders of the strip. After the occupation announced the opening of the bait hanon crossing, the rebel youth announced in a statement that its units will remain on alert and ready to return to the Popular Revolutionary moment in the event that the enemy does not adhere to its pledges to the mediators. All the while the zinust entity continues to fortify many bypass roads leading to settlements surrounding the gaza strip by raising high concrete rolls and increasing shooting attempts during the demonstrations. These measures according to the Occupation Army aimed to prevent the launching of missans from gaza towards the interior occupied palestinian territories in the event of a military confrontation with the gaza strip, but experience has shown that dionist measures too will fail miserably. Now to discuss this issue with us from the besieged gaza strip is mr. Arafat abu zayid a palestinian Political Writer and commentator. Its a pleasure having you with us mr. Arafat now. Media outlets uh reported the formula to calm the situation on the borders of the ghaza strip were reached after the israeli entity pledged not escalate in the city of alquds and to return to the safe al quds understandings of 2022. How do you read these developments given that the resistance was fully capable of escalating the situation in gaza . I mean, how come the zinis decided to deescalate this time . First of all, most welcome to you and your dear viewers. I believe the state of tension on the borders of the gaza strip with occupying entity comes in its natural context in light of the ongoing state of proper. Felt by Palestinian Youth and the palestinian citizen, as a result of what is happening in alax and sharif and the state of continued israeli violations against the people of quds and violations against islamic and christian sanctaries in alquds. It is not surprising to witness this escalation in the pace of resistance activities, whether in gaza or even in the west bank and specifically on the border in the gaza strip, especially in light of a zionist project led by extreme zionists as bengaver and smotric, by targeting several aspects related to islamic rituals and believes, the most important of which are most through continuous raids, as well as the repressive measures against prisoners and detainees and the significant expansion of Settlement Operations in the occupy west bank. Therefore, i believe that the israelis eventually reach the complete conviction that they must end the ongoing violations against alquds and the holy sites, especially since they know fully well that gaza will not remain silent and will not stand idilly by and that the resistance. In gaza will have the most prominent say, therefore, in light the internal crisis experienced by the left and camps in the temporary entity and the internal zinus division, the occupation tried to distance itself from the current state of conflict, especially in light of the threat to it on several fronts there is a Southern Front represented by gaza, the Northern Front represented by hazbullah in lebanon, as well as iran and its nuclear program, and the weaker side of the occupation represented by the occupied west bank. Therefore, occupation had no choice but to reach understandings through arab and international mediation. Well arafat, after the enemy government tightened the blockade and the siege measures on gaza, we saw that the government, the hamas government work was uh effectively, was affected heavily by this uh closure, by the siege, along with its ability maybe to provide services for the uh citizens to pay salaries to the employees. This is all due to to the illegal zionist blockade on the entire ghaza strip. Will this new mediated agreement in your opinion be enough to secure the livelihoods of the Palestinian People living undersieged in gaza . I think the recent understandings and the recent mediation agreement will in no way be sufficient towards providing a decent means of living for the Palestinian People. Whats happening is simply just trying to keep the situation as is. There has been a siege. Imposed on the gaza strip for 17 years, and what is currently happening is only attempt to keep things as they are for fear of the escalation of resistance in gaza, and the attempt escalate the fight against gaza, which in turn will increase the pace of resistance work. What is currently happening is that qatar, for example pays 30 million a month to the government gaza, before now it paid directly to the ministry of social development in the gaza strip, but for several months now, it has been paying directly to the united nations. Which disperses it to number of palestinian families, but even the amounts spent do not achieve what is required, it is like someone living in a state of clinical death and being put on artificial resuscitation. This is what the Israeli Occupation aspires to keep up, but the empty state of siege in my opinion will not last long, especially in light of the escalation of resistance work, and in light of the circumstances in which the israeli entity resides above International Law and wants to practice all continuous violations against. But the greatest and most reliable guarantee of breaking this sie and breaking the israeli arrogance will be the resistance and not the arab or International Mediators who always seek to find solutions that are more in favor of the Israeli Occupation, well in documented history there has really never been a strong Palestinian Resistance that could wipe out the occupation force militarily, but through the strategy of attribution and making the occupier pay very heavy price along a long period uh of time, newer realities were imposed against the zionist entity that might even lead to the stage of liberation in palestine. If it were to start in your opinion, from where do you think the spark of liberation would begin uh in palestine, given that at the moment the entire historic map of palestine seems to be a very hot. There is already a change in the israeli entities map of threats, for example, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the occupying entity, when he began the. New period in the Current Coalition government, he was talking about the primary threat to the entity, which is the Iranian Nuclear program, then he switched to the trend of hizbullah in lebanon and the crisis that hizbullah placed for the entity on the northern water began, then netanyahu and designers security and military apparatus behind him was surprised, they were surprised that the strategic danger and the weak flank the entity was actually the occupied west bank, why do we say the occupy west bank . Lets talk about the west bank in numbers, from january the. Beginning of this year until the middle of this year, there were more than 6,705 resistance operations in the west bank, including shooting operations, stabbing operations and runover operations, as well as launching missiles and shooting down Israeli Occupation drones. There is also a great state of hostilities against the settlers, a large presence of settlers in close proximity to the west bank, and lines of contact with the occupation soldiers that are almost continuous, therefore the occupation describes the occupied west bank front as a bigger. And most prominent threat to the occupation, especially if we remember the number of zin is killed this year. The number of deaths as a result of resistance operations this year to date has reached about 35 Israeli Settlers and occupation soldiers dead, compared to last year which was 30 dead, and the year before that were only approximately four or three Israeli Settlers and soldiers dead. This is evidence that there is invisible battle taking place within the rising momentum and indicators of this battle are beginning to become clear in the occupied west bank, the battle of military industrialization, whose features began to become clear in recent battle of jin, through which the resistance was able to repel all the occupation soldiers and the entire brigade that the occupation deployed during the battle. This means that the most prominent threat to israel and the great liberation battle is to start from the weakest flank of the occupation, which is the fl of the occupied west bank, but in my opinion, the resistance whether in lebanon or. Palestine in the gaza strip will not remain silent in the face of any violations or any criminal activity carried out by the Israeli Occupation against the resistance in the west bank, as part of its attempts to expand its attack against the resistance in the west bank. Therefore we are facing new phase in which the occupied west bank will be the epidemy of this battle, which may be liberation battle with the participation of all fronts and arenas, whether at the level of palestine, lebanon, syria or even the Islamic Republic of. Iran and our people inside the occupied territories in 1948. The west bank represents the most prominent weak side of this occupation and the occupation is seeking with all its efforts to confront this phenomenon, but it seems that it will not be able to stop the state of resistance in the west bank, which is constantly on the rise, even according to zinus security indicators which fear the continued escalation of the resistance in the west bank. Well, abu zaid, Political Writer and commentator that joined us from gaza. First of all, i want to thank you immensely for your contribution and your time, and i want to wish you and all the people of gaza moulid mubarak for the molid of prophet muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. Thanks million for your time, you have no idea how much we appreciate your time and contribution, because you are from gaza, the place that we aspired to visit first, inshallah after liberation, after visiting alaqsa, thanks. For being with us, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching the midd stream on press tv, please do follow us on twitter and on telegram, twitter x and telegram and we always promise to give you updates from here asia on pr tv, you will see you again next week on the midd stream, the developments in the south caucasus region have taken a dramatic turn, but how can they affect the Islamic Republic of iran . How about tehrans red line . And what stance has iran adopted in this regard . This and more on this edition. Be today. The headlines, at least five israely soldiers are injured, three critically. A retaliatory attack by palestinians after the regime launched deadly raid in the occupied bank. Drone attack a Military College in central syria has left scores of casualties. And germany is feared to be sliding back into a recession as exports of europes top economy

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