Youre watching pr news, this is a live broadcast from tehran, imruz najafi, welcome, Israeli Forces have killed a Young Palestinian man and injured another one in their fresh attack in the occupied west bank. According to palestinian media, Regime Forces ambuched the young men and open fired their vehicle in the city of albeera. One of the victims identified as muhammad romaman. Has succumed to his injuries. Hamastant says that romana and his companion were its members. It said in the statement that he was hero who was killed while trying to defend the freedom of palestinians. Palestinian media also reported confrontations between israeli troops and protestors in different areas in the west bank, notably in the city of total. In the area, Palestinian Youth was injured by israeli fire. Today palestinians observe a general. And ramala and other parts of the west bank. Press tvs correspondent ramala tells us about the latest israeli brutality in the occupied west bank. The military declared that two palestinians arrived at the entrance to the illegal settlement of pesagot built on the lands of alb. Adjacent to ramallah and that they throw malat of cocktails at the Israeli Military checkpoint there and thus the Israeli Forces opened a fire killing one and wonding the other Muhammad Jibril rumani 18 years old was shot and killed his friend was wonded and both were arrested the body of muhammad of course was killed. Confiscated by the Israeli Forces and they the military declared that he second to his injuries. Hamas movement issued a statement later saying that muhammad was one of its members and hes a or he supports hamas and he was killed by defending the palestinian lands and defend and trying to face the Israeli Forces. Avertility. Now women journalists working for alternative media from across the globe have gathered in iranian holisidad to attend the International Floor sheet media festival. 100 journalists and media activists from 40 countries are in attendance. Now this years event has been dedicated to Slain Palestinian journalists shirin abula, was murdered by the Israeli Regime last year. Our correspondent joined us a while. From the venue and told us more about it. Were at the closing ceremony of the First International korshied media festival which is being held in the iranian city of mashad, the holy city of mashad where imams holy shrine is also located. So for those who are participating this in this uh, it is both fun and games because they will also have the. Opportunity to pay a visit to the holy shrin of which is something thats been scheduled for tomorrow, but like i said before, as of the early hours this morning, uh, there have been different panel uh meetings, there have been different addresses by those who are participating in this particular media festival, we have more than 100 journalists from Different Countries from across the world taking part, so it is quite an interesting. It is quite an interesting uh gathering here, particularly for a journalists, because its a Good Opportunity to uh, create a Strong Network in order to be in get a correct flow of the news if you will, because you get first hand information from independent journalists and i need to emphasize that the journalists that are here at this festival are uh mostly independent journalists and freelancers that have been working very hard. China has islam the United States as a true empire of lies following the state Department Reported that accuses beijing of information manipulation. Chinese minister said the report has disregarded facts. It added the agencies of the u. S. State department that produced the report were the source of false information and the command post of cognitive warfare. Now on thursday, the state department accused beijing of manipulating global media through censorship, data harvesting and cover purchases of four news outlets. It claimed that china has said major backs when targeting democratic countries. Due to local media and Civil Society pushback. The report comes as beijing is seeking to combat western media will try to offer native images of ch. The heavy rains overnight have triggered flash flatting in new york city, turning streets into fast moving rivers and grinding subway travel to a halt. Images from around new york show cars half submerged and traffic snorled with some major roads completely blocked. The subway system has also been impacted. With several lines closed in brooklyn a new york airport also closed one of its terminals. The mayor has declared the state of emergency across the new york city and urged the people not venture out. People complained officials have been as slow to react to the situation. New yorkers say that they are dissatisfied with transit deless. Its pretty crazy. I mean uh want to stay safe and help everyone else is safe out there pretty tough. Im lost, im lost, i feel terrible, i dont even know where im going, because i im accustomed to guiding a particular train, now i come, the train is delayed, i dont know when, its disgusting, now i have myself and another person, we trying to keep pumping out, you see hes throwing out the bucket of waters, you know side, you know we are really really suffering and you know. We leave like any other resident of new york city and the suffering is severe here. No deaths or critical injuries have been reported. New york city has had nearly 14 inches of rain so far this month, making it the wet of september since 1882. Observers are warned to flooding chaos is the result of the climate crisis. Well i talked to a correspondent, colin camblell says the flooding has prompted criticism of new york city officials with some claiming that they were slow to communicate about the storm. There seems to be lack of alert or lack of broadcasting as to how people should handle the flood waters. Now were looking a situation where about eight to 10 centimeters of water just were just fell out of the sky in just few hours. And so this caused lot of buildup in many places around new york and new jersey of course just outside of new york there where you had cars that were stranded and there were lot of people did not seem to know what to do next, where to go, where to find resources, where to stay away from the flooding, and so some people were trapped, and i think that there was a lack of messaging here from what some people are saying who lived in the area. Now this storm is not as deadly as uh when Hurricane Ida uh passed over the. This area not too long ago and there were dozens of deaths, there wont be that many casualties in this type of flooding uh type of situation, however there is expected to be extensive damage to buildings because of all the water that fell. Now theyre only about few hours left for the rain to ebate, rain has slowed down since yesterday afternoon, it was really deluge that happened friday afternoon, which really shut down most of new york, especially during rush hour, people had to hur up and get home and find alternative ways of getting back to their homes because lot of the Public Transportation was shut down. The Us Government is on the brink of netter shut down with the republican let congress points to miss saturday midnight deadline to fund federal agencies. Now this would be the four shut down to occur over the past decade which could significantly affect everything from air travel to National Parks and military forces. Now weve discussed the significance of that issue with our guests in our news review program. Tim now for the news review of this bulletin. The us inches closer to a government shut down after the republican led house fails to approve bill to temporarily fund the governments. More than dozen republicans voted against the partys own stop gag bill proposed by their leader kevin mccarthy. They joined all democrats that also opposed the measure due to deep cuts to the government programs. The treasury secretary janet jallen has warned that a likely closure would undermine the countrys economic progress, the government will shut down on sunday, if no agreement is reached. It will trigger the furlow of hundreds of thousands of federal workers and would halt a ride range of government services, would also leave troops without pay. For huse journalist author and activist joins us from santiago to costella. We also have hasan yunos economic analyst joining us from bayrootts. Welcome to you both. Let me first start with you uh so were looking at what appears to be another instance of a party wrangling in the us now um we could discuss uh whether its the republicans that are at fault or the democrats but leaving that all aside um how much of danger does that put the us economy when you have the threat of a looming shutdown this is about kind of interactions between the two uh Political Parties but the main effect will be for the people the people who are on lowing comes, the people who are living from uh check to check, the people who may lose their homes if they default on their mortgages, so while the uh republicans are threatening to bring the country basically to a stand still, all the politicians will continue to be paid as will the present, there will be no Financial Impact any of them are millionaires and yet the most Vulnerable People on the ground in america are at most risk of the government uh coming to the financial government coming to uh short form, but what were really look is the republicans trying to uh force their uh political ideology uh to the encountent government and joe biden, and i think the ukrain is actually the basis of all this, Republican Voters no longer want to support uh ukrainian american money going in a in a Money Laundering scheme where arms only is sent to creen in order to be. And sent back to the uh industrial political corporation in america, the Vulnerable People will suffer and the millionaires and the billionaires will be laughing away of the bank, so i hope this doesnt happen, i think its horse trading, i think basically what were seeing is leverage applied by several individuals in the house of representatives in order to uh further own political interests and their own political careers. Well, hustan, looking at this purely. In terms of the um economic aspects of it, its um quite incredible when you take a look at uh the uh amount or the share that the government actually contributes when it comes to us economy, i think its up upwards to 25 that the government has uh expenditures that contribute to the us economy, so that itself is rather huge amount for it to all of sudden be taken out of that um economic output, what type of . Impact will that have if if the shut occurs . Thanks lot for hosting me, actually the the 25 which youve mentioned is an unhealthy indicator to be computed by the government, the government expenditures have to be for some investment purposes, not only for expenditures on such purposes that that i mentioning and that will be impacted by the uh government saturday midnight deadline to stop funding of the federal agencies which is the force shut down to occur over the past decade, actually this will hurt the american families, it will have an impact on key governmental functions including loans to farmers and Small Businesses food, co guest has said are are always impacted by such by such moves. Very well, thank you so much, let me thank for, hes journalist, other activist from santiago to campastela, thank you there for and hasan yunus economic analyst from, thank you to you both, and with that we come to an end for this edition. News review, and based a news study, the britains caused a living crisis is set to cause premature deaths among thousand. Of people this year, millions of britains have been hit hard by levels of inflation not seen in decades and that has been blamed a number of reasons, including the war in ukraine, kuvid, brexit, and the governments Economic Policy. New study has shown that brinds cost of living crisis that mainly results from the governments Economic Policy is set to cause premature deaths among thousands of people this year. The results of the research were published by the Bmj Public Health journal. The study showed that the living crisis and sustained period of high prices will reduce Life Expectancy among the people across the country by 6. 5 this year. The predicted increase in premature deaths from baseline of 400 63 per 100,00 people to 490 per 100,000 equates to thousands of extra deaths a year in the uk. The study says that the most deprived households will experience four times the number of extra deaths than the wealthiest households with ris having to spend a large proportion of their income on energy, the cost of which has soored. Evidence shows low income is associated with poor health and that falls in income adversely affect health. According to last months figures, the uks inflation stood at 6. 7 . For me this whole conversation is about whether heat the house or whether i breed and its so hard to describe what thats like in real terms because its an threat to your life, although it was from a high of 11. 1 , but inflation still remains the highest among the Member States of the group of seven. Meanwile there are gloomy predictions about uks economic prospects. A report by the washington based Peterson Institute for International Economics says that the uk economy will shrink this year and in 2024. Says a drop in gdp this year of 0. 3 would be followed by fall of 0. 2 next year. Uh, now if we look at the data that weve seen recently, obviously there can be some revisions in the gdp data, we saw a contraction in july, um, now we are expecting, perhaps there are some quirks in the data that we havent seen as much industrial action recently, um, and there could be some technical issues and a rebound, but i think the outlook for the rest of this year is quite. Week, we see that as youve mentioned in the my surveys, both manufacturing and services moving into contraction. The british economy is expected to shring this year and next year, and thats according to a study by washington based Peterson Institute for International Economics, which says that persistent inflation and assurage of workers, among other things will result in a. 3 drop and. The uks Gross Domestic Product this year. The fears of the uk is suffering from structural economic conditions. Factors related to the under weakness of the uk economy and the fault from brexit would leave the uk behind while most other developed economies expand. Uk was also suffering from an unequal recovery that benefited better off households while the bottom half of the income scale continued to be affected by falling real incomes. Persistent inflation, falling real. Incomes of low income households and a shortage of workers will result in the drop in the countrys Gross Domestic Product. Cuts to Government Spending next year will also drag on economic. Central bank held rates at25 at this meeting, and betting on Financial Markets showed investors expect there will be no change at the next meeting in november. The next movie be upwards should inflation prove to be more stubborn than the central Bank Forecast predicts, despite a weakening of economic growth. I think really what were seeing is they are worried about the recession, they are worried about weaker growth and they think that perhaps going into the rest this year inflation is likely to continue to decelerate, so what were seeing is the lagged impact of fairly aggressive monetary tightening really starting to bite, and theyre probably thinking, right, here is a time to pause, but we dont want to get too complacent, there are still a lot of inflationary pressures ahead. The economic crisis andn sustent inflation has caused a trouble for the ruling tories in the uk. Prime minister rishinaks popularity has fallen is lowest levels ever. Some 68 of britains currently have an unfit. View of the prime minister, the highest figure since becoming prime minister, while only 23 have favorable view. Truth is the floor fell in for millions of families because of their economic mayhem, the classroom ceilings collapsed because he cut vital School Budgets and now the walls of our National Security have been breached because theyve ignored repeated warnings. No one voted for these shambles, no one voted for him, so how much more damage to the. British public have to put up with before he finally finds the stomach to give them a say. Okay, the 19th edition of the asian games is underway, but well stop that and we go to a live event, we have white officials, col. Consulting with uh democrats on the 45d shortterm spending bill, lets see whats happening there. Okay we have 213 noes by republicans okay you see the numbers yourself the vote on the motion to adjuren now the story is that white house officials are consulting with with the house democrats. On this uh shortterm spending bill, 45 days, this is what speaker mccarty has proposed, and the white house is uh yet to way in on whether thats a bill the democrats should support, members are going through the language of that bill, and i should also add to that the democratic lawers, they have had mixed reactions to the proposal and they asked. Looking for more time to be able to review the stop gap measure. Light images from the house in washington dc. Okay, well keep an eye on that. Will bring you updates on that, so uh lets see whats going on in the world of sports in chinese city of hange, we have this competition going on asian games, iran ranking 10th so far in the overall medal talling, someone correspont is there and hangzu, heres an updates, today was also another um history making for Iranian National teams in table tennis in mens double table tennis, newsad and alamia uh once again defeated japan and uh actually they defeated japan at semifinal and secured their bronze medal so this one of history making moments for one because you know uh japan south korea and china have always been one of the pioneers better say they had the upper hands in table tennis special in uh mens double table tennis but this time a bronze medal has been brought run by both brothers alemian brothers also another uh history was made by are shooters at 10 meter pistol shooting in mixed category and the one again made history and one bronze medal after defeating pakistan so this was also another Important Development for today which actually into fresh energy into the iranian camp because these two medals actually are very much important and of course amian the nimo alemon need to um also compete with the rival in later stages in case they they may make way into the final stage, so we have to wait, but so far, bronze medal has been secure for iran in mixed table tennis, mens mixed in double table tennis, okay, good, timmy ran, and thats it for this news guys from tehran, thank you for watching. Crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, us auto workers on strike, sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv, on september 22, 1980, and without so much as a formal warning, saddam ordered invasion of iran from its western borders. یه موضوعات سیاسی, جامعه شناسی. جنگ و جنگ تکلیفش معلوم شد. Name ist lena, ich bin 21. Ich komme aus dorf prozelten, das liegt in spessert in bayern. In der zeit habe ich erstmal dieses bewusstsein fur den islam uberhaupt entdeckt. Dann habe ich, ich bin habe auch jeden jede nacht zu gott gesprochen, gott, wenn du da bist, bisschen von islam und so und meiner begeiserung. Israeli forces have killed a young palestinan man and injured another one in the fresh attack in the occupied west bank. The two are identified as members of the. Mass movement, following that palestine media reporter confrontations between israely troops and protesters in the west bank, notably into care. China has limed the us as code a true empire of lies, following the state Department Report that accuses beijing and information manipulation. Chinese Foreign Ministry said the agencies of the Us State Department that produced a report were the source of false information. In the northeastern us turning his streets into fast moving rivers with motoris stranded and flooded streets. Its brought a grind and subway travel to halt a new york airport also closed one of its terminals. Now thousands of more auto workers have joined a strike against the us three major Car Manufacturers over paying contracts. The Workers Union says a total of some 25, workers are now a strike in 21 states that began two weeks ago, this is the first ever join a strike against ford, gm and stalantis automakers

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