Strengthen the values of goodness, the values of high ethics and to confront those oppressors in order to remove the people from this oppression, from this darkness of oppression to the light of justice, which is the one of the main and primary objectives of the message, and this was a main, a big vast amount. Of teachings, as god almighty said, we sent our messengers with all those teachings and we sent with them even the book and the teachings and the balance and order for people to rule with justice, and we also sent to with them iron, to use the benefits of steel, and that god almighty knows what he does, even when they do not see him, and for those who are faithful, be faithful, but also rule with justice, even it was against you, and even with your relatives, if you are or rich, god almighty has the right, do not follow those who are against you, and move away from the teachings of of god, god knows everything that you do. And god almighty also said, those who are faithful, you should be those who are ruled by the teachings of god, witnesses of justice as well, even if you are fought in order not to be just and to work by righteousness, god almighty everything that you do, then you should work based and rule based on justice, and god almighty. Was able to remove the people from this ignorance and this jahilia was something that would destroy all the values because the values of human being was himself, his blood was shed and it was permissible to kill the person and even steal all the property as long as it has to do with interests or desires or greed from those are capable, those who have authority, those who have the power, they were able to be and enforce this upon upon them in any way, those who had power could easily shed blood or steal, and therefore he confronted those tyrants and those oppressors, so the human being was very cheap, issue, and Prophet Muhammad moves, moved and worked based on this, based on the light of the quran. In order to change these values, to change this dark reality, and in order to reestablish the significance of the human being, based on the verses of god almighty who stress that the human being is dignified and has a true role, and he stress that the real role of this person of human beings and the fact that there is a right, this person has many rights and that through this god human beings were honored by god almighty. God almighty said that we created the human being a best level, at the most beautiful form, but we also honored the sons of adam, and we allowed them to be on the sea, in the sea and on the land, and we considered them superior, we made them superior to other creatures. And he also demanded the angels to bow down to prophet adam be upon him and that is very great honor for the human being and god on mighty had given this honor to all those prophets and the messengers who are a very high level of nobility and honor with their understanding with their sagacity, with their knowledge and the level that they are at based on god and even the other hands and he was working towards god. Human beings, he se messengers in order to guide all human beings and sent the books, the divine books and the holy books in order to also guide human beings, which extended throughout all mankind and would lead human beings to wisdom and to education, better knowledge and even this root for them a road map that would help them come closer to better after life, and he also showed the. People, the holy reason behind their existence that god almighty has created the earths and the heavens, the earth and the heavens for these humans to be at the service of human beings, and he also said that those who even do one atom of goodness will see this goodness and those who do only one atom of evil will see this evil and even god almighty has preserved the rights of the human being, the rights of society, the rights of women, the rights of children, the rights of and the the responsibility of society towards offens, towards poor, and everything that is related to everything that we do, any sort issues that we have a daily basis, issues related to daily life, trade and commerce, and therefore he stress that issues should be done through being u god almighty said that he orders you to be good, he order you to give good and deeds and he refuses and prohits any sort of harm to anyone that people to these teachings, you should worship god and not accept any a partner to god and even to be do good to orphans, to the poor, and your neighbor, the neighbor that is your relative and the neighbor that is near you who is not even. Relative, a person who was at lost, even the prisoner to give them deeds, to give them ons that human being could not be arrogant also and vein, and in the holy quran we see the principles, we see the teachings, we see the the detailed steps for human being for building a society for Building Society which is based on just, based on. Goodness based on righteousness, based on partnership and solidarity and cooperation, even from the beginning of first factor of society, which is the family, that that itself, the constituence of family should be preserved, and even the rights of the husband and the wife, that they have responsibilities, that they have duties and they also have right, the responsibility of the wife and the the husband as well as mother. Father, theyre responsibility towards children, their children, how they have also rights and responsibilities, all the relations between human beings, that would lead to higher ethics and also the with all the relatives and even with society as a whole, and through this, these teachings has given respect to the women and rights for the women, after the jahil, the era of. And ignorance had oppressed women and had enslaved women and had beraded women so much that they have had very negative perspective towards women, a very haineous actions towards women and sometimes and they which led them to bury alive female infants and they god almighty has salvaged females and women from. This reality and he has given her the right native, the right responsibilities and the rights that she deserves as human being, and the holy quran also stresses in human beings, the dignity and the right objective for human beings for humanity, which distinguishes a human being from other creatures. From other animals and the human would know what also constitutes constitutes a human being at the ethical level or the level of values to and live up to the responsibility of being a human being, and therefore everything that would be a repercussion or the result of the actions of this human being as well, and therefore everything that would result from the actions of this human being, whether in this life or the hereafter, and has said that those who do good, this will have an impact on themselves, but those who do not do good will also have an impact on themselves, and this is linked to the destiny of human beings and their fat in the afterlife, and those ignorant and those oppressive teachings would empty the human being of this feeling of dignity as human being, would even move only in instincts of the human being without any sort with any sort of ethics or any humane values would only lead them to chaos and to corruption and would move them away from gods teachings, from gods guidance, and would even create inside them any sort, and would end any sort of feeling of responsibility and sense of duty, as for example, the crime of the current. And this age which is led by the zionist lobby and is guided by america and the zionist to the fact that they have declared a war against ethics, a war against humanity and they are campaigning for perverseness and for clear ending and dividing society by creating a rift in the families, by dividing the family, by ending this, the family. Self and they are also attempting to make the the the respon the relations between human beings and dog better than a his relations with his own family, his own kin, and they are pushing even the european societies to practice life which would be similar to the life of dogs and apes and other animals in the most ridiculous form of life and unddignified manner. Of living and this is a witness that gods holy quran and gods message to humanity and guide being guided by the message of the prophets and the messengers and the final message messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family that this will only help preserve for the human being his humanity and his dignity and in the holy quran as well also give a fullrounded atmosphere and teachings to help human beings live up to this and use it for their everyday life and it is through this light that he also guided Prophet Muhammad to remove remove from this darkness to light and he also moved them from being slaves to the idols and the tyrants and even being slaves to materialistic life and he al and all those that are chaotic and crimes and corrupt issues, everything that would even humiliate them and would harm their dignity, and even from this division, from all the divisions and the loss that they were at and the darkness they were at, and he realized a great achievement in a very short period of time, he took the arabs from zero, from nothing to become superior in the world and he made their reality, they he transformed them into a united nation, an independent, sovereign, cooperative nation, which is only lives by humans teachings, by gods teachings, through gods words and holy book, however, the dangerous issue, and unfortunately, happened and affected their muslim, the muslims and the muslim world later on and until this era, the fact that they have put aside the role of the holy quran at most of the intervals in history, and they have stopped following gods teachings and they have stopped following the prophets words, peace be upon him, they have only used the words of holy quran in very specific areas and even the teachings of Prophet Muhammad in very specific areas and some slogans, very limited understanding. Of islam and even specific issues related to the to the teachings, but they do not benefit from all the words of Prophet Muhammad, they did not move and and benefit from his campaign, from his movement, despite the fact that he moved in, atmosphere that was all filled with darkness, and his his movement was through the light of god, through the guidance of god almighty, this was how they achieved, this is was how he achieved with those who followed him and with gods support, with gods backing and those are behind this rift between the muslims and Prophet Muhammad and the quran when it comes to using them for guidance and all the repercussions as a result of this and the failure and even a decrease were our. The greatness of the islamic world are those tyrants and those rulers who came to the muslim world and those who used and accepted to be slaves of the the tyrants and the will of and the dictates of the tyrants and this was how but some must the human beings should have followed these guidance in order to rebuild society, to build humanity, but god almighty has also given them all the blessings, whether it is clear or or unclear, he would see through this that they worked with guidance, if they did with guidance, he would protect them from all, from all corruption, and he would preserve their ethical. Status and would elevate human being in the level of being stronger human beings and that would be able to remove themselves from this evil themselves and defend their nations as well and tyranny and they would be able to live up to their duty to confront the evil to confront the tyrants to confront the arrogants and the evil and oppressive. The enemies based on these ethics, based on these values, based on gods teachings that are based on just, based on goodness, based on justice, based on righteousness, and in the holy quran we have the principles, we have the very wise words that can be used in order to help organize and manage society based on those divine principles, those divine teachings. Those ethics, those values, those duties and with specific duties and responsibilities to realize and implement this justice and to create safe and secure society that would be immune and protected from any tyranny and would prohibit oppression and would prohibite injustice and would not. Take control of this nation and would prohibite any sort of tyranny, would also allow for more cooperation and solidarity among the muslims, as god almighty said very clearly that the muslims discuss issues amongst themselves and they are insolid. There is a responsibility, a collective responsibility, where everyone would shoulder their duties and responsibilities that no one has authority over anyone, but everyone has to live up and live by the teachings of god almighty, and also in the holy quran we see that there is an organized manner of how the society. And the people of society based on good principles, how they live together, and this would allow them to fight those who are infidel, as god almighty has said that he would not, he would not allow you to fight those who did not come and fight you, those who do not come and remove, try to fight you with your religion, no, god almighty does not give you supreme. And authority over them, and he said the people, he not say only muslims, the now i stress to the muslim world, the extent of repression that is being led by the zionist lobby. And its followers in the west and those who follow them has reached a very dangerous level of harming the dignity of human beings and oppression and tyranny and crime and even belittling any sort of values and ethics for human beings and are the enemies of god almighty and his prophets and his messengers and how they have burnt the prophet and how they have campaigned for for those are perverts and how they have allowed this and they have allowed those all the organizations in the United States and america and israel and all other european also organizations they want to disintegrate the human society, they want to destroy the family as also trying to. Even empty the human being from any sort of dignity as human being as method which is a lowly method to try to take control of the human being and to enslave human beings and in light of this very oppressive and corrupt campaign and all those society whether in the muslim world or outside and all this impression and this poverty that they are living and these criss and the fact that they are trying to spread all those corruption, we stress that the heritage of the divine teachings of god almighty would ental upon the muslims that they live up to their role, to live up to the teachings of the guidance of god almighty, and to take Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him as a leader and to confront with all just and legitimate means to any form of corruption, to any form of and and war against those are the slaves of satan, and this is where we have a blessed responsibility, as god almighty says, you are the best nation that has been sent to humanity, you need to end evil and work towards righteousness, and if you are faithful, this is best for you, and this is the role that. Protects muslims first and also strengthens their role as saviors, save all the societies, all human beings, and as the octopus of evil has reached this method, this level of corruption, whether it is through the zinos lobby and america and the west, and this clear clear decaration of their campaign. This is now today an opportunity that ental upon us to raise awareness to push it and order to extend gods guidance to the other societies to other human beings to the rest of the world or else. Not work based on this responsibility, we do not live up to this duty, and we leave the quran, we forsake teachings and we forsake the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, the final messenger, peace be upon him and his family, then the repercussions would and would be cat, its results would be very much destructive and negative for the system. And this would lead to gods wrath, this would lead to corruption in this life and to being a loss in this life and the afterlife, and this this tyrants, god after he after they away from gods teachings and Prophet Muhammad teachings and prophets teachings and all the prophets teachings and they had darkness in their minds, they have other thoughts which they have taken as part. Their daily life, as part of their stances, as part of their their everyday practices and they have used this in order to create this chaos and this corruption, teachings and just began to fabricate and move away from the righteous path until they reached that level of darkness, and had it not been during the time of jahillah had it not been. For the messenger for the birth of Prophet Muhammad and the fact that god on miracle to his prophet. And the movement of Prophet Muhammad with the holy quran to rem have covered everyone that they would not have any single bit of light or any hope in being salvaged from this darkness. God almighty said you should come out of this darkness, come to my light, come to my guideness, follow my guidance, follow my teachings. Follow my book, follow my words, and this would not have been possible without this prophet and the teachings our dear people, dear yemen of wisdom, the yemen of faith, we loud you for this commemoration, this unprecedented celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad, the messanger of god, peace be on him and his family, this declares to the entire world that we hold to the divine message. And the very deeply rooted faith in the holy quran as methodology for this for life and even Prophet Muhammad is a leader and an example for all of this society and that change and path of change that we have taken in order to create reforms in the governmental institutions is based on this faith, this identity of faith, and we take the guidance from gods book, from gods holy quran, as also a book of guidance and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad as well, our people have suffered very great sufferings, for decades, now, whether it were through oppression, through sufferings, through false and mismanagement and wrong practices of the government, and as a result also of the conspiracies of the enemies, and even the traitors from within, we are, our people, are great people, are dignified people, who have their history and their heritage and their role as pioneers in the islamic world and throughout history, the aggression that was launched by the alliance that had one of its objectives was to prohibit any sort of reforms that would allow the country to rebuild itself based on faith, based its wisdom, and would allow this country to come to a sort of renaissance. In its life, all they wanted was that we live up to the dictate of foreign powers, they only wanted them to be slaves and to concede and accept the initiative called initiative from the alliance, and they wanted to be out above the constitution of yemen, and under the title and the slogan of partnership, they stopped working based on the constitution. Our dear people, we know for sure that the right building and foundations, the right building needs strong foundations, and this is something that is accepted and believed

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