Mark Vukovich, a wildlife biologist on the Shawnee National Forest, will present results from a long-term study on red-headed woodpeckers, a bird of conservation concern. The long-term study was conducted while he worked for the Southern Research Station in South Carolina.<br/>This study spanned 7 years (2002–2009). The work included effects of transmitters on behavior, adult survival, forest treatments and responses by woodpeckers, fall migration, and nestling diets. Mark will also be presenting preliminary survey results for red-headed woodpeckers on the Shawnee National Forest. The Shawnee National Forest is documenting positive and immediate responses from red-headed woodpeckers on several completed and ongoing timber projects. Preliminary results suggest that populations of red-headed woodpeckers are increasing on the Shawnee National Forest and will continue to do so into the future.<br/><br/>This presentation is sponsored by the Southern Illinois Audubon Society,<br/>*Entrance to the Carbondale Township Hall is from the rear of the building where two parking lots are available for use. (216. E. Monroe St.)