Against the
Demand) is a program of Convergence Resource Center (CRC), a faith-based nonprofit community service organization helping women rebuild their lives after trauma with an emphasis on justice-involved women and female survivors of human trafficking.
“Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day and January is recognized as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month,” said CRC co-founder and CEO Debbie Lassiter. “HEMAD helps raise awareness of this horrible crime and provides a mechanism for men to take a stand and influence other men to lessen the demand for the sexual exploitation of women, girls, and boys.”
The HEMAD campaign, now in its third year, kicked off just before Thanksgiving and officially ran through the end of December. Organizers hope 60,000 men will go to CRC’s website ( to watch a 3-minute video and take the pledge. Men in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin have taken the pledge.