Portsmouth West student announces 3rd Ward candidacy
By Patrick Keck - pkeck@aimmediamidwest.com
Gary Jenkins, an 18-year-old Portsmouth West High School student, is running for the 3rd Ward seat in the 2021 Primaries. Interested candidates for City Council, where 2021 races include the 1st, 3rd, and 5th wards, have until Feb. 3 to file a petition at the Scioto County Board of Elections office on the first floor of the courthouse. Photo courtesy of Gary Jenkins.
PORTSMOUTH — Candidates for Portsmouth City Council must meet a list of requirements in order to be eligible for the position. Upheld by the city charter, these candidates need to have lived in the city for three years and be a resident of their respective ward for six months, while state law sets the minimum age for all council candidates to be at least 18 years of age.