The donation and loan of 354 animals to 8 (already) successful game farmers and communities in North West, as confirmed by the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, Barbara Creecy over the weekend, is a major cause for concern. It once again confirms that, for the ANC, transformation has nothing to do with uplifting marginalised communities and everything to do with enriching cronies. The DA finds it highly questionable that Andrew Aphane, the managing director of DEI Project Management with a reported turnover of R41 million in 2014, who also operates a trophy hunting business called Koedoeberg, would qualify as an “emerging farmer” and would need the “loan” of 100 of the 354 animals. With the exception of eland, his 1 700-ha hunting farm already advertises the hunting of all the wildlife listed in the donation. The DA will certainly query this windfall to Mr. Aphane.