COVID-19 vaccines aren’t just for humans, and may soon be heading to a zoo near you. The Denver Zoo is one of nearly 70 locations across the U.S. that are getting those donated doses. This story and more in Wednesday evening's news brief.
Wednesday evening, July 7, 2021
Northern Utah
Three Creeks Brought To Light On West Side Of Salt Lake City
Three creeks that flow into the Jordan River have officially been unearthed in the Glendale neighborhood on Salt Lake City’s west side. The meeting point of the Red Butte, Emigration and Parley’s Creeks was previously buried and paved over. The new park stems from a project that university students pitched to the city in 2014. Brian Tonetti was one of those students and now heads up Seven Canyons Trust, a nonprofit working to restore buried streams. Tonetti said the new project uncovered 200 feet of streams, but there are still about 21 miles of buried creeks to bring into the light in Salt Lake City.