Play probing Japanese discrimination against Okinawans streaming online until Feb. 21
February 21, 2021 (Mainichi Japan)
The comic play "Jinruikain" (Human Pavilion) is recorded in Nishihara, Okinawa Prefecture, on Feb. 14, 2021. (Mainichi/Takayasu Endo)
NISHIHARA, Okinawa -- A play on the 1903 "Human Pavilion incident" portraying discrimination against Okinawans was performed in this southernmost Japan city on Feb. 14 after a seven-year hiatus, and is being streamed online for free until Feb. 21.
The "Academic Human Pavilion" was set up just outside the grounds of the National Industrial Exhibition in the city of Osaka's Tennoji district. The latter exhibition was put on by the Japanese government from March to July, 1903, to put the country's growing power, boosted by industrialization, on display for audiences both foreign and domestic.