Garrett Neese/Daily Mining Gazette
Houghton City Manager Eric Waara talks during the Planning Commission meeting in 2018. The Planning Commission will tackle two chapters of the master plan in 2021.
HOUGHTON — The Houghton Planning Commission agreed to what parts of the city’s master plan it will review this year as part of a process that will also lead to recommendations on development in the city’s downtown.
The Planning Commission decided Tuesday it would tackle two chapters in the city’s master plan this year: 10, which covers the downtown, and 13, which discusses zoning ordinances.
In January, the City Council voted to have the planning commission conduct an overview of the year-and-a-half-long process leading up to the Veridea Group’s withdrawal from negotiations over potential development of the big parking deck area on Lakeshore Drive, and make recommendations on a process for the city to follow going forward. At the Planning Commission’s request, the City Council also authorized the commission to address its recommendations through the master plan revision.