Pilar Serrano: Traditional Chinese medicine helps with post-covid19 symptoms
(Image by Pilar Serrano)
In Cordoba, Spain, Pilar Serrano uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat people with various illnesses or physical ailments. For example, people diagnosed with cancer or people with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis come to her clinic. Covid-19 has burst into their practice, where they receive patients who have been infected with the virus and need to recover from the after-effects of infection.
By Diego Villagraz
REHUNO: We are going through a pandemic situation caused by Covid-19. Could you tell us if TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) has been used in a complementary way in the health system both in the West and in the East and if it has had satisfactory results?