June 4, 2016 (11:17 am)
It was such a great night! A few of us current teachers met a former teacher from 1956! She was amazing! We talked to her and her sister almost the whole evening! She even showed us some pictures of her teaching!
June 4, 2016 (3:53 pm)
It must have been a crazy good night for you to be standing on the ceiling! ;) (just kidding, glad it was fun)
June 4, 2016 (5:03 pm)
Sorry on behalf of our system that the photo is flipped. I’ll fix it when I can. Funny thing is that when I first saw that comment while viewing on my phone, it was right side up. Photos from commenters go into a different system than photos we upload but I should still be able to download it, flip it, and reupload it when back at HQ.