The longest-running Broadway show of all time, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA will play its final New York performance at The Majestic Theatre today, Sunday, April 16 at 5PM, after a record-breaking 35 years and 13,981 performances to 20 million people. Check out a portrait of the final cast, crew, orchestra, and staff here!

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China ,Statue Of Liberty ,New York ,United States ,Spain ,Prague ,Praha ,Hlavníesto ,Czech Republic ,Japan ,Ole Fant ,Provence Alpes Côd Azur ,France ,Vienna ,Wien ,Austria ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Carlton ,Australia ,South Korea ,Sydney ,New South Wales ,Italy ,Greece ,Sweden ,Empire State Building ,Paris ,France General ,Majestic Theatre ,Shanghai ,Spanish ,Giselleo Alvarez ,Jeremy Stolle ,Ted Keegan ,David Cullen ,Scott Mikita ,Jim Weitzer ,Ubaldo Piangi ,Carrington Vilmont ,Andrew Llyod Webber ,Richard Poole ,Carlotta Giudicelli ,Kanisha Marie Feliciano ,Matthew Murphy ,Harold Prince ,Greg Mills ,Justin Peck ,Erica Wong ,Meg Giry ,Mick Potter ,David Caddick ,Charles Hart ,Chris Georgetti ,Carly Blake Sebouhian ,Paul Adam Schaefer ,Elizabeth Welch ,Polly Baird ,Ayaka Kamei ,Richard Stilgoe ,Antonio Banderas ,Cameron Mackintosh ,Julia Udine ,Janinah Burnett ,Gaston Leroux ,Andrew Lloyd Webber ,Satomi Hofmann ,Gillian Lynne ,Ben Crawford ,Martin Levan ,Kelly Loughran ,Lindsay Roberts ,David Michael Garry ,Xiaoxiao Cao , ,New York City ,Sydney Opera House ,Really Useful Group ,Troika Entertainment ,Shanghai Grand Theatre ,Emilie Kouatchou ,John Riddle ,Snehal Joshi ,Monsieur Andr ,Craig Bennett ,Monsieur Firmin ,Raquel Suarez Groen ,Maree Johnson ,Madame Giry ,Carlton Moe ,Sara Esty ,Kelly Jeanne Grant ,Trista Moldovan ,Janet Saia ,Lloyd Webber ,Were Somehow Here Again ,Paris Opera ,Andrew Lloyd ,Andrew Bridge ,Tony Awards ,

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