In Jaipur, petrol and diesel prices climbed to record highs of Rs 96.01 and Rs 88.34 per litre, respectively.
JAIPUR: Fuel prices in Rajasthan shot up on Wednesday to record high and crossed Rs 100 per litre, with the price of petrol in Sriganganagar clocking Rs 100.13 per litre. Diesel price also rose to Rs 92.13.
In Jaipur, petrol and diesel prices climbed to record highs of Rs 96.01 and Rs 88.34 per litre, respectively.
Rajasthan has the highest VAT rate on fuel among the bigger states in the country with petrol and diesel attracting 36% and 26% VAT respectively. Manipur levies 36.50% VAT on petrol.
Earlier this month, the state government reduced VAT on petrol and diesel by 2% resulting in a decrease of Rs 1.34 and Rs 1.31 for petrol and diesel respectively. But the continuous rise in prices have nullified the meagre relief from VAT reduction.