Photo: Seth Thomas (Getty Images)
If we were among polite company and asked to summarize 2020 using a single word, we might say something like “complex,” “difficult,” or “exhausting,” all the while knowing the more accurate—if uncouth—answer would be along the lines of “shitstorm,” or even a long, exasperated exhalation of “
One survivor of the past twelve months, Eli Holder, decided to combine the two methods of communication via Doom Haikus, a site that has managed to archive what is now thousands of Japanese-style classical poems tackling everything awful in 2020.
Holder recently explained that, around March of last year, they began feeling extremely “overwhelmed” (whatever could have prompted that?), and thought to themselves, “What if, instead of gloomy news... we just had gloomy haikus?!” Simple enough. Hell, even Doom Haiku’s “About” section is given in a neat and tidy 5-7-5 syllabic form: