Men’s Basketball 3.09
Women’s Basketball 3.04
Over the last semester, Penn State Schuylkill had a population of 105 student-athletes across eight intercollegiate athletic teams. Nearly half of all student-athletes earned a GPA of 3.5 or better, making them eligible for the fall 2020 Dean’s List.
Overall student-athlete GPAs Fall 2020:
4.0 8%
3.0 - 3.49 31%
Also of note were individual student-athlete academic performances. Eight student-athletes earned a perfect 4.0 GPA for the fall 2020 semester. And while several student-athletes boast multiple 4.0 semesters, junior Alex Witmer has achieved an outstanding 4.0 GPA for each of five semesters with a total of 71 credits.
4.0 student-athletes Fall 2020
Caitlyn Goggin, softball