By Jef Rietsma Journal Correspondent
For nearly 35 years, Pat Kulikowski has played a crucial, behind-the-scenes role in the operation of St. Joseph County government.
Kulikowski was present in 1991 when the board of commissioners hired the county’s first administrator, Patrick Yoder. Yoder was succeeded by Judy West-Wing, and Kulikowski remained as the backbone to West-Wing’s administration for nine years.
Kulikowski and Yoder reunited in 2013, when he returned to the position of the county’s highest, non-elected position.
Kulikowski continued her duty as administrative assistant after Yoder retired in 2017. Human resources director Teresa Doehring assumed the administrator’s post.
Now, it’s Kulikowski's turn to move onward. The 63-year-old Three Rivers resident is retiring. Her final day at work is April 14.