In a freak accident in Alwal, a nine-year-old boy died after a parked supermarket truck rolled on to the road and knocked him down while he was walking with his mother and brother to the bus stop on Thursday evening. The family was going to the hospital where the boy’s ill father was admitted. Tirupal, who was in class 3, suffered multiple injuries and started to bleed profusely. His shocked mother was seen holding the boy helplessly. The locals shifted the boy to a nearby hospital where he died. Police are probing if the driver had failed to apply the hand brake before stepping out or if it was a case of brake failure. The incident was caught on a CCTV. “The truck belongs to the supermarket. The driver had parked the vehicle and left. After a short while the vehicle started to move and came perpendicularly on to the road and and hit the boy,” Alwal SI K Suresh told TOI. Police have registered a case under Indian Penal Code section 304 a (causing death by negligence).