PAN wants Animal welfare be taught in schools
By TPN/Lusa,
in News ·
06-02-2021 18:00:00 · 7 Comments
The PAN party have delivered a draft resolution that recommends to the Government that "animal welfare" must be taught in the subject of citizenship and development, "preferably in all study cycles of basic education".
The draft resolution, whose discussion in plenary was scheduled for the 18th, recommends that the Government "review the National Strategy for Education for Citizenship" so that the domain of 'animal welfare', currently optional, becomes "mandatory, preferably in all study cycles of basic education".
The party also appeals to the executive to "develop an education framework for animal welfare autonomous and independent from the current Environmental Education Framework for Sustainability or any other framework of education, in compliance with the provisions of the Decree -Law No. 27/2016, of 23 August".