February 3, 1921
D.E. White, who for the past several years has farmed one of the best places in southern Jefferson County, selling recently to Geo. L. Burtt interest has accepted the position as manager of the Central Oregon holdings of that company. In this action both the Geo. L. Burtt company and Central Oregon are to be congratulated. In Mr. White, this company will find a capable and energetic businessman well qualified for the position. In speaking with Mr. White last week regarding the Japanese question a representative of the Pioneer was told, "In this contract there are many hundreds of acres of land which must be farmed and harvested. Every effort will be made to secure local help to do this work. In consideration of present conditions, I do not believe there will ever be any further call to go out of the territory for labor. Even if it were necessary it is not probable that Japs will be hired. This country is too high for them and about all they did while here was to write to their friends in Frisco telling them what a cold country this was."