Labourers make bricks at a factory in Karachi. -AFP/File
LAHORE: Pakistan has overall scored 51 points out of 100 at the Decent Work Check tool of the Labour Rights Index (LRI) that covers 115 countries across the globe. Finland and Lithuania top the LRI with both scoring 96 points.
The LRI for the year 2020 contains 10 indicators each with five legal questions and has been compiled by the Netherlands-based Centre for Labour Research and Wage Indicator Foundation.
Pakistan lags behind neighbouring India, Myanmar, Iran, and China which have scored 69, 63, 69.5 and 71 points, respectively. However, it leads Bangladesh by three and Sri Lanka by 0.5 points. Interestingly, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, the states which got independence in 1991 from Soviet Union, have scored 80 plus points in the survey, four points better than Russian Federation.