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VIDEO: Dr Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska from Department of Biophysics in the Institute of Physics explaining the character of her research
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Credit: Nicolaus Copernicus University
The interests of Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska, Dr., from the Department of Biophysics in the Institute of Physics, NCU focus on widely understood biological structures, especially proteins. In her work, she applies calculation methods in computer simulations. During her postdoctoral internship in the group of Ivet Bahar, Prof. at the University of Pittsburgh, she already began her cooperation with medical doctors from Los Angeles and the researchers from the University of Pittsburgh.
The latest effects of her scientific inquiries can be read about in the article „Recruitment of pro-IL-1α to mitochondrial cardiolipin, via shared LC3 binding domain, inhibits mitophagy and drives maximal NLRP3 activation", which has just been published in