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Owen Sound country music legend and arguably the city’s greatest entertainer Alfie Fromager has died.
Mr. Fromager, who packed southern Ontario music venues for decades, was 87 when he passed away on Thursday.
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Owen Sound music legend Alfie Fromager dies Back to video
He is being remembered by friends and family as a great entertainer, family man and all-around amazing person.
That is exactly how Scott MacGregor, who played alongside Mr. Fromager in the late 1970s and early 1980s, was remembering him on Friday.
“There are a lot of personal little stories that are out there, but on the big scale he is really known as a great entertainer,” said MacGregor. “There is nobody like Alfie. Nobody can tell a joke like Alfie, nobody can sing a country song like Alfie, and other musicians that I have known for years would say that. He was just a brilliant, natural talent.”