Overview of Future Large Surface Combatant (DDG Next) Program
January 14, 2021 10:22 AM
The following is the Jan. 12, 2021 Congressional Research Service In Focus report, Navy Future Large Surface Combatant (LSC) (DDG Next)
Program: Background and Issues for Congress
From the report
The Navy’s Future Large Surface Combatant (LSC) program, also known as the DDG Next program, envisages procuring a class of next-generation guided-missile destroyers (DDGs) to replace the Navy’s aging Ticonderoga (CG-47) class Aegis cruisers. The Navy wants to procure the first Future LSC around FY2028, although that date could change. The Navy’s proposed FY2021 budget requests $46.5 million in research and development (R&D) funding for the program in one R&D line item and some additional funding for the program in another R&D line item.