In 2018 and 2019, five macroregional events and one multidisciplinary group meeting were held, at which panels of Italian experts, including pulmonologists, general practitioners (GPs), allergists, National Health Service (NHS) payers and representatives of patients’ associations, discussed the diagnosis and treatment of patients with severe asthma. The meetings were organized according to geographic location, with participants from: Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige; Piedmont, Liguria and Aosta Valley; Sicily, Calabria and Basilicata; Lazio, Tuscany and Sardinia; and Campania and Apulia. Attendees were local allergists, pulmonologists, and GPs known to be experienced in the management of severe asthma. Attendees were invited to participate independently of the sponsoring pharmaceutical company, based on the physicians’ publication history, reputation and curriculum vitae. During the meetings, panels of experts (total n=58) and attendees (total n=127) were asked to identify the barriers that, in their opinion, interfered with the effective management of severe asthma and to suggest how these barriers could be overcome. At the end of the meetings, the attendees and panel of experts were asked to complete a written survey (n=86), designed to identify the impact of various barriers on patients with severe asthma. This survey was performed by an external Italian agency (Sentrix Global Health Communications Srl) well experienced in observational surveys, working in agreement with the current European regulations about the privacy of the collected opinions. This company is maintaining a copy of all documents. According to Italian regulations, this type of consultative research activity (similar to demoscopic assessment) does not require Ethics committee approval. Attendees were fully informed about the nature of the survey and the anonymity of the survey results in their invitation to the meeting. Consent to participate was implicit in their attendance at the meeting. The authors of the present manuscript had access only to anonymous mean or median data.