Over 100 Pedestrians Are Killed By Drivers In LA Every Year. Here's What We Found
By Ryan Fonseca
In 2019, 134 people were killed by drivers while walking in Los Angeles. That's about one death every two-and-a-half days. In fact, pedestrian deaths increased from 87 in 2014 -- or nearly 55% over 5 years. Hundreds more pedestrians are injured by drivers each year.
What makes that statistic even more troubling is that deaths climbed
after city officials implemented Vision Zero, a program with the very public goal of ending such deaths by 2025. The safety initiative is managed by the city's Department of Transportation.
I'd been watching the progress (or lack of progress) with Vision Zero for a while. Then in October 2019, a pre-schooler named Alessa Fajardo was killed by a driver in Koreatown while crossing with the light, in a crosswalk, holding her mother's hand. She was just steps from her school.