Arden Barnes for NPR
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Arden Barnes for NPR
Eighth-graders Braeden Collett (left), Bo Porter, Brennan Williams and Dominique Jannat explored the "various things that get done behind the scenes" to make their campus run smoothly in their winning podcast "Whodunnit?"
Arden Barnes for NPR
"How many people do you think take care of our campus?"
A chorus of young voices shout guesses from the Sayre School's playground in Lexington, Ky.
"15? 50? 20?"
The independent, pre-K-12 school has 10 buildings and about 500 students, so those guesses, albeit high, are understandable. The truth: The school has a maintenance staff of five. And now, the unsung heroes who make up that staff are the subject of a podcast that's won the middle school top prize in NPR's Student Podcast Challenge.