Land acquisition for Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail another issue for Otter Tail County Commission.
Written By: Karen Tolkkinen
The Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail will run alongside this narrow section of Highway 34, requiring acres of fill. (Focus file photo)
Even as the state chugs ahead in expanding high-speed internet access, broadband remains a source of frustration in many rural areas.
At their March 9 meeting, Otter Tail County commissioners agreed to pay $30,000 for a two-year position to focus on expanding broadband access.
It’s through an organization called Lead for Minnesota, which seeks to supply leaders age 21 to 30 to help rural communities with a variety of issues. In this case, the issue is broadband access, with Land O’ Lakes sharing the cost to place four of these leaders, called fellows, throughout Minnesota.