Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), average interviews per 3 month period April 2007 â November 2020, n=2,673.
Base: Australians 14+ with owner occupied home loan.
New research from Roy Morgan shows an estimated 783,000 mortgage holders (20.0%) were at risk of ‘mortgage stress’ in the three months to November 2020. This period encompassed the end of Victoria’s long second lockdown but the last few months have taught us that border closures and short sharp lockdowns appear to be with us for some time to come.
This is unchanged on a year earlier in late 2019 although up from the record lows in the middle of last year when only 668,000 mortgage holders were considered ‘At Risk’ between July – September 2020. The low rate of ‘At Risk’ mortgages during 2020 came during the period of maximum support provided to the economy by the Federal Government as well as measures taken by banks and financial institutions to support borrowers by giving borrowers in financial distress mortgage ‘holidays’.