By John Underwood /
SILVERHILL, Alabama — About 60 residents turned out to honor Vietnam veterans during a special service held Monday, March 29 at the Silverhill Veterans Memorial.
The event, hosted by the Silverhill Veterans Memorial Organization, was held as part of National Vietnam War Veterans Day, created to honor veterans and their families who had served during the Vietnam War.
Created by the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act that was signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2017, March 29 commemorates the day in 1973 when the last of the U.S. combat units withdrew from South Vietnam.
“That was a little before my time so I was not around back then,” said Silverhill Mayor Jared Lyles. “But I just want to say on behalf of the city something that was not said nearly enough back then. Thank you. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your service.”