Orangeburg school in need of repair set to get makeover
VIDEO: Orangeburg school in need of repair set to get makeover
By Dawndy Mercer Plank | April 13, 2021 at 1:55 PM EDT - Updated April 13 at 2:53 PM
ORANGEBURG, S.C. (WIS) - An Orangeburg school is about to get a bit of a makeover thanks to a state organization that develops leaders.
Participants in this year’s class of Leadership South Carolina have chosen Robert E. Howard Middle School in Orangeburg, a school in serious need of repair.
Helping lead what is being called
Project Paint the Way is Sarah Gams. She’s in this year’s class of Leadership South Carolina. If she seems familiar to you, it’s because she’s also South Carolina’s 2021 Teacher of the Year. And Merry Glenne Piccolino is the assistant superintendent for Communications for the Orangeburg County School District.