In late January, Xiaomi unveiled its Mi Air Charge Technology that charges multiple devices simultaneously without the need for cables or a wireless charging stand. Now, OPPO has announced something similar with its Wireless Air Charging technology. Yes, we are heading towards a wire-less wireless charging future.
At MWC Shanghai, OPPO took the stage to showcase its OPPO X 2021 concept phone with OPPO’s new Wireless Air Charging technology. The said tech can deliver up to 7.5W of charging power with no cables or charging stands.
OPPO’s Wireless Air Charging technology uses magnetic resonance technology. It lets your device begin charging as soon as it is within 10 cm of its charging mat. The one upside of this tech is that you can use your device while it charges wirelessly at 7.5W. In contrast, Xiaomi’s Mi Air Charge technology works even when the phone is a few feet away. However, it is likely to take years to arrive in mass markets.